spleenful9 wrote:
Which is better Aragorn or Boromir(King Elassar and Captain of the White Tower also)From a 500pts-750pts army perspective which would you choose and why?
General Haar wrote:
In a 500 point battle, I'd opt for Boromir of Gondor, and in 750, Boromir again, CotWT. I'm a huge Boromir fan. Of course, in 500, I'd probably end up taking Faramir...
spleenful9 wrote:
I don't mean to be mean( I know i sounds stupid but Ican't quite think of a word at this time so it will have to do

) but I'm really only looking for comments about wether to take Aragorn or Boromir
not who you would take in a 500pts army.Thanks for commenting though
You know, it might help if you didn't pose a question asking specifically whom people would choose and for what reason, because obviously, people will reply saying whom they would choose and they give you a reason for it, and then, after getting a very well written and thought out post, answering your question, you tell the poster that, despite the fact you have said
spleenful9 wrote:
which would you choose and why?
you then go on to say
spleenful9 wrote:
not who you would take in a 500pts army.
So, which is it to be? Do you want the reason why people would choose one over the other or not? If you do, then there was no point in your last post. If you don't, why not just create a poll with the option 'Aragorn' or 'Boromir.'
Obviously, it comes down to a number of variable factors as to which option any given member would choose. People will use different characters for different points values, scenarios etc. You can't just say 'Aragorn or Boromir'. What is the question? What should I call my first-born son? Which has more vowels?
You need to specify exactly what you are taking into account, as well as equipment options. Statistically speaking, Aragorn will always win out over Boromir in a long-running game. If you count the values for both characters stats, Boromir will be (x), whilst Aragorn will be (y+(potentially 1 per game turn)). Also, statistically speaking, once you have compared stat values, you would also then need to attribute some sort of cost to both characters in-built special rules, so that you could arrive at a valid comparison between the two.
You also need to specify which army you will be using with said characters. Is it the Fellowship, Tower of Ecthelion, Grey Company?
At the end of the day, as you admitted yourself, you are purely theorising between them. There are plenty of people who have played many a game with said characters, so when they give you the answer you asked for, accept their wisdom. Don't tell them it's not what you are after, especially as it was what you asked.