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PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:44 am 
Elven Warrior
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Location: Before the gates of another fortress, telling those maggots that they have to form ranks!
Maybe change supreme deduction for master of battle, like gothmog...
And maybe an extra rule that makes him able to see things with elven cloaks, rings etc ?

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:08 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Location: Before the gates of another fortress, telling those maggots that they have to form ranks!
The following prof. was easy to write because everyone of my class sais I'm one :rofl:

Nert pts: 15 (note that this profile is not cumulative with the 'yourself' profile)
F: 1-4* / 5+
S: A D2 Result -- A D4 result*
D: **
A: ** -- 2*
W: 1***
C: 5 -- 2*
M/W/F: 2****/0/0

A nurt is armed with big glasses and an enormous computer
He may exchange his computer for a large collection of books

Special Rules
The computer (repres. by a slotta-base):
D: 3
Bpts: 2
Electronic shock, everyone that tried to wound the pc, receives a shock of S5
The World Wide Web: When the nurt stands in contact with the PC, he may use it as the Palantir or as the mirror of Galadriel, but with unlimited access to it.

The Books (Throwing Weapons)
R: = A 2D6 cm's
S: 1
Easy to throw: Everyone can throw a book, even a nurt can do it quickly. To represent this, a nert may throw 5 books each turn.
His beloved books: A nert have to take a courage test before he can throw a book. If he fails, he may not throw that one

His World Falls In Pieces... *
When his computer is destroyed, pure hate drives the nert, use the * profiles now. He also counts as being 'Furied'.

His life is his computer: ***
If he's armed with a PC, a nert can't be slain until his computer is destroyed.
In addition, the nert may not move further away from it's PC as 14cm.

He's a nert! **
A nert with a PC can't charge and when he is so, he automatically loses the fight.
BUT it is to boring to just slay a nurt, the desire to taunt him and laugh him in the face! To represent this, every time an enemy wounds the nert he must pass a courage-tests, if he doesn't, he doesn't wounds the nurt, but just laugh him in da face.

WHo would listen to a nurt ? ****
A nurt doesn't has a 'Stand-Fast' rule and can't do any heroic actions.

The Wisdom of Books ****
The Wisdom of his books make sure that the nert may use one free might point each turn.

The nert may only move 10cm/4"

Except of trying to wound him, an enemy model may try to destroy the nurts glasses. He does on a 4+. From then on, a nurt may only move 6cm/2,5"

Any comments ?

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:40 pm 
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Haha raggbur well thought!

Lemme give it a try..

Link (from Legend of zelda) pts: 50

4 4 5 2 1 5 3/2/0

Bow, Sword

Special rules: The sword of the four 40pts. When equipped gives Link F6 and 2 Wounds
Blue chainmail 10pts: Increases his Defence to 7

He doesnt live in Middle Earth

May only be used in Hyrule (rules down..)

Game overs doesnt matter
As Link can get as many Gameovers as he wants he doesnt die. Rather when he loses his last wound he respawns at destigated point. (see below)

The battle for Hyrule (Scenario)

Links quest has begun! He has to save Hyrule!

Layout: This should be like a mini world map. With a city at one place, dense forest at another a mountain and a desert.

Place 8 hills on the board. These are the dungeons Link must reach. They should be placed more to the north and the middle of the board.

Forces. The good side has 400 points and a fully equipped Link
The evil side has 300 points.

Starting Postitions: Evil Player starts at the northern board edges.
Good player at the soutern.

Link has an own "respawn point" which should be poisitioned along the south corner. He starts there.

Objectives: Good side must reach all eight hills (represetnting Link`s dongeons... On each hill he must stand one turn without doing anything.

Evil side: Kill all the good models except for Link
Special rules:

Reinforcements! Every time the evil player loses a model he can roll a die in the next turn. If the number is higher then the models availible then cast a D3. So many models move back on the board from the northern edge. This represents ganons strong powers.

Every time Link dies he restarts on the southern edge.

This has never been tested.. i just wrote it like this..

Eru was the one who on Arda is called Ilúvatar

-The silmarillion by J.R.R Tolkien, first line-
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 Post subject: Re: Rules for random people!!
PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:34 am 
Elven Warrior
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ohh i got to start posting video game characters, Looks god Farmer 8)

"I will take it. I will take the Ring to Mordor...though I do not know the way."
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 Post subject: Re: Rules for random people!!
PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 9:15 am 
Elven Warrior
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Location: Before the gates of another fortress, telling those maggots that they have to form ranks!
@ FGoH: the profile is quite good, but I should change the way of reinforcements. Because when there are 7 died figs no one can enter play ever! And evil has to fight against more points and an immortal guy!
SO, I should the rule be like this: whenever a model dies, the evil player may throw a dice, on a 4+ he re-enters play the next turn... Named heroes don't return.

A new one:
ADOLF HITLER (evil, except when you're a neo-nazi) -- Pts: ?
F: 2/5+
S: 3
D: *
A: **
W: 1*
C: 7***
M/W/F: 3****/***/2
Nice Uniform, Moustage, Luger, Shouting Voice, Jew-Hate

Specail Rules
An unbreakable ego:
YOu can only slay Hitler by killing his hope for winning the war, so he's only slayable when the enemy force is broken ; when you strike against hitler, you must strke against his courage. He always passes courage tests to.
Counts as a throwing weapon with S6 and R: 56cm; when Hiter tries to fire on a model within less then 6cm of him, het automatiqly hits him
Musten ICH vechkten (or how do you write it?):
HItler doesn't fight, so he automatiqly loses it. In addiation he may try to stop his charging enemy with his shouting voice. So, when an enemy charges HItler he may roll a dice, on a 4+, the enemy doesn't charge Hitler and stays right out of his control-zone.
Mighty Hero
Stand Fast = 28cm
After every heroic action, the evil player rolls a dice, on a 4+ Hitler doesn't expand a might point.
All jews within 12cm of Hitler die directly
The SS
WIht Hitler You MUST field 2 squads of SS'ers (countings as SAS'ers with the EIN JOOD rule -only 6cm-)
Heil Hitler !!!
Every SS'er has the Bodyguard an Loyalty rule when he's in 28cm of Hitler, BUT when Hitler stands in their controle zone, they must raise their arms in a Nazi-salute... They can't do anything that turn.
Von Stauffenberg
The good player may chose a SS comander for being Von Staufenberg. He writers a physical sign on apiece of paper, so he can proofe he has choosen him. Ones in a game, the good player may let Von Stauffenberg blow himself up. Everyone within 14cm (incl. himself) is dead then.

Xtra's, comments and pt values are welcome

We must forgive our enemies...
But not before they are hanged

Last edited by Raggbur on Mon Aug 23, 2010 1:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Rules for random people!!
PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 10:55 am 
Elven Warrior
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Ezio Auditore (Assassins creed) 130 pts

5/4 4 5 3 2 5 3 2 3

Wargear: Sword, Armour, Hidden gun, Hidden blade

At an additional cost Ezio can be given:

Altaïr's armor 50 pts

Sword of Altaïr 40 pts

Special Rules
Altaïr's armor

Altaïr's armor was created with the knowledge of the apple of Eden. It is light but also unbreakable. If Ezio wears Altaïr's armor his defence is increased to 9.

Sword of Altaïr

The Sword of Altaïr was a sword created with the knowledge of the apple of Eden. It is a light but deadly sword, able to easily cut through armor. If Ezio wields the sword his Fight value is increased to 6 and his attacks are increased to 4.

Hidden Gun

The hidden gun counts as a bow with a range of 28 cm and a strength of 6. If he uses the Hidden gun he can´t move that turn.

Hidden blade

The iconic weapon of an assassin. The hidden blade can be used once per game. If Ezio moves into basecontact with an enemy hero and haven´t used the hidden blade yet he can kill the enemy hero instantly.

Free Running

Ezio passes all climb and Jumping tests as if he scored a 6 in the test.

"I will take it. I will take the Ring to Mordor...though I do not know the way."
—Frodo, at the Council of Elrond

Last edited by Queen Berúthiel on Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Rules for random people!!
PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:20 am 
Elven Warrior
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80 <=> 85 ?

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 Post subject: Re: Rules for random people!!
PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:40 pm 
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Raggbur wrote:
80 <=> 85 ?

He should be more epic IMO, 3 attacks at least.

The Master Chief:

F:9/2+ S:6 D:8 A:3 W:2 M:3 W:6 F:3

Wargear: an Assault rifle, shotgun, sniper, combat knife (counts as a hand weapon), and some very cool lines

Assault rifle: counts as a bow with no movement penalty, may fire 4 times and has a range of 24" and a strength of 6

Shotgun: counts as a throwing weapon with a range of 12" and a strength of 9, note that wounds caused by the shotgun cause 4 wounds instead of 1

Sniper: counts as a crossbow with a range of 72" and a strength of 10 note that wounds caused by the sniper cause 4 wounds instead of 1

Combat Knife: When Master Chief strikes blows, reduce the target's defence by 2.
Special Rules:

Spartan: The master chief, being a spartan, is excessively awesome and thus may use his shotgun as well as another gun as long as it is used as a throwing weapon. He also causes terror

Cool lines: Once per turn, the master chief may use a cool line. This will automatically boost all models' courage within 12" of him to 7. It will also lower all enemies' courage within him by -2. Only 3 cool lines may be used per game

Shields: The master chief must be wounded twice before you can deplete wounds from his profile. This regenerates every turn.

Hi-jacker: The master chief may hi-jack a mount if he wins combat against a mounted model but you must roll a D6, on a 2+ he has hi-jacked succesfully (this requires a 4+ against monstrous mounts.) He may also mount any good model automatically that has a strength of 6 or higher.

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
- Bertrand Russel
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 Post subject: Re: Rules for random people!!
PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:01 pm 
Elven Warrior
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I edited the Ezio profile whaddya think??

"I will take it. I will take the Ring to Mordor...though I do not know the way."
—Frodo, at the Council of Elrond
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 Post subject: Re: Rules for random people!!
PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:47 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Got any C&C about mine ?

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 Post subject: Re: Rules for random people!!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 5:33 am 
Elven Warrior
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Looks cool though i ain´t really a fan of making a profile for a person like Hitler but.......

"I will take it. I will take the Ring to Mordor...though I do not know the way."
—Frodo, at the Council of Elrond
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 Post subject: Re: Rules for random people!!
PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:43 am 
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Spuds4ever i like you master chief profile maybe add in a battle rifle as it is everyones favorite weapon in the game.

Jin Kazama

F:9/- S:6 D:7 A:4 W:3 C:5 M:3 W:6 F:3

Wargear:Jin kazama wears awsome flaming pants and is wielded with some demonic powers aswell as some crazy red lightning that comes out of his hand when ever he takes a punch, other than that he is unarmed.

Special rules:

The king of iron fist:
Jin Kazama is the king of iron fist tournament 6 as such he is the leader of the Mishima Ziabatsu. Twice per game Jin may call the tekken force for back up, roll a dice the amount you rolled is how many soldiers from the tekken force apear if you roll a 6 roll agian(you get 6 plus the amount you get when you roll agian). Jin kazama has a standfast of 12"/28cm.

Jin causes terror.

Jin Kazama is able to juggle his oppenents in the air and keep on punching them while there flying. when ever he wins a fight the opposing model counts as traped and Jin's strength gets increased to 10. The opposing model is also knocked over.

The Blood of the devil:
Whenever Jin Kazama loses a wound or if he doesnt kill anyone that turn he must take a courage test if he fails this test he turns into Devil Jin. You may use might and will to effect this roll.Devil Jin turns back into Jin kazama once the opposing force has been broken.(use the rules below for Devil jin)

Devil Jin:

F:9/2+ S:6 D:9 A:5 W:4 C:10 M:1 W:6 F:6

Devil Jin has the same wargear as Jin Kazama aswell as some Badass wings, claws and a third eye that shoots lazers.

Special rules:
Devil Jin has the same rules as Jin Kazama aswell as the following:

Lazer beam:
Devil Jins lazer beam counts as a crossbow with a range of 56" and a strength of 10 any model that gets wounded by the lazer beam dies instantly.

Badass Wings:
Devil jin counts as a flying creature and has a move distance of 12"/28cm.

Tekken Force

F:7/- S:4 D:7 A:2 W:2

Fists and a wide range of weapons that i cant be botherd making yet lol.

Those are my rules :)
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 Post subject: Re: Rules for random people!!
PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:41 pm 
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Yeah, I was thinking of putting a BR in there, perhaps he can exchange his AR for it.

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
- Bertrand Russel
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 Post subject: Re: Rules for random people!!
PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 10:39 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:27 pm
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add in a battle rifle as it is everyones favorite weapon in the game.

speak for yourself. assault rifle ftw!! :)

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 Post subject: Re: Rules for random people!!
PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 11:20 pm 
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speak for yourself. assault rifle ftw!!

Well thats nice to know that you like it. But everyone that is actually partly good at halo 3 seems to like the BR over the AR. But the Assault rifles in halo: reach look awsome and own up.. i will probly use them instead of the DMR.
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 Post subject: Re: Rules for random people!!
PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:36 am 

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yup, reach is going to be the best game ever!!!

oh, and for the BR, how about this:
battle rifle range 48" fires three shots with a strength of 6
spartan laser range 100" strength 10. target must be in line of sight. every model within the target line suffers a hit. hits take off all wounds, not just one.

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 Post subject: Re: Rules for random people!!
PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 3:56 am 
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spartan laser range 100" strength 10. target must be in line of sight. every model within the target line suffers a hit. hits take off all wounds, not just one.

Cool I like it maybe add in a recharge rate or something... like once you shoot it you have to wait a turn untill you can shoot it agian.
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 Post subject: Re: Rules for random people!!
PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:32 pm 
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ncea wrote:
spartan laser range 100" strength 10. target must be in line of sight. every model within the target line suffers a hit. hits take off all wounds, not just one.

Cool I like it maybe add in a recharge rate or something... like once you shoot it you have to wait a turn untill you can shoot it agian.

Yeah, or declare that you are charging it the turn before. Looks like I've sparked something here.

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
- Bertrand Russel
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 Post subject: Re: Rules for random people!!
PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:30 pm 

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Hopefully some of you will get this... :-D

F 10
S 10
D 10
A 10
W *
C 10
Killer Bunny
Is armed with sharp teeth, fangs, and a unusual squeak.

Killer Bunny may only be used in games with a suitable "lair".

"It goes for the throat!" The Killer Bunny strikes to kill, and as such always goes for the throat of the enemy. All throats have a Defence of 1.

"Look at the bones!" Once the Bunny goes into a killing rampage, its unstoppable. Any time the Bunny kills one enemy, all other enemy models within 6'' must take 10 automatic hits.

"I soiled my armour I was so scared!" The Killer Bunny counts as causing Terror, due to its blood covered pelt. Also, if Sir Robin is in the opposing force and is charged by the rodent, he immediately soils his armour. Obviously, you must remove him from play.

*"One weak point" The only way to kill the Foul Rodent is with the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. At the beginning of the Shoot phase, declare that you are going to use the Holy Grenade. One must count to 3, not 4 not 5. Roll three dice, if all three dice are threes you have successfully slain the Bunny. If not, you must "Run away!" ( Use your full move in the opposite direction of the Bunny)
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 Post subject: Re: Rules for random people!!
PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:55 pm 
Elven Warrior
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I like the prof. ! But (&nd I don't want to nitpick but...) all those 10's make it a bit more ... Maybe make it a bit more realistic ?

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