My biggest surprise was in a Gondor vs Mordor match I played against a friend. We themed the game as a Mordor surprise attack on Osgiliath immediately after Boromir left, so Denethor would still be there and had to take up arms.
His army consisted of Denethor, Faramir with heavy armour (we figured he would have switched armour in the little time he had), Madril and Beregond as personal guard of Denethor. The warriors were a combination of warriors of Minas Tirith, Rangers of Gondor, Citadel Guard and some Osgiliath Veterans which Loyal to the Captains rule we applied with Faramir and Denethor (we figured they would fight harder alongside their steward as well). My Mordor army consisted of a combination of Orcs, Morannons, Mordor Uruks and some Harad bowmen. I don’t remember which hero’s I had, because they didn’t do anything impressive during that game.
The game was played on a close quarters city warefare with a river dividing the map in 2. We agreed on 1 big bridge in the middle and 2 small bridges on both edges. My friend sent Denethor with a small army with Osgiliath vets and citadel guards to the right side of the board. Once he reached the bridge he started defending it without much result. Denethor failed his courage test almost every turn, resulting in me attacking his banner bearer with Denethor and slaying him before combat in the turns I had priority. The rest of Denethor troops became so demotivated I was over the bridge within 3 turns, losing none of my models. I felt pity for Denethor so I let him live after all his warriors were fallen. I simply moved him away from my warriors whenever my friend failed the courage test. On the other frontlines he had more success. His Faramir was a real pain in the *** on the middle bridge, killing of almost all of my Morannons with the help of his Osgiliath vets (and some who were first assigned to Denethor but moved away when Denethor lost his mind the second time). But thanks to Denethors lack of defending his bridge I could trap Faramir on the middle of the bridge and a few turns later victory was mine.
My friend wanted a rematch the next day with me playing Gondor. Learning from the day before I decided to take a slightly different approach and I sent Denethor alone to the middle bridge, thus avoiding he would go mad and attack my own troops. All other troops were assigned to the small bridges on the outside and all my bowman would support Denethor from afar. My friend split his force in 3 equal parts, one for each bridge. The only thing I remember from that game is that Denethor passed ALL courage tests he had to take and killed of every single opponent that tried to cross that middle bridge! In the end another victory for me. Up until this day I only have to field my Denethor to let my opponent shiver in fear