Rikin wrote:
Gulavhar and the eagles are flying monsters and therefore i assume
they circle above the battlefield. If they are behind formations at ground level
can archers see them over other formations. Same with trolls as the are nearly
twice the height of infantry monsters. Another quire is heroes with spirit grasp. it says that if a unit is blocking another you only get support shots.
so whats the story. it has caused a few arguments as i know alot of people who want to protect their flying monsters.
It boils down to this:
Unless a model or formation is either on or counts as Elevated Terrain, it can have LOS to it blocked by any model or formation. This is an abstraction that does not utilize “True LOS” or height levels from other systems. The assumption that flying monsters should always bee seen is a preconceived notion arising from experience playing other games and is transferred over to this one as being 'common sense'.
Now if your group decides to say "Hey, do you think we should alter LOS rules a bit to make it a bit more 'common sense' and say that flying monsters can always see and be seen (counting as always being on 'elevated terrain" ) unless another flying monster or elevated terrain blocks LOS to them since they are flying?" then there shouldn't be a problem because you have all made a house rule that everyone can abide by.
If you note the War Mumak of Harad has the special rule "Massive Monster" which denotes this status and is the exception to the rule because it explicitly states it.
But there is nothing that says flying monsters do count as being on or as elevated terrain as a general rule. Nor do I see any of the flying monsters state in their rules which portrays them to be as such as noted in the Mumak's example.
Do I think that flying mosters should count as being on or as elevated terrain as a general rule? I dont see why not, as it does make sense to me. But agreeing to use that is just a house rule, so keep that in mind when playing strangers and discuss such prior to the game.