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 Post subject: historical wargaming
PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:18 am 

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as many people on here enjoy the lotr miniatures and there games like myself i almost refer to lord of the rings as more of a historic game as the lord of the rings can be seen as an almost ancient mythic part of British history. Ive searched around for more historical miniatures and games and have found many miniatures and games Ive decided to pop up a couple and write a bit about them.


flames of war

flames of war is a ww2 historical game. unlike some others it is very thoroughly organized and very historic throughout the weaponry and composition of squads, platoons etc. it is divided into three periods early war, mid war and finally late war. currently there is no game for early war but there is rumors of a 2010 release. the game uses highly detailed 1/100th scale so are relatively small. infantry teams are based on 4 or 5 men to a base and tanks in platoons of 4 or 5. they are much smaller but are extremely fun to paint. there are infantry lists, mechanized lists and full tank armies

mid war
mid war is based from the year 1942 till 1943. it is based around fighting in the middle east between the British empire and its allies against the Germans and Italians and other axis forces . the source book is north Africa with multiple lists for each force. there are also other intelligence books covering specific forces throughout the mid-war period. the other is the eastern front between Russia and axis invaders and their respected allies.

late war
late war is focused in the last years of the war 1994-1945. its focused on the war in Europe and pushing the Germans back all the way to Berlin. as a note the eastern front book contains lists for both Russian and German forces in late war as well. it involves most allied and axis forces and is open to all the latest weapons and technology. it also paves the way for many paratroop forces and more veteran lists. there are many source-books also that detail many other force options.

the game is a lot more advanced and real life military tactics are appreciated in the game. it is also quite cheap for the amount of models available.

The British empire
the British empire have been fighting the axis forces from the day the Germans crossed the Rhine till the day the Germans surrendered. the British forces are well trained and are veterans in the game. it also allows you to field other forces under the commonwealth such as Australians, south Africa, new zealanders and the Indian army. there is a hell of alot of miniatures available to the British.

The Germans
the German army is the most advanced and well trained army in the entire war, they are backed from the mighty panther and the ferocious 88' . there allowed to field grenadiers, panzer grenadiers and tank forces fielded and full of the most deadly tanks the world has ever seen. forces range from the grenadier infantry forces to the deadly German paratroopers. the Germans have the most options and miniatures.

the Americans
the might of the Americans was unleashed in world war 2. the Americans give a fresh and wiseguy attitude to the allied forces with their mighty forces. familiar weapons such as the m1 garand and the Sherman tank are featured in the game. the do not vary much throughout mid and late war so are very adaptable and affordable.

the Russians
the Russian army is composed of conscripted fearless men protecting the motherland, forces consist of millions of infantry and dozens of tanks, from the t34 to their

other forces

other forces included are Italians, Romanians , Finnish and a couple of other smaller nations.

here are their link to their website and heres a couple of pictures of their miniatures.

this is just the first and i will list much more games and miniatures available other than games workshop
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 2:17 pm 
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Joined: Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:55 am
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I saw some of these in my local model plane shop (the only things in there related to miniatures were these and some scenery for model railways). Thanks for posting this mitch_rohan, I'm properly going to get some if I have some spare cash. 8)
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 Post subject: Flames of War
PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:12 pm 
Elven Elder
Elven Elder
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I run a group game of Flames of War at the local game shop every Sunday. I am the only member of our Group with any interest in LOTR. Wsih You were not so far away.

"the same as a duck you must be made of wood"
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