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 Post subject: Anyone from around Nottingham, UK
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 10:33 am 

Joined: Sat Sep 26, 2009 8:27 pm
Posts: 1
Location: Nottingham, England
I went in to the Nottingham's GW the other day and asked about playing WOTR but it seems nobody plays it yet in the store. I couldn't believe it so I thought I'd post something here and keep my fingers crossed.

Im completely new to the game but would love to have some people to play against in the area at least! Especially since we have Warhammer World here too. :roll:
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:55 pm 

Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:01 am
Posts: 12
Location: Mansfield
A lot of players (myself included) never go into GW stores because we play elsewhere at clubs and buy figures at a discount on-line. In addition, there are apparently very few staff in GW shops who have a real knowledge of their "3rd system". 40k and fantasy fill most of the shelves ! I have never, and wouldn't want to, play in a store.

WOTR is intended to get a new audience involved in LOTR but most of the players I know love the Strategy Battle Game and will play the original in preference. WOTR has many good points, a single rulebook, and will work for very large games, but its inferior in being interesting to LOTR fans (in my opinion). Too much generic-fantasy spell casting etc. It also has loads of rules holes which are yet to be sorted by any FAQ from GW.

Anyway, any games I play in the next few months will be SBG. This is simply because the GT (Grand Tournament) takes place in January and I play so few LOTR games during the year (being a boardgame fanatic) that I have to focus on that alone.

I'm sorry if so far this has seemed very negative. I now have some advice. Contact the GCN clubs listed in White Dwarf in the area. I know 1st Company Vets have their Club nights at WHW (but do expect a strong focus on 40K/Fantasy). Clubs often have members happy to help newbies but you need to be positive and introduce yourself etc.

I go to COGS at Chesterfield (because I have good friends there and they play boardgames) but the interest is in SBG.
Maelstrom Games Hobby centre is expanding in Mansfield and next year will have even more tables for use in their gaming hall, will probably be the base of at least one club, and hopefully a great place to meet new players.

I hope this helps. Dont give up hope. (and if you like LOTR try to get involved in SBG ! - you need far fewer figures!!!!)

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