SgtWilson wrote:
Just wondering about this.
I am an old gamer at 49 (almost 50)
Am I too old to be playing with miniatures and toy soldiers! ??
Should I seek advice from my psychiastrist?
Hmm, I forgot, he's the president of our club!
Really though, how old are we all ? As mentioned, I am well into my 40s

Thank you for starting this thread; I'm really enjoying it - for a couple of reasons...
I'm 45 (
How the heck did that happen?) and I often ask myself the same question. Is it ridiculous for a guy my age to be playing with little toy soldiers? Sometimes it feels like a secret shame - when I reflect on my how my corporate colleagues spend their free time.
On the other hand, I truly enjoy it and that's just who I am. I tried golf (time consuming AND frustrating) and I'm not into cars or motorcycles or ski boats. I have small kids, which means I no long can spend long weekends away camping or with historical reenactments (dress up for adults!) and so this hobby fits my stay-at-home lifestyle at the moment.
I'm lucky in that I have a world-class LGS in my area with a big circle of adult gamers, some older than me, with a diverse array of gaming interests.
The other thing I'm liking in this thread is the number of younger teenagers speaking up. I got into this hobby stuff at 13 and worked (off the books) at an LGS in the late 70's watching the register and painting miniatures, for which I had some ability. Ironically, the first models I painted on commission were the old Heritage-LotR figs from the Ralph Bakshi LotR movie. (shudder) And though I wandered away from all things gaming through my college (chicks and beer) and early professional years (climb the corporate ladder), I came back to it 9 years ago through an old school mate who never left it. He asked me to paint some of his WFB figs and the long dormant embers caught fire.
If some had told me at 14 I'd be doing this at 45...