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 Post subject: WOTR FAQ from TLA
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:18 pm 

Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:01 am
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I posted the following some tine ago on TLA, As the site is currently out of Action, I'll re post it here. It was sent to GW following a request for some feedback and I hope the answers are covered in the "future GW official FAQ" which we all await. :yay:

[h2]Companies and Formations[/h2]

Formations in contact (pg 26)

Q – This tells you to separate formations by an inch if they accidently make contact. Throughout the rules there is no minimum gap?

My suggested answer: ignore the inch mentioned and just separate formations slightly.

Dice and Measuring

Q – Is rolling a 1 an automatic fail?

My suggested answer: No. I don’t see any mention of this.

Q – Rolling a D3 (pg 27 & 65) Can you use Might to directly modify the result of a D3 or must you modify the D6 score which converts to the D3 result?

My suggested answer: Modify the D3 to a maximum result of 3.


Attacks (pg 29)

Q - Galadhrim Knight Regiment (pg 122) has 4 attacks per company. Does it lose 2 attacks per casualty as this contradicts with pg 29. Similarly the Three Hunters have 6 attacks

My suggested answer: Yes, -2 attacks per casualty as this makes sense

Q – If the Fellowship of the Ring loses all but one non-hobbit figure then it will still have 5 attacks (ie 10 Attacks – 5 for casualties) as the four hobbits count as a single casualty, thus -1 attack. Should the 4 hobbits count as one casualty but – 4 attacks ?

My suggested answer: Yes

The Move Phase

Moving the Formations (pg 32)

Q – The section has provoked huge debate. Players understand that they can simply pick up and relocate each company but dispute how the extent of movement is measured
- when turning 180
- how a corner must not move more than the move distance from its start position.

My suggested answer: each corner is treated as a separate figure that remains in the same relative position within the company. Each ‘Figure’ has a move rate and cannot move further than this move rate when repositioning the company. The distance from the corner’s start position to its individual end position must be a legal move taking into account terrain, other units, impassable terrain etc.

I’ve tried to explain this in the attached diagram:


Q – When falling back, one company turns towards the nearest board edge. Does the formation finish facing that board edge (pg 35)

My suggested answer: Yes

Q – Does the falling back company have to be in the front rank when other companies of the formation move into contact with it (pg 35)

My suggested answer: No. Any legal formation is acceptable

Q – What are the fallback bonuses mentioned in the Max Fall back column of the table (pg 35)

My suggested answer: there are none.

Q – Can a hero/epic hero in a disordered formation do the following BEFORE testing courage (pg 35):
Use magic, leave the formation, use/declare epic actions

My suggested answer: Yes. The phrase “at the start of the move” or similar has been used a lot in the rules without defining which takes precedence. Therefore, the simplest solution is to let the current player make the choice.

Q – Can a hero/epic hero in a disordered formation do the following AFTER testing courage and failing (pg 35):
Use magic, leave the formation, use/declare epic actions

My suggested answer: Yes. The leaders mentioned in the rules are the non-hero captains etc.

Q – Can a hero/epic hero carry out any action after the formation has redressed the ranks/moved the command company to the front (pg 40 & 60), such as cast a spell.

My suggested answer: Yes. Heroes can take actions after the movement has finished.

The Shoot Phase

Q – If a company is in the side or rear arc of an enemy and shoots, does it avoid any shields

My suggested answer: Yes.

Q – If a company is driven back by shooting (pg 41) [or forced to retreat due to magic], but is in defensive terrain, must it leave the defensive terrain.

My suggested answer: No. In defensive terrain, a formation is spread out and is taking the advantage of cover. The unit would stay where it feels safe. On a practical note, this makes the rules very straight-forward.

Q – Can artillery be driven back?

My suggested answer: No. The formation would be removed immediately just for losing one company. Artillery should be immune to being driven back., ie all artillery is stalwart

Q – If a supporting fire company is at long range, does it use str - 1

My suggested answer: Yes. Each company assesses range individually.
However, long range (str -1) makes a difference against only 50% of defence values. It’s fiddly to remember and you could drop the idea of long range altogether.

Q – Does long range affect thrown weapons which state “always use the strength of the company”

My suggested answer: Yes, the thrown weapon strength is still modified for range

Q – Artillery has no penalty for long range but does it have long & short ranges when firing at the Shadowlord.

My suggested answer: Yes, artillery firing at over half range is “long” so cannot fire at the shadowlord at over half range.

Q – Can units on a hill block the line of sight of units on the same hill.

My suggested answer: Yes

Fight Phase

Charge bonus (pg 47 & 51)

Q - A company gets a charge bonus for its formation charging even if it is subsequently charged by another unit. However, can that bonus only be used against the formation(s) that it, itself, charged?

Eg G.Cavalry X charges E.Infantry Z. E.Cavalry Y charges G.Cavalry X in the rear. Companies in G.Cavalry X get a charge bonus of 6 dice vs E.Infantry. If a company of G.Cavalry fights/chooses to fight the E.Cavalry, do they get +6 dice, +2 dice, or +0 dice bonus for charging.

My suggested answer: Companies only get charge bonus dice against enemy that they actually charge. If they attack a company that they did not charge they cannot claim bonus dice. Therefore +0 dice

Q – In the above example, if E.Cavalry Y charged the front of G.Cavarly X, do the latter now get bonus dice as the enemy are in front of them.

My suggested answer: No. The momentum has been stopped when G.Cavalry X contacted E.Infantry Z. Therefore +0 dice. This ensures priority and charge order is critical, as it is throughout WOTR

Q – If you lose a fight but the enemy is actually wiped out, do you still take a panic test.

My suggested answer: Yes – you lost so will probably be disordered

Q - If a depleted company of a formation is charged, do you fill up the company with models from elsewhere in the formation that are not fighting or does it fight understrength?

My suggested answer: As it is, ie understrength

Defensible terrain

Q – when exiting, every company must be within 6”. Is this the whole of each company or is it to the nearest point of each company? (pg 53, point 2)

My suggested answer: Nearest point

Q – Does defensible terrain stop ALL charge effects, ie Charge bonus dice, Unstoppable charge, Epic charge? (pg 55, point 4)

My suggested answer: No, not all. It stops extra dice, so it prevents Charge bonus/unsotppable , but Epic charge affects fight so is permitted (even though this could result in extra dice)

Q – Must thrown weapons measure range to the centre of a defensible feature? This may mean that they are often out of range.(pg 54)

My suggested answer: Yes. That is what is stated

Q – Do non-shooting effects measure to the centre of the occupied defensible terrain feature or the nearest edge. Eg if a defensible wood is enemy occupied when your company rolls to double, do you suffer -1 if you are within 6” of the edge or only if you are within 6” of the centre. (pg 52)

My suggested answer: 6” of the edge. All the wood is treated as an enemy unit.

Command companies

Army Banner

Q – Are the Rohan Royal Standard or Halbarads banner of the king Army banners as mentioned (pg 60).

My suggested answer: No, this is not mentioned in their statistics. They can be made so using the appropriate fortune

Q – Is the 12” range of an army banner measured at the start of the move before either unit has moved?

My suggested answer: Yes.

Special Rules

Artillery (pg 61)

Q – Do Siege engines with their own table (replacing the one on pg 61) still use the modifiers for long range, target size, etc.

My suggested answer: Yes.

Q – Can artillery be deployed in defensible terrain?

My suggested answer: Yes. I don’t thing there is anything to say they can’t

Q – how does a company’s shoot value affect its artillery fire?

My suggested answer: It doesn’t


Q – When charged by a terrifying formation and a formation fails its test (going to fight 0), does it affect any heroes/epic heroes in the formation ?

My suggested answer: Yes. They are part of the formation and probably contribute a higher courage

Q – If a company contains an epic hero with terror and that company is charged, does the charging formation take a terror test?

My suggested answer: Yes, because they are still charging a terrifying hero (which is part of the company)

Q – If a company contains an epic hero with terror and the formation it is in is charged, but not company itself, does the charging formation take a terror test?

My suggested answer: In theory No, but if other companies of the enemy formation would then make contact with the terrifying hero’s company then surely there should be a test made. Heroic duels might also move the hero to the front, centre etc.

I suggest that an epic hero with Terror does transfer this ability to the WHOLE formation he is with (an exception to the rule on page 69). This makes things much simpler.


Q – As heroes are assumed to have the same wargear as their formation, does the hero’s fight value increase in a pike unit and decrease with 2-handed weapons and so will affect how many dice can be used when the formation attacks?

My suggested answer: Yes. I think this could be easily forgotten.

Q – Is the following the correct way to resolve Heroic declarations?
1 Before each phase, players declare their intention to use at least 1pt of might
2 If both players declare might use, roll for first choice
3 Alternate picking heroes, declaring type of action each time (min 1 per player)
4 Adjust the might of the heroes
5 Resolve strictly in order (eg a heroic duel can fail if an earlier heroic combat separates the units, or a heroic duel could kill the enemy hero preventing their action
6 Normal priority

Q – Does a player who has to fight a heroic duel (following his own declaration of an Epic Challenge) prioritise it with the other declared heroics (even though a might point is not required?

My suggested answer: Yes.

Q – Do any casualties from a heroic duel count when determining who wins the subsequent combat?

My suggested answer: Yes.

Epic Heroes

Q – Why do epic heroes have the special rules: bane, pathfinder, spirit grasp, spirit walk (and terror) if they never transfer to the formation they are with and have no value in heroic duels?

My suggested answer: I believe terror should transfer to the FORMATION. I guess we just have to ignore the other abilities as pointless unless the rule on pg 69 is wrong

Q – Does Epic Strike affect the heroes fight for both duels and the fight itself?

My suggested answer: Yes

Q – If an epic hero has fight 0 due to terror, blinding light, etc. Does Epic Strike return the Fight to 10?

My suggested answer: Yes, if it is used AFTER the effect that reduces the fight value to 0.

Q – If a company has fight 0 due to terror, blinding light, etc. but an Epic hero in the company has fight 10 from Epic Strike, can the formation use fight 10 when it attacks (but not defends)?

My suggested answer: Yes.

Q – Can Epic heroes swop formations after the unit has moved, but before a double move (which is a new move)?

My suggested answer: No


Q – The target of a spell must be in RANGE, arc of sight & be visible to the Hero’s COMPANY (pg 70). However, spells state the range as from the caster; and range is from the specific caster for the fellowship of the Ring (Gandalf) or the council of Wizardry?

My suggested answer: From the specific figure, although I reckon from the company base would be simpler.

Q – Does aura of blinding light on your own unit give -1 to the fight value of an enemy only when it attacks you (rolls for hits on you) or does it also count when you attack the enemy? (pg 72)

My suggested answer: just when the enemy strikes you (although it could equally be both ways)

Q – If a non-spirit formation contains a ringwraith, does the ringwraith suffer D3 hits from spirit of the valar? (pg 72)

My suggested answer: Yes. And, if there are two ringwraiths (Epics) then both would suffer D3 hits. However, a formation of spirits such as ‘The Nine are abroad’ only suffer D3 hits. Otherwise the spell would be far too devastating !

Q – Counterspells (pg 71) The example of obvious counters uses Sunder spirit and instil valour. If one gives -3 and the other +1 they do not obviously cancel (the net effect would be -2). However, these spells are listed as mutual counterspells so should cancel fully no matter what the roll. This is a really bad example. If they were not specified counterspells to each other, would the net effect be -2 as I suggest above? (pg 72)

My suggested answer: Yes

Q – Does Tremor affect the caster’s own formation if cast by an Epic in the formation/company? (pg 72)

My suggested answer: Yes, as written. However I don’t think it should affect a single figure/monster casting the same spell.

Forging Your Army

Choose a Leader

Q – Can your main leader be chosen from an allied Force?

My suggested answer: No. You chose Faction, then leader from that faction, then the rest of your army (including any allies) as is clear from the sequence in the rules. This means that your leader must be from the largest faction.

The Decree of Allies

Q – In a 1000pt game, an opponent can spend up to 250pts of the 1000pts on allies. If he spends 745 pts can he still spend 250pts on allies as they will be more than 25% of the total points used?

My suggested answer: OF COURSE. It is the game max army pts that determines the allies limit, NOT how many are actually spent (THIS WAS NOT MY QUESTION but I’ve added it because it was asked – ashamed as I am!)

Q – (pg 103) Both Boromir and Lurtz have the Mighty Blow special rule, but the effects are different. Boromir’s rule only appears to be of use in a duel. Should this be the same rule as Lurtz’s?

My suggested answer: Yes

Q - Warriors of the Dead are 60pts on pgs 99 & 208 but 30pts on page 101, is this correct?

My suggested answer: Can live with this either way, but would be nice to know

Q – (pg 124) Glorfindel has move 8” when surely this should be 12”.

My suggested answer: 12”

Q – (pg 124) Glorfindel (& cloud of bats pg 183) moves & charges as a flying monster. Does it get the Charge bonus of a flying monster in a fight?

My suggested answer: No. That is the fight phase. Moving/charging as a flying just allows him to jump formations & terrain.

Q – (pg 124) Can Glorfindel move into defensible terrain as he moves like a flying monster?

My suggested answer: Yes, provided he does not fly into it. He is a monster, but “can fly”

Q – (pg 124) Does Glorfindel’s glaive give him +1 fight in a duel?

My suggested answer: Yes – it is his wargear, not the companies – which is excluded on page 69.

Q – (pg 136) Murins Guard lock shield increases defence from 6(8) to 8(10). Shouldn’t this have been 6(10)?

My suggested answer: Can live with this but I thought shields only worked to the front

Q – (pg 138) Epic Rampage. When re-rolling hits do you (a) only re-roll (and keep re-rolling) the succesful dice or do you (b) keep rolling all of the companies Attack dice even if only 1 hits?

My suggested answer: (a). Answer b would mean that a single company would probably wipe out entire formations. Far too powerful

Q – (pg 142) Shouldn’t hobbits have shortbows, not bows ?

My suggested answer: Can live with this but seems odd

Q – (pg 145) Can Tom & Goldberry start the game in defensible terrain ?

My suggested answer: No

Q – (pg 156) Does the troll drummer increase its own movement by 1” ?

My suggested answer: No

Q – (pg 159) Move it you slugs – if the first roll fails, can you make the second attempt ?

My suggested answer: Yes

Q – (pg 161) Does the Undying increase the Mastery Level of the Nine are abroad ?

My suggested answer: No

Q – (pg 163) Witch king – Does “somewhere behind it” mean somewhere in its rear arc?

My suggested answer: Yes

Q – (pg 176) Must Ugluk use “Forward you maggots” when a terror test is failed ?

My suggested answer: Yes. It does not say – “you choose” like the rule Take aim below it

Q – (pg 178) Can Grima (and Gollum pg 165) swop formations ?

My suggested answer: Yes

Q – (pg 186 & others) When a natural 6 is rolled, does the immediate bonus roll benefit from any wounds caused by the first 6 (which would also be modified by any existing wounds) ?

My suggested answer: Yes

Q – (pg 186 & others) When a natural 6 is rolled, and the immediate bonus roll is also a 6, do you roll a further extra die, etc (continuing until a natural 6 is not rolled) ?

My suggested answer: Yes, I don’t see why not, although it could be devastating

Q – (pg 198) War Mumak of Harad.- How do you determine random direction for a stampede?

My suggested answer: Divide the directions into 6, defining direction = 1, 2, etc and roll 1 d6

Q – (pg 200) Perilous Hubris – can Suladan declare a heroic duel as instructed if he has no might left?

My suggested answer: No

Q – (pg 210) Chill Miasma – Is a hero’s/Epic hero’s fight reduced to 2 for both the fight and any duel?

My suggested answer: Yes. They are part of the formation
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:14 am 

Joined: Sun Aug 24, 2008 3:53 pm
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A very long FAQ.
Only one very important remark about the Epic heroes special rules.

Only the company that the epic hero joined gets the special rules like spirit grasp/walk terror etc of that Hero. not other companies in that formation unless explicity stated otherwise.(like celeborn rule)
So the special epic hero rules would net be pointless like you said.

Mea govannon.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:54 am 
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Thanks Bugsplat. Hopefully, the FAQ will get answered by those in Nottingham - if you get a reply, be sure to post it here and I'll give it a link in the menus.

Oh, and send me a link to the image and I'll see if I cn figure out why ot won't display in your post.

(ps, have a gold coin for your helpfulness).

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:55 pm 

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Q – (pg 186 & others) When a natural 6 is rolled, does the immediate bonus roll benefit from any wounds caused by the first 6 (which would also be modified by any existing wounds) ?

My suggested answer: Yes

I have to quibble with this, as the rule states that the attacker "immediately rolls again and applies both results" (emphasis mine).

In my mind, the word "immediately," when combined with the fact that you are instructed to apply "both results," signifies that you are making your second roll before you have applied the result of the first roll. The results are applied after any/all rolls have occurred (since that happens immediately), and therefore can't take advantage of the others' results.

I concede that it's not 100% clear though :)
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 3:19 pm 
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Arabog wrote:
A very long FAQ.
Only one very important remark about the Epic heroes special rules.

Only the company that the epic hero joined gets the special rules like spirit grasp/walk terror etc of that Hero. not other companies in that formation unless explicity stated otherwise.(like celeborn rule)
So the special epic hero rules would net be pointless like you said.

Um. Check out page 69- it very explicitly says that no companies in the formation benefit from the hero's special your interpretation is wrong. Sorry. In all honesty, since I'm playing Mordor, I'd love my command company with the Nazgul to have Spirit Grasp, but they can't...

The secret to Elves being Terror causers, isn't that they're scary. They're so shiny they blind you.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:32 pm 
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not sure, the wording is rather vague I think,
it might be intended, only the company with the EH

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:30 pm 

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it very explicitly says that no companies in the formation benefit from the hero's special your interpretation is wrong.

It does not say that "no" companies benefit from the rules. It says that companies in the formation do not share the rule. Which could reasonably be construed as implying that the company that the hero joins does benefit from the rule, but the other companies do not share in reaping that benefit. That seems a particularly reasonable construal given that under your interpretation GW wasted their time assigning abilities to their epic heroes. It's certainly not as black and white as you state.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:35 pm 

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It is black and white, it says clearly that formations do not gain the rules which means they don't get the rules, it really can't be said any clearer.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:37 pm 
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So, since they don't explicitly mention the command company having or not having those rules passed onto them, you're choosing to let them, in spite of the 'no companies in the formation' phrase? Don't get me wrong, if that's how your club chooses to play, awesome, like I said, I prefer the idea...but what you're saying and what's written don't really seem to add up.

The secret to Elves being Terror causers, isn't that they're scary. They're so shiny they blind you.
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 Post subject: Clarification
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:42 pm 

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Ooops. In my hurry just to get the FAQ reposted I didn't bother with my explanation of the purpose of the FAQ.

Surprisingly, It wasnt to give try to give a "definitive" answer on each point as only GW can do that. I did send it to GW and, as I did have input into the recent GT packs, I hope it will have been read at least.

My idea was to systematically list as many points of possible contention as I could and give a suggested answer to each. However, what I would hope is that players will go through the list and note down where they decide to interpret the rules differently. They can use this revised FAQ for their own games but also when playing against strangers so that they can agree interpretations pre-game.

i dont pretend to know the correct answers but I've given my best (or hopefully workable) guess

What I did was proof-read the manual for all the bits I could find that were not clear. Then, I read backwards through an awful lot of rules debates on TLA to see if I had missed anything critical.

I fully realise there will be some points I've missed.

However, if you use this FAQ as a checklist, you can decide how you will solve most of the ambiguous rules beforehand. I hope this makes sense

To this end, the thread was locked on TLA to avoid long debates on each point. Until GW actually gives us answers we could argue backwards and forwards for no point.


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PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:47 pm 

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I forgot to mention.

i posted the FAQ from a word document where the really contentious questions were in bold text.

This has been lost in pasting it into the thread (as well as the diagram). for this reason, you may think some of the points are obvious. I probably do as well. However, to proof-read properly, I had to highlight everything that I thought could be mis-understood.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:54 am 

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There is no "no companies in the formation" phrase. There is a "companies do not share" phrase. That could quite reasonably mean that no companies in the formation share the hero's rule, as you contend. That's fine on its own, but when viewed alongside the fact that they went to the trouble to assign abilities to heroes, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. On the other hand, an interpretation that assumes that they meant it to be self-evident that the command company shares a hero's abilities, and felt the need to explicitly point out that the other companies do not share them (and admittedly worded that explanation rather unhelpfully) seems pretty reasonable to me too.

Like you said, play however you want.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:08 am 
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great work getting it up on Or aswell Ian, much appriciated, i am yet to play a game of WOTR, but i know the rules from the rule book (so not in practise but in theory)

hope you get a reply from GW sometime in the near future!


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:13 pm 
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A number of points about WoTR have been bugging me, and others, I guess, for a while now.

Ringwraiths and Epic Strike
Blinding Light/Terror (they both reduce FV to 0, so I’ve lumped them together)

Why have I lumped them together in this post? They all have a large effect on game-balance.

So I will start with Epic Strike. Under the interpretation that it affects the FV of the Ringwraiths in a Duel then they are VERY difficult to defeat, near impossible for a humble Captain, or Epic Hero without Epic Strike. Eowyn, the slayer of the Witch King, has little chance, even with Merry’s help – she goes into the Duel with FV 5 (+1 for initiating it) against the Witch King’s FV10, if he can call Epic Strike. An Epic Hero such as Theoden has even less chance, as he doesn’t have the ‘By My Hand Shall You Fall’ rule that gives him the choice of the best of two dice roll.

Yet in the three published battle reports, Theoden slays the Witch King; Gimli slays Khamul and in the third Haldir (FV6) is unlucky not to slay the Witch King. Not a single mention of using Epic Strike by any Ringwraith.

In re-reading the rules I noticed that the word ‘strike’ is used to describe a player rolling the dice to see how many enemy he slays. I also noticed that every other Epic Action somehow affects the formation that an Epic Hero is in, not the Epic Hero. Try as I might, and I know how the rules are written wrt Epic Strike, but I’m lead inexorably to the conclusion that ‘Epic Strike’ is an action that is MEANT to give you more dice to roll, NOT to increase the FV in a Duel.

Secondly, Blinding Light and Terror: in the published battle report involving the Galadrim and a motley collection drawn from Mirkwood, a Balrog is involved in a Duel with Galadriel. As the Balrog is charged by a Terror causing formation it rolls, and fails, its Courage test. Its FV is reduced to 1 (this suggests to me that either the report is mistaken or that the rules are wrong and that the minimum value of any stat is 1). This is mentioned before the Duel.

So what conclusion can be drawn from this? My first take was that if a Hero is THE formation, as in the case of a monster, then FV is affected by Terror (and, presumably, Blinding Light) for both Duels and normal striking; but if the Hero/Epic Hero is IN a formation then it has no effect on Duels. The problem with this is that you get anomalies such as when Gandalf casts a ‘Blinding Light’ on a Balrog reducing its FV to 0 (or 1). The Balrog attacks a unit of Gondorians that fail their Terror test. Aragorn is in the unit and issues an Epic Duel. Is it the case that Aragorn duels with FV 7 vs the Balrog’s FV0??

On further reflection my thoughts are now that the a Hero/Epic Hero is affected by Terror/Blinding Light and has his FV reduced to 0 (or 1) in such cases.

In summary, a Hero/Epic Hero never has his FV increased beyond the base printed wrt to a Duel/Epic Duel. However, Terror/Blinding Light will reduce this FV. Epic Strike only affects FV wrt the number of additional dice you roll when attacking the formation. The simplest way to resolve the issue is to cross out the description of Epic Strike and re-write: ‘This action allows the company the Epic Hero is in to count its FV as 10 when calculating the formation’s Battle Skill modifier.’

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:44 am 
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BoromirofIpswich wrote:
So I will start with Epic Strike. Under the interpretation that it affects the FV of the Ringwraiths in a Duel then they are VERY difficult to defeat, near impossible for a humble Captain, or Epic Hero without Epic Strike. Eowyn, the slayer of the Witch King, has little chance, even with Merry’s help – she goes into the Duel with FV 5 (+1 for initiating it) against the Witch King’s FV10, if he can call Epic Strike. An Epic Hero such as Theoden has even less chance, as he doesn’t have the ‘By My Hand Shall You Fall’ rule that gives him the choice of the best of two dice roll.

Yet in the three published battle reports, Theoden slays the Witch King; Gimli slays Khamul and in the third Haldir (FV6) is unlucky not to slay the Witch King. Not a single mention of using Epic Strike by any Ringwraith.

Theoden slayin WK on Fell Beast isn't sth strange. After all winged nazguls doesn't have epic strike, althought dunno why. Gimli slayin Khamul - both of them have epic strike so it's all 'bout rollin a dice.
I wouldn't go as far as learnin how to play from GW aticles and battle raports. Thay are usually full of stupid mistakes and rather strange deciosions from the point of strategist, but that's mine opinion.
Your logic isn't the first time that I'm meetin with an opinion like that. You're showin Ringwraith as an example, but le'me see. Would you be so kind and tell me how the hell would Sauron(so called the mightest hero in LotR) won a duel against Gil Galad or Elendil(forgive me for irony). If the game would go like you sayin, it would be rather meaningless for the evil side to take heroes others then spellcaster, 'cause thay'd die in almost every duel(exept lucky rolls) with many models from their formations. Evil Heroes that e.g. can fight with Elfen heros in duel, with a possibility to win just by comperin their F statistic, are very few. And of course expensive in points.
Epic Strike maybe isn't that best rule, but at least it leave an alternative for Evil side.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:51 pm 
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Thanks for your comments, and you're 'bang on' about the value of 'Battle Reports' (in the first one, when WoTR was released, it has the sacrifice of Merry giving a re-roll - the rules give +3 to dice roll). Sadly, until an FAQ is released there is little else to go on.

As a matter of interest, I've been playing, since the game came out, Epic Strike increases FV to 10. The problem is that although that is how the rules are written, which is why I play it that way, it just doesn't seem right.

Finally, to the points you raise. Why take anything other than spell-casters if you are evil? Well, to be honest, that's all they take anyway. It's about all they've got. As for Sauron vs Gilgalad/Elendil, well, that's what 'Black Breath' and 'Black Dart' are for.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:03 pm 
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BoromirofIpswich wrote:
Thanks for your comments, and you're 'bang on' about the value of 'Battle Reports' (in the first one, when WoTR was released, it has the sacrifice of Merry giving a re-roll - the rules give +3 to dice roll). Sadly, until an FAQ is released there is little else to go on.

That's why I've writen that this is mine opinion :wink:
BoromirofIpswich wrote:
Finally, to the points you raise. Why take anything other than spell-casters if you are evil? Well, to be honest, that's all they take anyway. It's about all they've got. As for Sauron vs Gilgalad/Elendil, well, that's what 'Black Breath' and 'Black Dart' are for.

Hah, and here is one diffrance between competition in my region and yours.
We've got some magic restrictions. Maybe it's not fully in agreement with what rulerbook states, but it makes game much more fair and balanced. So we've got rule in the bylaw of competition that states e.g. that in a game of 1000 points, you can olny have max 6 lvl of magic. And that gives you many opportunities to use others epic heros, not only Ringwraith.
That rule didn't come from nowhere. We've done many playtests and decide that we need to do sth we've it, 'cause magic, especially in the terms of small plays(like 1k points), is overpowered.

And returnin to the Sauron vs GG/Elendil - it's still doesn't show that Sauron was the mightest :wink: - he can even loose to some kind of elite unit captain. Even with the Epic Strike rule, workin how I think it works, I'd never took him. He cost to much points for what he can do, and takes to much magic lvl slots :wink:
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:36 pm 
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So we've got rule in the bylaw of competition that states e.g. that in a game of 1000 points, you can olny have max 6 lvl of magic. And that gives you many opportunities to use others epic heros, not only Ringwraith.

That's an interesting rule. I know they are still 'over-priced' compared to Ringwraiths, but Shaman are now an option, I guess.

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