Mor-galad of Greenwood wrote:
Leinad wrote:
I think that we should just take third age heroes related to the first age, and base the profiles, but not necessarily special rules, so:
Aragorn, descended from the dunedain, who in turn were descended from the Edain, so heroes of men should be roughly based on him,
I know this is being super anal but Dunedain were descended from Edain and Eldar. So Numenoreans should be roughly based on him. (@Sacrilege 83) Men like Hurin, Turin, Beren, Tuor, while they did amazing things, were still just men and should probably be closer to Theoden/Eomer. Elros and his sons > lesser men. Generally I would assert again, Thorondor (mamed Morgoth and retrieved the body of) > Fingolfin (wounded Morgoth) > Eldar> The Dunedain > Edain. Hurin would not be among the exceptions. (Turin might be after slaying Glaurung.)
I think you got the Dunedain thing mixed up there. Dunedain are the Edain that went to Nûmenor after the War of Wrath, no more no less! Only their rulers (Elros and his descendants) were of partially Eldar blood, all other Dunedain were just Men without any Elvish blood at all. And bear in mind that at the time of the wars of Beleriand the Edain were nearly equal in strength to the Elves. It says in the Silmarillion: "The Men of the Three Houses throve and multiplied, but greatest among them was the house of Hador Goldenhead, peer of Elven-lords." Huor and Hurin were the lords of that house, so I'd put them at least on par with Isildur rather than Éomer. Hurin alone killed seventy (!) trolls before being captured! Beren, on his own, hurt Morgoth's armies so much that the price on his head was the same as that for Fingon himself!
Also, Fingolfin was so ridiculously powerful that at his riding to Angband some mistook him for Orome himself! He wounded Morgoth (a Vala!)
seven times, no way is Thorondor better than him, Maia or not!
So, by my reckoning it would be: Fingolfin > Thorondor > Fingon, Turgon, Finrod, Turin > Hurin, Huor, Beren > Eldar, Tuor >= Edain = Dunedain