This is an other By the Book thread, which attempts to come up with profiles that more closely fit Tolkien's books. The intro thread is here:
Tolkien specified many different types of Elves, but for gaming purposes they can be divided into three main groups. This thread deals with Sylvan Elves.
These are Elves whose forefathers never went to Aman or saw the light of the Two Trees. These have lived in Middle Earth since the beginning. They tended to stay in wooded or forested regions and kept to themselves, using evasion and guerilla tactics to deal with invaders. They include the Wood Elves of Greenwood/Mirkwood and Lothlorien. Their martial prowess comes more from their bows than their sword play.
F.. S D A W C M W F Pts
2/3+ 3 3 1 1 4 - - - 7 points
Their profile includes a short elf bow (as Dwarf bow), but they are otherwise considered to be unarmed. They may trade their bow for a hand weapon at no extra cost. They wear no armour.
Other equipment:
Upgrade short bow to elf bow, hand weapon, Wood Elf spear...1 point
Throwing daggers, elf bow...2 points
Special rules:
Woodcraft: move through difficult woodland terrain with no penalty
Stealth: Sylvan elves are as if wearing an elf cloak when in, or at least partially obscured by, wooded terrain or foliage.
Unerring shot: a Sylvan Elf is able to ignore one "in-the-way" roll when shooting with a bow. This includes shooting into combat, if the enemy model is at least partly visible and there are no other "in-the-way" rolls to be made between the shooter and the target.