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 Post subject: Will there ever be a WotR FAQ?
PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 9:13 pm 
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1. Will Games Workshop ever release a WotR FAQ? I've heard the rumors of it "only needing to be translated!" and that it would be out by the end of 2009, etc. etc... but after 3 quarters since the main rulebook's release, I think this is a fair question. Especially since it took GW all of a week to get a Space Hulk FAQ out.

2. For bonus points and to generate discussion - is a WotR FAQ even relevant or needed at this point?

I don't have any insight on the first half of the question since I don't work for GW or have any friends in high places.

As to the second question, I would answer that a FAQ is needed to address some of the major questions that have been generated by the community. I've eagerly been awaiting one. It's much easier for everyone to be on the same page, created by the designer of the game, rather than rely on house rules. As for the US specifically, I hate to say that it seems interest in WotR has already faded due to some of these rules issues, tournament scheduling, cynical price hikes, etc. Perhaps this makes a FAQ irrelevant to GW? I'd hate to think so.

I also find Matt Ward's statements on the WotR rules interesting - Something to the effect of, "I did my job, let the players sort out the rules issues." To some extent, I agree with you - miniatures games have a certain looseness in the way they work (measuring for movement, many interacting special rules, die rolls), and players should be prepared to resolve some things on their own. However with WotR, there seem to be some real problems with the core of the system that a FAQ would go a long way to address.

I guess I'm now thinking of some other related questions for the community here at One Ring:

Are the rules issues, perceived or real, lowering the number of people playing the game? Would an official WotR FAQ help increase the size of the player community?

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:17 am 

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In order to answer any of your questions,first let me ask you this question:

"How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?"

Now when any of you can put a definate answer to that question,then we will all know when we are getting a FAQ.

I 100% agree with you on the first statement. I my self thought that it was rather S#!tty of GW to put the game out and then drop the space hulk bomb,only to turn around and 1 week later give a FAQ for the game.

This is what makes thoughts of the bad nature creep into my head. As in this was another rules release just to milk the license for the last little bit of money it can get before it expires and both games get relegated to the specialist games portion of the website.

The problem that I have (along with most of us) is the fact that GW is not really "Public Friendly" and you never really have too much of a clue as to what they are going to do next.

Is lack of the FAQ affecting player base or sales??
I don't know.I would fathom that it is more than that. Most people are entrenched in one or more games already. The fact that Wotr encourages the use of lot's of minis,is a really a daunting prospect to some people.

My elf army is only a 1000 pts. and already has 54 figures, so as you can see a gondor army would probably contain twice that. Most people do not want to make that kind of huge investment in figures.

another thing that "I" feel is this: SBG and WOTR both kind of suffer from the "Historical wargaming" look and feel. In a weird "oxymoron" kind of way. let's face it,the story has already been written and we all know the outcome,so some folks have the tendency to rationalize not playing the game and investing their few dollars into a open ended system.

In closing: I do like the games the company produces. WOTR is my first full venture into the GW way of life and I did not make this decision with out alot of soul searching.
You have to admit these guys are the masters of "EYE CANDY" just look at any white dwarf magazine and you will put it down and start thinking about playing tyranids or skaven,and you don't even play warhammer or 40k,but after looking at those pages you damn sure start thinking of a way to afford it.
I guess we will just have to wait and see,and cross our fingers for a FAQ in 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:21 am 
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7Thunders wrote:
"How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?"

Twice as many licks as it takes to get half way there...

Yes, WotR needs a FAQ. There are numerous questions on this site and others that suggest the rules are either ambiguous, incomplete or contradictory.

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