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 Post subject: elf assasin
PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:39 am 

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Elf assassin

F S D A W C 90 pts
6/+3 4 4 3 2 6

An elf assassin wears an elven cloak, has an elven blade, elf bow he may be given theses following items at an additional cost

Throwing darts * 20 pts
Armour 10 pts
Arrows of silence ** 25 pts
Poisoned blade 15 pts

Special rules:

Throwing darts: an elf assassins throwing darts count as throwing weapons with a range of 18 cm. they may be used only in the fight phase. Throwing darts have strength of 4 and 2 may be thrown per turn. Since they are poisoned and rolls of 1 are allowed to be re-rolled

Arrows of silence: arrows of silence are highly potent arrows smothered in deadly poison and blessed with magic. Silenced arrows may be only fired once in the shoot phase regardless of whether the assassin is an expert shot. Arrows of silence have strength of 8

Poisoned blade: poisoned blades are the most deadly blades to be wielded they add +1 strength to the assassin in the fight phase.

Expert fighter: assassins are expert fighters beyond recognition to represent this if the enemy rolls a 6 to hit whilst shooting it does not count as the fast and agile assassin simply plucks the arrow from the air. Also when the assassin loses a fight he may re-roll one dice showing his combat prowess

this is a little character i came up with i always imagined that there would be highly trained assasins wreaking havoc among the armies of mordor and this is just the start of the profile i was writing all feedbakc and ceiticism is welcome
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:39 am 
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I think he is a little bit overpowered on these points:

Arrows of Silence: Strenght 8 is far to strong, even an Avenged Bolt Thrower has only strengh 7. I would give him strenght 4 at max.

Throwing Darts: It would be more realistic if they have the normal range and normal strenght. I like it that he can throw two of them. And I would included these in his profile.

Expert Fighter: Plucking arrows from the air doesn't sound realistic and while he is wearing an Elven Cloak they probably won't shoot at him. The fact that he can re-roll a dice is cool :D

For the rest I would not give him the option for armour. Then the whole Assasin idea isn't real anymore IMO.

I also miss the Might, Will and Fate ;-) Maybe M1 W3 F3 would be nice, just like a Hassarin has.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 11:01 am 

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Elf assassin

F S D A W C m/w/f 120pts
6/+3 4 4 3 2 6 1 3 3

An elf assassin wears an elven cloak and is armed with twin elven short swords and is equipped with an elf bow
Throwing darts * 20 pts
Assassins sting ** 15 pts

Special rules:

Throwing darts: an elf assassin has a fine assortment of throwing darts they have range of 20cm and strength of 3 to show his prestigious skills he can throw two per turn.

Assassin’s sting: an elf assassin carries highly toxic arrows these are treated as normal arrows except they have strength of 4. And 1’s that are rolled to wound may be re-rolled

Assassins bite: an elf assassin carries two elven short swords. Though these are no ordinary swords they are made of mithril and can cut through armour as if it were butter. To represent this when rolling to wound -2 from the enemies armour value.

Expert fighter: assassins are the most deadly warriors that walk middle earth. To show this in battle when an assassin loses a fight he may re-roll one dice. Also when the enemy roll a six to wound it does not count as the assassin simply moves out of the way of the strike as if he is teasing his enemy.

some adjustments
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:34 pm 
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Location: i am usualy on the move arround middle earth
as mutch as i would be for a elven assassin, it is far too much like the hasharin, and its the stat creep all over again, now almost every army can have access to cavilry and pikes and what have you
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 4:04 pm 
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That seems a bit much, what with not being wounded on sixes. That one doesn't make sense. I know you're envisioning a dodgy, nimble elf, but that's what the fate is for, more or less. He can dodge more powerful and/or well-placed hits more than any other hits for what reason? Making fun of them is not a reason.

My main problem with this is that elves would not resort to using assassins. Ever. They would not train warriors or themselves in assassination.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 4:14 pm 
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Admiral Saul Karath wrote:
Elves are not assassins. They would never think of such a plan.
It just doesn't fit the Tolkein theme. Sorry.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 2:55 pm 
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General Haar wrote:
My main problem with this is that elves would not resort to using assassins. Ever. They would not train warriors or themselves in assassination.

Or use poison. Has the OP actually read LotR?
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:21 pm 

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I suppose the closest they can actually get to assasins (without breaking Tolkien lore) is there prowess with a bow, perhaps he could have 2's to hit instead of this you can't wound on a 6. This makes most troops only able to wound him on a 5!!!
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 8:02 am 

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It would make more sense to have some sort of elite archer or warrior because like General Haar said they wouldn't use poison, maybe enchanted arrows. I think in the book it says something about that no man or elf would use poisoned weapons, sometime around when aragorn is healing Faramir.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 9:57 am 

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so there could be dwarves with poison on there axes or something? :P

Elves, the first?
No way, we Dwarves were there long before!
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:10 pm 

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Well if there were they would probably be looked down upon.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 2:55 pm 
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The Ironfoot wrote:
so there could be dwarves with poison on there axes or something? :P

Sure. Tolkien says the Elves are bitter that they were the only race to be undivided in their opposition to Sauron. All the others had representatives on both sides.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:16 pm 

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But since there aren't any evil dwarves there are no poisoned dwarf axes.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:25 pm 

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there are evil dwarves, it's clearly stated in "The Hobbit" that some dwarves have allianties with goblins in the north

Elves, the first?
No way, we Dwarves were there long before!
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:33 pm 

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Yes but gamesworkshop can't make characters form the hobbit and correct me if I'm wrong there are no playable evil dwarves as of yet.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:16 pm 

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you're right

Elves, the first?
No way, we Dwarves were there long before!
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:26 pm 

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And also a Dwarf assassin? I don't think so. But I thought of a great special rule.

Dwarf Stealth:
Dwarves are not known for being stealthy but the sheer sight of this dwarf being stealthy forces you into denial about the fact that the dwarf is sneaking around. To represent this any dwarf assassin can give up 3 quaters of his move to sneak around. While doing so the dwarf counts as wearing the one ring for the rest of the turn.

I know its stupid but a dwarf assassin isn't a bright thing to do in the first place.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 7:16 pm 
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Dwarf assasin? Crazy idea :P
Leave the assasinations to the hasharii. Assassin's are cruel, so not really elvish. And dwarves are not stealthy enough.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:18 pm 

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well I suppose there are lots of bulky trees and cacti around I suppose a dwarf could remain hidden.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:06 pm 

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Yes I would be pretty cool to have a dwarve assassin but it just isn't realistic, a little hefty man who is know for being incredibly hardy and not very agile sneaking around assassinating people in secret, I mean somebody is bound to notice said little man sneaking around and if they get into a fight they aren't going to be able to jump out of the way of a thrusting blade with ease.

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