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 Post subject: LotR Tournaments in South East US?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 12:37 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 06, 2007 5:33 pm
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Just wondering, does anybody know of any LotR tournaments or gaming events in the South East United States? I'm located in South Carolina, but I have pretty much never played a game (except for one short one at the one Games Day in Atlanta I went to many years ago). Even though I continue LotR SBG for the hobby aspect, it was the game, which I thought looked very fun, that first drew me in.

So, having almost never played a real game, I would really like to try it out. I would be more interested in a tournament (or any other gaming event) where I could get a couple - this is because wherever I'd have to go, I'm sure it'd be pretty far away. (I was really going to try to make it up the Atlanta GD this year, but unfortunately I couldn't make it.)

What I'm mostly referring to are store-run events, but, also, does anybody know if there are any other GW events here in the Southeast? I know there are a lot of tournaments up in Chicago like Adepcon (spelled right?) and Conflict. Is there anything like that down here?

Thanks for the help,
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 3:33 am 
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Location: ATL, Georgia
I'm really not fond of any major tournys down here in Georgia, or anywhere in the southeast besides Games day in ATL. But I know there are tournys at GW stores every once in a while. And they usually have a bunch of LotR stuff on Thursdays in my store. Games, Painting guides with the workers, and much more. I'm sure all stores have different schedules, but check out the closest store to you. See what their schedule is, and maybe play a few games with other "hobbiests" there.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:51 am 
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Actually, the problem is, I don't think any stores in South Carolina carry LotR stuff. The closest place where people even play LotR is in Atlanta, or somewhere else in Georgia. Still, that's about 2 to 3 hours away for me which is why I'd be more interested in a large tournament where I can get a good bit of games in. What store is it that you're talking about, and if I was going to look around in that area (the Atlanta area) what store do you think would have the most going on?

Thanks again,
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:05 pm 
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Location: ATL, Georgia
The store I'm talking about is the clostest to me, and thats at the Mall of Georgia in Gwinnett County, there's also one in Memphis Tennesse if thats any closer to you.


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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 2:14 pm 
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The one in Atlanta is the closest to me, and also the largest (I assume - as its the only actual GW). Do you have a calender or list of events for that store. I might try to get over there some time within the next month if there's anything going on.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:24 pm 
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I used to get mail form them from time to time, but not anymore. All I know is they have some kind of LotR event every Thursday starting at around 6:30 I think. You may have to just take a trip down there sometime on a Thursday and see what their schedule is.

Sorry :?
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:16 pm 
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i go to a shop on bush river road called "heros and dragons"
it carries lotr stuff.

and the sun rises
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