I am creating some new equipment for some characters in LoTR. I have based them on the books, films and other evidence which has helped me created them. In the brackets after the equipment, you can see who has access to them. C & C welcome. Thanks.
Frying pan (Sam).......10pts
If sam is equiped with the frying pan then his attacks are worked out a bit differently. If sam wins the combat, roll a D6. On a 1,2,3, sam has failed to stun his enemy with the pan. He can then only strike once against his enemy. On a 4,5,6, Sam has stunned the enemy with his pan and may then attack twice against any target in the fight.
Herugrim (Theoden)......5pts
The fierce sword of the king of Rohan. Théoden. He had entrusted the blade to Gríma Wormtongue for safekeeping, but Gríma hid it away and allowed it to rust. When Gandalf restored Théoden to power, the sword was renewed as well. Whilst Theoden carries this blade his might store is increased by 1.
Gúthwinë (Eomer)..... 10pts
The sword that belonged to Éomer. It was borne by him at the Battle of the Hornburg. Whilst he carries this blade, his attacks value is increased by 1.
Troll bane (Pippin, guard of the citadel)....5pts
The barrow blade which was given to pippin. If pippin carries this blade, he receives a +1 bonus on the wound chart against trolls (of any kind.).
Thats all for now, I have some more written on paper which need improving. Sam's frying pan works great against goblins

Thanks again