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 Post subject: House Rule: The Time of King Tarannon and Queen Berúthiel
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:51 am 
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These profiles represent the time of Tarannon Falastur, King of Gondor and his conflicts with Harad. As the United Kingdoms are so closely joined, I decided to make profiles for the ruler of Arnor and his son too.

Son and heir of King Siriondil of Gondor, who was famed for his naval exploits, Tarannon Falstur founded the line of the Ship-kings that continued until the time of Ciryaher. His Queen was the notorious Berúthiel, who Tarannon was forced to send into exile, so that he died without an heir. He was succeeded instead by his nephew, who ruled as the second of the Ship-kings, Eärnil I.
King Tarannon
Tarannon wields a sword and wears intricately crafted heavy armour. At additional cost he may have the following:

Shield 5pts
Armoured Horse 15pts
Horse 10pts
Lance 5pts

Special Rules
Ship King: Such is the reputation of Tarannon Falastur, that the Corsairs of Umbar fear him above all others. To represent this, all models from the Corsairs of Umbar and Fallen Númenor army list must re-roll the highest die they roll in any combat, in which a participant (good or evil) is within 3"/14cm of him.
King of Gondor: Tarannon Falastur, Lord of Coasts is greatly loved respected by all under his rule. To represent his unquestioned authority, the range of his “Stand Fast!” is doubled and may also affect other heroes, unless Queen Berúthiel is included in the enemy force, in which case it does not affect other heroes. (Due to the dissent her presence spreads)

Destined to be the thirteenth king of Gondor, Prince Eärnil would eventually capture Umbar for Gondor, but eventually fall, lost at sea soon after
Prince Earnil
Eärnil wields a sword and wears intricately crafted heavy armour. At additional cost he may have the following:

Shield 5pts
Armoured Horse 15pts
Horse 10pts
Lance 5pts

Special Rules
Prince of Gondor: As heir to the king, Eärnil is one of the most important men in Gondor and is loved by the people. Because of this, he counts as a banner.

Though still a young man by the standards of his kindred, Ciryandil is in his physical prime, but is yet untested for the fight that is to come
Prince Ciryandil
Ciryandil wields a sword and wears heavy armour. At additional cost he may have the following:

Shield 5pts
Armoured Horse 15pts
Horse 10pts
Lance 5pts

Special Rules
Prince of Gondor: As a prince Gondor, Ciryandil is one of the most important men in Gondor and is loved by the people. Because of this, he counts as a banner.

Good Heroes
King Tarannon
Prince Eärnil
Prince Ciryandil
Captain of Men

Good Warriors
Warrior of Minas Tirith
Knight of Minas Tirith
Ranger of Gondor
Guard of the Fountain Court
Citadel Guard
Battlecry Trebuchet

The Grey Havens

The proud realm of Arnor has always been ready to ride to the aid of Gondor in their time of need, and even after being sundered into three parts, the age old alliance still holds strong. But times are changing, and the division of Arnor is an ill omen of what is to come.
King Amlaith
Amlaith wields a sword and wears heavy armour. At additional cost he may have the following:

Shield 5pts
The Palantir of Annuminas 50pts

Special Rules
King of Arthedain: King Amlaith of Arnor is greatly loved respected by all under his rule. To represent this, the range of his “Stand Fast!” is doubled.
Palantir: The Palantir of Annuminas allows the King of Arnor to spy on his enemies and form his plans accordingly. When he carries it, the Palantir allows Amlaith to call a Heroic Move Action in the move phase without Expending Might to do so.

It was during the reign of Beleg that Sauron first settled in Dol Guldur, hinting at the trouble to come
Prince Beleg
Beleg wields a sword and wears heavy armour. At additional cost he may have the following:

Shield 5pts

Special Rules
Prince of Arnor: As the prince Arnor, Beleg is one of the most important men in the Kingdom and is loved by the people. Because of this, he counts as a banner.

Good Heroes
King Amlaith
Prince Beleg
Captain of Arnor (with +1 courage for an additional 5 points)

Good Warriors
Warrior of Arnor (with +1 courage for an additional point)
Ranger of Arnor

The Grey Havens

Fallen Númenor
Wife of King Tarannon, Lord of Coasts, Queen Berúthiel was of Black Númenórean origin. Their marriage was a loveless union, indeed, Berúthiel lived in the King's House in Osgiliath, hating the sounds and smells of the sea and the house that Tarannon built below Pelargir. Opposites in many ways, it was doomed from the start and later recognised as the first sign of the fading days of Gondor. She had nine black cats and one white, her slaves, with whom she conversed, or read their memories, setting them to discover all the dark secrets of Gondor, so that she knew those things that men wish most to keep hidden, setting the white cat to spy upon the black, and tormenting them. No man in Gondor dared touch them; all were afraid of them, and cursed when they saw them pass. In the end, Tarannon had her set on a ship alone with her cats and set adrift on the sea before a north wind. The ship was last seen flying past Umbar under a sickle moon, with a cat at the masthead and another as a figure-head on the prow. Her name was erased from the Book of the Kings, but the memory of men is not wholly shut in books, and the cats of Queen Berúthiel never passed wholly out of men's speech. The Legend of Queen Berúthiel lives on...

Queen Berúthiel
Queen Berúthiel is unarmed.

Special rules
Queen Consort of Gondor: This version of Queen Berúthiel represents her during her time as queen consort to Tarannon, Twelfth King of Gondor. Although she is on the Evil Side, she is always deployed in the Good Side's deployment zone. In addition to this, she will make courage tests when the force is broken, depending on where her allegiance appears to be - if she has not been "Cast Out", then she flees with the Good Side, however her "Stand Fast!" does not affect any other model. If she has been "Cast Out", then she tests with the Evil side, and her "Stand Fast!" affects Evil models.
Except under the following circumstances, no good model can shoot or strike blows against Berúthiel, nor may they charge her (she is the Queen of Gondor!). She is treated as a friendly model by both sides.
This restriction ceases to apply should Berúthiel be "Cast Out", or if she strikes blows a good model. Once one of these conditions is met, the depth of her evil is revealed and she becomes an enemy model who can be shot at and fought in the same way as any other model.
Queen Berúthiel may use her Might point to call a heroic action. If she has not been "Cast Out", then she will affect good models, but if she has been "Cast Out" and her true loyalty revealed, in which case friendly (evil) models may benefit as normal.
Queen Berúthiel may charge a good model if she wishes. She automatically wins the combat (unless she has been "Cast Out" ) as the model is too afraid of the consequences to fight back. Once she has won the Fight, she proceeds to strike the model with a warning blow, which does not cause physical damage, but rather humiliates the target, resulting in a -1 to their courage for the duration of that turn. She may only do this to models on the same size base that have a lower base points value than she does.
If King Tarannon is included in the enemy force, he may attempt to "Cast Out" Queen Berúthiel, and send her into exile. He may do this if she successfully casts Drain Courage or Transfix and both Queen Berúthiel and her victim are within 6"/14cm. He may also cast her out if she uses Transfix against him, though she may use drain courage on him without risk of this if she wishes. She may also choose to be "Cast Out" voluntarily. If she wishes to do this, then she expends a Will point and automatically casts "Aura of Dismay". (though, of course, she may only do this once per game)

*The Black Arts: Of Black Númenórean origin and with great knowledge of the Black Arts, Queen Berúthiel is able to read minds and instil fear in those who dare to oppose her. Queen Berúthiel may expend a single Will point per turn, to employ or resist magical powers, without reducing her Will store.

The Cats of Queen Berúthiel: Queen Berúthiel has ten cats - nine black and one white, which she uses to discover all that men wish most to keep hidden. Each cat functions as an individual model, and thus moves independently, up to 6"/14cm per turn, and benefits from the "Cave Dwellers" Special Rule. (See One Rulebook entry for Durbûrz for details)
No man in Gondor dared touch them; all were afraid of them, and cursed when they saw them pass. The cats may not be targeted directly with bow fire, though volley fire targets within 6"/14cm of them may be chosen. When allocating hits with volley fire, they may not be hit (assume that they are too small and agile to hit) and they can never be "in the way".
They may not charge, or be charged by enemy models and have no control zone. This means that models may move through them if they wish however, if a model (friendly or enemy) chooses to do this, he suffers four Strength 1 hits and is assumed to have moved an additional 1"/2cm that turn. If a black cat is within 6"/14cm of the white cat or Queen Berúthiel when this occurs, four Strength 1 hits and are taken by the model affected, and if none of these causes a wound, the dice may be re-rolled (representing the cat's frenzied attempts to impress its mistress)
All enemy models within 1"/2cm of a cat suffer -1 to their courage value, as they know that the eyes of the Queen are upon them (this effect is not cumulative). Through her mental link with her cats, Queen Berúthiel gathers a great deal of information about her surroundings. To represent this, she is always assumed to have a line of sight to anywhere on the battlefield.
Should Queen Berúthiel be slain or leaves the table, the cats scatter and are removed from play immediately. If Queen Berúthiel is "Cast Out", all the cats must move as quickly as possible towards her, and once within 6"/14cm, must remain so.

Magical Powers
Transfix: Range 12"/28cm. Dice score to use: 3+.
Terrifying Aura: Dice score to use: 2+.
Aura of Dismay: Dice score to use: 5+.
Drain Courage: Range 12"/28cm. Dice score to use: 3+.

Descendants of the proud “King’s Men” who dared to defy the Valar and paid a great price, these warriors are amongst the finest who pledge their allegiance to Morgoth
Black Numenorean Captain
Black Númenorean captains have swords (hand weapons) and wear heavy armour. They may have the following at additional cost:

Bow 5pts
Shield 5pts

Descendants of the proud “King’s Men” who dared to defy the Valar and paid a great price, these warriors are amongst the finest who pledge their allegiance to Morgoth
Black Numenorean Warriors
Black Númenorean warriors have swords (hand weapons) and wear heavy armour. They may have the following at additional cost:

Bow 1pt
Shield 1pt
Spear 1pt

Fallen Númenor
Evil Heroes
Queen Berúthiel
Black Númenorean Captain

Evil Warriors
Black Númenorean Warrior

The Cult of Morgoth
The Corsairs of Umbar
The Easterlings
Variags of Khand
Khandish Mercenaries
The Nazgûl

The Cult of Morgoth
Few among the Black Númenoreans achieve the title of Mordel, for mastery of the Black Arts requires a love for blood and suffering that is rare, even in such a cult that would devote itself to the most evil being to walk middle earth
Mordel have swords (hand weapons) and wear armour.

Special Rules
Fanatic Devotion: Mordel are completely devoted to Morgoth and will follow him unto death. When taking a courage test to see if the model flees when the force is broken, Mordel role three dice and choose the two highest.
Terror: Mordel are great in stature, and exude and aura of death and power that their enemies flee before them. So devoted are they to Morgoth, that they blind themselves and use the Black Arts to heighten their other senses to the extent that they can determine their surroundings better than a warrior able to see. They cause terror, as described in the main rules manual.
*The Black Arts: Mordel are among Morgoth’s most loyal servants and have been gifted with great knowledge of the black arts as a reward. As a result of this they may use one point of Will each turn to employ or resist magical powers without reducing their own store.

Magical Powers
Transfix: Range 12"/28cm. Dice Score to use: 3+.
Drain Courage: Range 12"/28cm. Dice Score to use: 2+.
Compel: Range 12"/28cm. Dice Score to use: 4+.

As only the strongest of the Morquar are chosen to rule over others, only those capable of heinous deeds rise to the rank of Morquar
Morquar have swords (hand weapons) and wear heavy armour. They may have the following at additional cost:

Shield 5pts
Two Handed Weapon 5pts

Special rules
Fanatic Devotion: Morquar are completely devoted to Morgoth and will follow him unto death. When taking a courage test to see if the model flees when the force is broken, Morquar role three dice and choose the two highest.
Terror: Morquar are great in stature, and garb themselves in terrifying armour. So devoted are they to Morgoth, that they blind themselves and use the Black Arts to heighten their other senses to the extent that they can determine their surroundings better than a warrior able to see. They cause terror, as described in the main rules manual.

Chosen from the Black Númenoreans prepared to make terrible sacrifices to Morgoth, these powerful warriors are some of Morgoth's most loyal and dangerous supporters.
Morcam have swords (hand weapons) and wear heavy armour. They may have the following at additional cost:

Shield 5pts
Two Handed Weapon 5pts

Special Rules
Devotion: Morcam are completely devoted to Morgoth and will follow him unto death. When taking a courage test to see if the model flees when the force is broken, Morcam role three dice and choose the two highest.
Terror: Morcam are great in stature, and garb themselves in terrifying armour. So devoted are they to Morgoth, that they blind themselves and use the Black Arts to heighten their other senses to the extent that they can determine their surroundings better than a warrior able to see. They cause terror, as described in the main rules manual.

Fallen Númenor
Evil Heroes

Evil Warriors

Fallen Númenor
The Corsairs of Umbar
The Easterlings
Variags of Khand
Khandish Mercenaries
The Nazgûl

The Corsairs of Umbar
The Corsairs of Umbar are ruthless and brutal, possessed of a burning hatred for the men of Gondor who seek to rule them. Though they care mostly for pillage and plunder, they will often try their hands at mindless cruelty, more commonly associated with orcs. Those who rise to prominence on a corsair ship are normally the most brutal and cruel, as they have to show their power to keep their men in check.
Corsair Captain
A Corsair Captain wields a hand weapon and may have the following at additional cost:

Shield 5pts
Crossbow 5pts
Boarding Pike (spear) 2pts
Throwing Daggers 2pts

Special rules
Master of the Ship: All aboard a ship defer to the Captain. To represent his authority, his “Stand Fast!” has a range of 12"/28cm
Boarding Pike: Designed to repel enemies foolish enough to attempt to board a corsair ship, when a corsair with boarding pike is fighting in defence (has not charged), he gains +1 when determining who wins a fight. Boarding pikes may also be used as spears. A model with a boarding pike may not also carry a shield.

The Corsairs of Umbar are ruthless and brutal, possessed of a burning hatred for the men of Gondor who seek to rule them. Though they care mostly for pillage and plunder, they will often try their hands at mindless cruelty, more commonly associated with orcs. The viscous corsairs are always seeking ways to better themselves – all the better if it is at the cost of others. As second in command of a Corsair vessel, the bo’sun will seize any opportunity to take the captain’s place with both hands (or more likely a well placed knife to the gut)
Note: You may not include more Corsair Bo’suns than Corsair Captains in your force.

Corsair Bo'sun
A Corsair Bo’sun wields a hand weapon and may have the following at additional cost:

Shield 5pts
Crossbow 5pts
Boarding Pike (spear) 2pts
Throwing Daggers 2pts

Special rules
Backstabber: The Corsairs of Umbar are always looking to improve their position, and a Corsair Bo’sun is no exception. If a Corsair Captain is reduced to one Wound and has no Fate remaining, a bo’sun may move into base contact with him, and automatically slay him in the fight phase if he is not engaged in combat. If he successfully slays the Captain, he will declare himself captain, and the range of “Master of Discipline” is doubled. He also gains a Might point (to represent the increased leadership capabilities he has after the event)
Master of Discipline: As the bo’sun is in charge of discipline aboard ship, corsairs will work harder when his eye is upon them. Because of this, he counts as a banner that only affects models in the Corsairs of Umbar army list.
Boarding Pike: See entry for the Corsair Captain above.

The Corsairs of Umbar are ruthless and brutal, possessed of a burning hatred for the men of Gondor who seek to rule them. Though they care mostly for pillage and plunder, they will often try their hands at mindless cruelty, more commonly associated with orcs.
Corsairs of Umbar
Corsairs wield hand weapons and may have the following at additional cost:

Bow 1pt
Shield 1pt
Throwing Daggers 1pt
Boarding Pike (spear) 1pt

Special rules
Boarding Pike: See entry for the Corsair Captain above.

The Corsairs of Umbar
Evil Heroes
Corsair Captain
Corsair Bo’sun

Evil Warriors
Corsair of Umbar
Corsair Arbalester (Same as “Harad” but with FV3 and costing 9 points)
Corsair Ballista (Mordor Siege bow with Corsairs instead of orcs)

Fallen Númenor
The Easterlings
Variags of Khand
Khandish Mercenaries

Evil Heroes
Orc Shaman
Orc Captain
Troll Chieftain

Evil Warriors
Orc Warrior
Mordor Troll
Warg Rider
Orc Tracker

Does that pupil look like it was done on MS Paint to you?
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:08 pm 
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Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2007 3:05 pm
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Wow, nicely done. On first read it seems very well thought out and balanced. 8)
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:19 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Joined: Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:14 pm
Posts: 544
I must say that afther reading all this trhou :yay: :yay: :yay: nice work, very nice
tjough I see no point in remaking the Black Numenoreans as they fine by what they are and the Queen Berúthiel got me really confused :lol: :lol: :lol: so "HUGE" special rules damn didi you make that all up by yourself? :rofl:

I am the Mouth of Sauron, here him speak'
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