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 Post subject: How converted must a model be?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:15 am 
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I'm thinking of building an Arnor force - only problem is, I hate the warrior models - ALOT (not my cup of tea).

I was thinking about using Warriors of Numenor for them as they fit my conception much better. I was just wondering how much of a conversion would be necessary to make them tourney legal? Does this require a different paintjob also? Is it even possible for them to count as Warriors of Arnor?
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 5:52 am 
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It would depend on who is running the tournament. The best idea might be to contact the organisers and ask them.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 7:04 am 
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Farmer Maggot wrote:
It would depend on who is running the tournament. The best idea might be to contact the organisers and ask them.

I don't live in an area that has tourneys - but might be moving to one soon, so I'm just wondeirng about GW tourneys in general.
I dunno much about WYSIWYG or if it has anything to do with this sort of thing...
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:25 am 

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You are allowed to do this. You can use the 'count as' rule as per the GT rulespack (download it and have a read) but in your case if you use any Numenorians then all must be used as Arnor and only Numenorians used as Arnor, you can't mix models to represent one troop type. They must also be WYSIWYG so you should convert them all with spears. An unusual/different paint job (green?) would also be a good idea so your opponant doesn't get confused.

For a converion idea, cut off the sword. drill a tiny hole in the handle and glue to a piece of wire to make the spear. Drill hole in hand to take the spear. Simple, quick and effective but fragile.

In any case, you do need to contact the organisers and tell them.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:47 am 
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hithero wrote:
You are allowed to do this. You can use the 'count as' rule as per the GT rulespack (download it and have a read) but in your case if you use any Numenorians then all must be used as Arnor and only Numenorians used as Arnor, you can't mix models to represent one troop type. They must also be WYSIWYG so you should convert them all with spears. An unusual/different paint job (green?) would also be a good idea so your opponant doesn't get confused.

For a converion idea, cut off the sword. drill a tiny hole in the handle and glue to a piece of wire to make the spear. Drill hole in hand to take the spear. Simple, quick and effective but fragile.

In any case, you do need to contact the organisers and tell them.

Thanks :)
I wouldn't dream of mixing and matching them - that would probably even confuse me, lol.

I was planning on buying Numenoreans with spears - and also converting the ones with swords that I already have. I really don't like the green of the current Arnor models (or the turbans...) so I would probably paint them with blues, to hearken back to their seafaring days, and blacks (maybe navy blue capes, etc.) Haven't thought out that aspect thoroughly, I wanted to find out if it was even possible first. If that's not enough to differentiate them I've been thinking of ways to add greenstuff chainmail to them.

I'll try and find some more detailed GT rules.

Thanks again :-D
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:44 am 

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No need to add armour, they are already covered head to foot in it! and already have all the requirements to be classed as heavy armour. Personally I love the Arnor models which is why I ebay'd an army of them :)
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:57 pm 
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So can I buy Forest Goblin Spider Riders and use them as Giant Spider Brood in a GW wotr tournament do any of you know ?

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:40 pm 

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I don't think so. Well at GW run events any way. I remember reading something about the LotR models used have to be like 75% a LotR model, and any other parts used can not be easilly recognizable. Or something to that affect. Some one else can probably give the exact wording.

As for local stuff with friends etc., anything not GW sponsered it'd be up to who ever you play against.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 6:15 pm 

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Take the goblin of then yes you can use them as giant spiders. You can use 100% WH models if you wish.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 6:51 pm 
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hithero wrote:
Take the goblin of then yes you can use them as giant spiders. You can use 100% WH models if you wish.
sweet That is what i was going to do thanks

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 4:18 pm 
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CreatureFear wrote:
Farmer Maggot wrote:
It would depend on who is running the tournament. The best idea might be to contact the organisers and ask them.

I don't live in an area that has tourneys - but might be moving to one soon, so I'm just wondeirng about GW tourneys in general.
I dunno much about WYSIWYG or if it has anything to do with this sort of thing...

You probably wouldn't be able to just take Numenorians and say that they count as warriors of Arnor. You could probably get away with it if you painted them in a green theme and perhaps altered the shield and cut off the "fins" on the helmet.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:39 pm 
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Now that the question of official GW tourneys and such is settled...

For me, on a friendly level, I like to see that my opponent has put some effort in. If someone says that all their Dwarves with 2-handed axes are Khazad Guard and makes no effort to convert them (and in this particular instance it's a simple one!) then it may not fly. I certainly wouldn't put an Uruk-hai with my Goblins and say he "counts as" a Balrog because I don't want to buy and paint the actual model.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:21 pm 
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I certainly wouldn't put an Uruk-hai with my Goblins and say he "counts as" a Balrog because I don't want to buy and paint the actual model.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

now thats just cheating :P

the base will be to small.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 5:02 pm 
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Everything as a limit :rofl:

My friend once told me that he is not going to tell me which of his wood elves are carrying throwing daggers cause they are hidden...

I fraughted...and said well then I woun´t tell ya how many Will, Might and Fates are left on my Nazgyl, then he got the point :rofl:

As long as the opponnent can make the difference then its Okey... :rofl:

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