As per Xelee's request, I'm going to give some pointers on stuff I think is essential for a Rohan army at around 1,000 points. Keep in mind a few caveats that I'm going to state off the bat:
a) This is all based on my experience, and my gaming environment - henceforth referred to as my "metagame". I have NOT won a whole lot of games, but the ones I have won were using this playstyle.
b) The big heavies rarely make an appearance 'round these parts - I can count on one hand how many Mumaks, Balrogs and Dragons I've ever seen fielded. Similarly, the big spellcasters, Saruman and Gandalf, are almost never fielded. The likes of Gimli, Aragorn and Boromir are fairly common. Trolls and Ents are in abundance - I've NEVER seen a Great Eagle fielded. Ringwraith-spam isn't an issue - I've never had to deal with more than two at once (nearly always the same two, though).
c) We don't house-rule anything - everything is strictly RAW and FAQ. Proxying is kept to a minimum.
d) We play on a 5 1/2 by 8 foot board, with lots of terrain.
OK! With that outta the way... At 1K points, I like to fit in Eomer, Erkenbrand and Deorwine as Epics. That's 215 points on Epics - some might bristle at such a high amount, but it's one of the strengths of the army, and needs to be utilised. Going above 1K, I like to squeeze in Eowyn - her special rules mean that she can either do a surprising elimination on an enemy hero, or get her teeth knocked down her throat and send her brother rampaging through the enemy army. The latter is, of course, more likely, though once I got lucky against Lurtz when he was out of Might and took him down.
I'm not so high on using Theoden or Theodred in anything shy of REALLY big games (say 1750 and up). They're great, don't get me wrong - but they're a LOT of points spent on one dude in a very fragile army. Though, "Touched By Destiny" is nice (and sounds like the name of a "film" I have somewhere, hmmm...).
I always use one formation of Outriders... but mostly because I paid for them. Like, in terms of cash. They're fast, and can really shoot well into flanks with that 2+ shoot value. Most people don't have/don't like them though, and Riders Of Rohan can do basically the same thing, although they aren't as fast and don't shoot as well. In fact, harassing other units is what your Riders Of Rohan Eoreds do best, in my opinion. They are NOT heavy, shock cavalry. AT ALL. I'm serious. The fact that they're in plastic, and the films show them ripping off these glorious charges, makes it tempting to use them as such. Don't. Trust me on this. I've gotten rolled up like a 9-paper joint trying. Repeatedly. 2-4 formations, 3-4 companies max. No banners, and usually no captains. I like to give them a hornblower - mobility is your strength, and anything that tweaks your strengths is a good thing. Keep them cheap, and you can have multiple units of them. Three 3-company-strong units is only 270 points. They won't be survivable, but you don't need them to be. They won't be doing your heavy lifting. Their job is to distract/annoy/thin out the enemy ranks a touch. If you REALLY want to charge 'em in, go 7 companies, captain and banner. Drop the hornblower.
Royal Knights and/or Sons Or Eorl are the hitty guys.I say and/or, because whether or not you include both depends on how much infantry you want. I personally could care less about infantry, and try to include both. If you can only get one, get Royal Knights; they're cheaper. And see, since you have so many cheap Epics bouncing around, you don't really NEED to buy captains for them. Saves you points. I personally love my Sons Of Eorl, though. Fast, strong, good Defence, Stalwart and their "Horns Of The Eorlingas" rule? Yes please. They're damn near Elven-level expensive though, and a large, fully kitted out unit will be a huge chunk of your army, especially at 1K. They will definitely attract a lot of crossbow fire, and a lot of Nazgul magic.
Infantry... Well, I try not to use too much of it. Theme reasons, you understand. Oathsworn Militia and Bowmen ARE pretty decent for the price, though, and are good at screening, though, which is VERY handy. You have to try and protect your hitty units till the late stages to have a chance in combat. I've never used Royal Guard on foot, but they seem quite good. I keep meaning to bite the bullet and buy 3-4 companies of them to try them out. Ouch. MasterCard time.
Well... I hope some of this is helpful. I have to go pay attention to my wife now! Ciao...
_________________ "What's so civil about war, anyway?"