zilegil wrote:
It said that a kull can take on ten men, so I think cave troll would be fine.
but he had his staff or his scimitar before he had brisingr so I think it should be an upgrade.
Murtagh actually says, "it
can take
five men to kill one"
And Eragon actually has several swords, but I don't remember any scimitars. First he has Zar'Roc, then a falchion, then Brisingr.
Roran strong-hammer
fight 4/4+ strength 4 Defence 3 attack 3 wounds 2 courage 7 pts 75
might 3 will 2 fate 2
Warhammer. [hand weapon]
horse 10pts
Snow-Fire [moves 28cms/12"] 15pts
armour 1pt
shield 1pt
bow 1pt
Love Of Catrina:
When Roran is within 7cm of catrina, Roran gets 1 more courage
Good, but I think with his special rule instead of 1 more courage, he should not have to take courage tests at all.
Lady Naseuda night-stalker.
fight 5 strength 4 defence 6 attack 3 wounds 3 courage 7
sword, heavy armour and shield.
armoured horse 15pts
Queen Of The Varden:
Her "stand fast" is 24cm/10".
Lady Night-Stalker:
Every night-halk that is within 7cms of Naseuda counts as in range of a banner.
I like her special rules, but her profile is a little overpowered. It should be more like this, in my opinion:
Fight 4 strength 3 defence 5 attacks 2 wounds 2 courage 6
After all, her main role is not a fighter but a leader.
Murtagh's profile is good as well.
I've got one more idea, for some Dwarf profiles:
Hrothgar, King of the Dwarves:
Fight 7/- Strength 5 defense 8 attacks 2 wounds 3 courage 7 might 3 will 2 fate 1
Wargear: Volund, hammer of the dwarves and heavy dwarf armor
Special rules:
Volund, hammer of the dwarves: Hrothgar does not suffer a -1 penalty when using Volund as a two-handed weapon.
Fight 6/- strength 5 defense 6 attacks 2 wounds 2 courage 6 might 2 will 2 fate 2
Wargear: Hand axe (counts as hand weapon) and dwarf armor.
Special rules:
Dwarf warrior:
Fight 4/- strength 4 defense 4 attacks 1 wounds 1 courage 4 points ?
Wargear: Hand axe and sword (Count as hand weapons) and light dwarf armor
Two-handed weapon ?
Shield ?
Heavy armor ?
And, for Durza:
Fight 7/- Strength 5 defense 6 attacks 3 wounds 3 courage 7 might 3 will 3 fate 3 points ?
Wargear: Longsword (Counts as hand weapon) and armor
Shield ?
Special rules:
Shade: On a roll of 6 when rolling to wound durza, roll again. If the roll is again 6 durza has been stabbed through the heart and dies automatically, regardless of how many wounds he has left.
And some others, haven't come up with them yet.
I hope I've been of some help so far, I really like this idea of Eragon hous rules.