Little_Odo wrote:
If starting from scratch however, then Lord Hurin's suggestions make sense. I will be redoing my Rohan soon; to differentiate units I am going to paint their cloaks slightly different shades of green. What may have been better though would have been to give each unit a particular shield design, but I have already glued them up in a random manner and undercoated several - oh well!
I'm giving all of my Erkenbrand's Riders the same style shield he has (the twin horse-heads facing outwards) and painting them red. Even if I use the Epic Hero version of Erky, it'll be nice to have him leading a unified force.
As for your basing idea, not my cup of tea personally since I like to have a uniform basing style over the entire army. Others may run with it though, and I hope to see pics from any who do!