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 Post subject: .45 Adventures
PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:11 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Hi I just got a copy of this pulp game in its weird war 2 supplement Amazing War Stories. It looks like a great set of rules to play. I like the fact that you make your own heroes. Has anyone here played this game?
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:15 am 

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oh god now alan is going to get involved


Thats where it is at
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:41 am 
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johnandtricia wrote:
oh god now alan is going to get involved
Heheh, you know me sooooo well.

Wasn't it you that told me about the .45 Adventures game John? From everything I have heard, it looks to be a great mix of role-playing and tabletop wargaming, with enormous potential for gaming pretty much every kind of pulp action from Gangsters or WWII, to Lost Worlds and Flash Gordon style space opera.

I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts about it Kidterminal.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:03 am 
Elven Warrior
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Dagorlad wrote:
johnandtricia wrote:
oh god now alan is going to get involved
Heheh, you know me sooooo well.

Wasn't it you that told me about the .45 Adventures game John? From everything I have heard, it looks to be a great mix of role-playing and tabletop wargaming, with enormous potential for gaming pretty much every kind of pulp action from Gangsters or WWII, to Lost Worlds and Flash Gordon style space opera.

I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts about it Kidterminal.

This all began with your WW2 miniatures Alan so don't blame me if you get hook. :no:

In the game you build a "hero" and his supporting characters. I've already created Frankenstien's monster as a Nazi drafted horror.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:46 am 
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I guess I only have myself to blame if I get hooked on this game then!

It'll have to wait though, the hobby budget has been cleaned out already for this month.

It's a skirmish game then for bands of 'adventurers' rather than army units? What sorts of numbers of models are we looking at per game?

(oh and I moved the thread here since it's not a WIP-type thread)

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:41 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Dagorlad wrote:
I guess I only have myself to blame if I get hooked on this game then!

It'll have to wait though, the hobby budget has been cleaned out already for this month.

It's a skirmish game then for bands of 'adventurers' rather than army units? What sorts of numbers of models are we looking at per game?

(oh and I moved the thread here since it's not a WIP-type thread)

Thanks Alan. There will be a WIP as soon as I can get my camera software to start working again.

You’re hobby budget must be small indeed if you can’t play this game since you can uses your Incursion and Ebob models with this. It’s a non-model specific system. PDFs of both book cost me a total of $20 American. The hard copy cost for both is a little over $30 American.

This is a skirmish game or is it role-playing light? You can make an argument for both. It can be played with a game master or not. If you have more than 20 models on the table you’ve got too many!, unless you are the guy on the Lead Adventurers Forum who ran a game mastered modern day zombie survival game. The players each ran a survivor model and the game master ran the 50 zombies.

No armies of any kind. This is a totally scenario driven system. There is no such thing as a straight fight it out scenario in this game. The “forces” are composed of heroes and their pals and villains and their henchmen. As an example think of Buffy the vampire slayer and pals, Xander, Willow and Giles as force A and The Master and his vampire henchmen as force B.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:43 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Here are some of the basic game concepts. This is not a points system, you do no set a points limit they way you would for a GW game. All characters have a Grade, ½ all the way up to 3, the highest grade. Theoretically 3 grade 1 characters are equal in power to 1 grade 3 character. So when making up forces you and your opponent would agree to a Grade Number, as in the total number of grades to be used for a game. So if you choose a Grade Number of 7 it would be any combination of grades which will equal 7. So you could have; a grade 3, a grade 2 and 2 grade 1 characters or a grade 3 and 8 grade ½ characters.

To make a character you choose what grade they’ll be then you pick a profile i.e. Allied Officer, Super Solider, Private Eye, Mad Scientist, etc… Each profile lists that characters basic statistics, which are then customized with Attribute Points. Attribute Points are used to add skills and buy equipment for the character.

Characters don’t have a wounds statistic, instead .45 Adventures uses hit locations and a damage track. There are four hit locations; head, arms, torso and legs. Each location is linked to specific Attributes, the arms are linked to the melee (shiv) and Shooting (heater) Attributes. So each time damage is ticked off on the arms damage scale these two Attributes are reduced. A character can be rendered defenseless by sustaining multiple shots to the arms. This is the same for the other locations accept for the head, repeated shots to the head result in death. There are even more novel concepts to this game but I want to keep these posts short.

By the way there is a generic fantasy version call Broadsword Adventures which might offer some nice LOTR play.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:59 am 

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@alan you are correct I asked you about them.

Now the place to start would be here

with posting that link I have bankrupted Alan


Thats where it is at
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:40 am 
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Most of my hobby budget seems to go on terrain making supplies. $30 for the rule book seems ok and the supplements are all reasonably priced too. I'll look into it once I get a few more essential purchases out of the way (need $100 worth of styrofoam soon).

Thanks for the summary Kiddo, it was pretty helpful (gold coin awarded). I'd love to see a bat-rep when you get a chance to play a game or two,

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:45 am 
Elven Warrior
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JohnandTricia wrote:
@alan you are correct I asked you about them.

Now the place to start would be here

with posting that link I have bankrupted Alan

Alan will get a government bailout. :P

Have you played it? If so what are your thoughts?

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 10:01 pm 
Elven Warrior
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.45 Adventures and its fantasy counterpart broadsword Adventures are scenario driven systems. All scenarios revolve around finding something, an item, a hostage or clues to some mystery. This is represented in the game by encounter tokens. Players take turns placing encounter tokens on the board the same way they would terrain. When a model enters base to base contact with an encounter token it activates that encounter. Encounter tokens represent one of three things, the prize, traps and dummys. This system can easily be adapted to SBG without the buying the rule books just download some of the sample scenarios of the rattrap web site. You’ll see how the encounters work.

PS thanks for the coin.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:52 am 
Elven Warrior
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Here is a link to a .45 Adventure game run by the game's creator. Once you've looked at this Alan you'll be hooked. :wink:

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:57 am 
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Not this month I won't. Just blew my budget on Space Hulk

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