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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:51 pm 

Joined: Fri Dec 13, 2013 3:30 pm
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This is an interesting idea.

I might try something similar, but base each house off an existing list and tweak it slightly. That might help for balance.
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:58 pm 
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Thanks Gothmog, I'v changed most of the things you have pointed out.

I understand that if any more words come pouring out your mouth, I'm going to have to eat every chicken in this room.
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:57 pm 
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Arya is also able to ride a horse. She is a skilled rider, so maybe change pony to horse for her.

I started to walk around without shoes...

It sort of then became a Hobbit
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:25 pm 
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Well Gothmog we can agree to disagree. I am pretty sure Ned was in the vanguard at the Battle of the Bells and fought side by side with Rob at the siege of Pyke - but I can see your point too, the beauty of literature is that different people can read it different ways :)

Regarding Jaime, he does not need ridiculous fight value, give him fight 6 and the following rule:

Trained by the Sword of the Morning:
Jaime is considered by many to be the greatest blade master in all Westeros, all men from peasants to kings know his name. His reputation is well earned, he has bested many men in combat.
Jaime causes terror, but models use their fight value instead of their courage when making the courage test to charge him. In addition, when Jaime calls a heroic strike roll 3 dice, and pick the highest result to boost his fight value by. Whenever Jaime calls a heroic strike, roll a dice, on a 5 or 6 the action is free.
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:29 pm 

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Suggestion for when you're doing Jaime rules:
Do 2 profiles. First profile represents him as an arrogant Kingsguard/Lannister, with a high fight value and a rule he always has to charge the most powerful enemy hero in range of him. Second profile represents him post-amputation and give him more Leadership abilities eg. more might, will and fate, but less attacks and fight values.
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:02 pm 
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Not trying to highjack this thread but here are a few profiles I came up with:


Army special rules:

Stormlands Horses:
The horses of the Stormlands are widely considered to be the best around, any hero from the Stormlands may ride a Stormlands steed for an additional 15pts. A Stormlands steed is an armoured horse with 2 wounds instead of one and an 11" movement range.

Stannis Baratheon, True King of Westeros: 100pts

M F S D A W C M/ W/ F
6 5 4 5 2 3 6 3* 4 4

Lightbringer and armour

Special rules:
Stannis' sword Lightbringer is said to be the blade of a Legendary hero, as such it counts as a banner to any model with the 'Red God Believer' special rule within 24". In addition, Stannis may feint with it without reducing his fight value.

Red God Believer: This model is resistant to magic

Tactician Supreme:
Years living in the shadow of his brother has made Stannis a hard, somewhat unpleasant man, but also one who has worked hard for everything he owns. Stannis is as grizzled as they come and is one of the great tacticians of Westeros. Stannis also refuses to fight with a helmet or shield, making an inspiring sight for his soldiers.
Stannis has a 12" stand fast. When Stannis calls a heroic action, another model within 3" (hero or warrior) may call the same action for free.

Does Not Bend The Knee: Stannis is not a pleasant man to be around, only those who know him can ever love him. Any allied models cost an extra 1 point to field, and do not benefit from his standfast. Furthermore Stannis must be your leader if he is in your army.

Mellissandre, the Red Woman: 80pts

M F S D A W C M/ W/ F
6 4 4 4 1 3 8 2 6 2

Dagger, red shawl (counts as an elven cloak, grants her the 'prenatural agility' special rule)

Special rules:

Red God Believer: This model is resistant to magic.

Religious Council:
Melissandre's is only concerned for the well being of her king, the man she fervently believes to be Azor Ahai reborn. As such she fills Stannis with a great vigour, he passes every courage test he needs to if he is within 6" of her and counts as being resistant to magic and counts as being permanently under the effects of the channelled version of the fortify spirit spell.

Bloodthirsty Council:
Though her heart is in the right place, sometimes her religious fixation manifests itself in insane acts of violence, Melissandre may remove a single friendly model from the table per turn in her move to restore Stannis D3 points of either fate or will. If Stannis has taken 2 wounds Mellissandre MUST do this.

Any warrior in the same army as Melissandre may be given the 'Red God Believer' special rule for an additional two points.

Compel: 3+
Transfix: 2+
Drain Courage: 2+

Davos: 70pts

M F S D A W C M/ W/ F
6 4 2 5 2 2 6 2 2 2

Sword and armour.

Special Rules:

Only models from the Stormlands will participate in actions called by Davos, everyone else considers him too much of a peasant to order them around.

Davos is Stannis' greatest subject, one of the few men who can see past his king's cold exterior into Stannis' noble heart - Davos will happily lay down his life for his liege, and protect him at any cost. He will pass any courage test he needs to while Stannis is on the board and may call a free heroic combat each turn if Stannis is within 6" and engaged in combat.

Last edited by SuicidalMarsbar on Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:11 pm 
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Although Stannis isn't a warrior that matches Jaime's abilities, I'd still think he should have three attacks. He was basically able to hold his own at the gates during the Battle of Blackwater, and he is a sturdy, grim and courageous warrior that inspires his followers.

I started to walk around without shoes...

It sort of then became a Hobbit
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:22 pm 
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@ Bofur: I gave Stannis the 'red god believer' rule so he gets a banner re-roll from lightbringer ;) Makes him more combat competent but less killy. Also with 3 wounds and 4 fate I can't in all conciousness make him a combat orientated hero - otherwise he would be too good. It also represents the fact he is the best of both Robert the warrior and Renly the politician.
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 6:25 am 
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Kings Landing

The Small Council

The Small council is an independent Warband and no character from it may lead warriors selected from Kings landing army unless specified. The small Council Comprises of: Grand Maester Pycelle, Petyr Baelish, Varys, Ser Barristan Selmy, The Hand of the King (Eddard Stark or Tyrion Lannsiter or Tywin Lannister, may only choose one in this role), Renly Baratheon and Stannis Baratheon .

Lord Varys, the Spider, the Master of Whispers- 110

F 3/4+
S 3
D 3
A 1
W 2
C 4
M/W/F 1/3/2

Wargear: Unarmoured

Special Rules:
• Little Birds: Varys learnt as a young boy that the contents of one’s letters are more valuable than the contents of his purse. Secrets are Varys’s trade and his methods of acquiring those falls to his extensive use of informants or his “little birds”. Before a deployment determine how many informants Varys has employed in the enemy force by rolling a d3+1. This roll will determine how many informants you may use this game. You may now deploy them where ever you want, irregardless of the deployment type after all Warbands have been placed. These informants may not be charged unless they have previously charged or Varys has died. In addition to this, any enemy model within 3” of an informant may not make use of heroic actions, stand fasts or banner rerolls. Varys' informants have no affect on Petyr Baelish.

• Master of Disguise: Varys is the master of deception; being able to change is appearance to better suit his needs. Varys may be in the guise of a high lord or a lowly drunkard from Flee Bottom, none but he knows his own location. All must be careful to whom they are speaking with as it may just happen to be the spider. Varys is treated as having an elven cloak. In addition to this Models must pass a courage test in order to charge Varys.

• Informant-X points
F 3/4+
S 4
D 4
A 1
W 1
C 4

Wargear: Armour and Dagger

Lord Petyr Baelish, Littlefinger, the Master of Coin-130 points

Petyr Baelish may lead Warbands selected from the Kings Landing army.

F 3/4+
S 3
D 3
A 1
W 2
C 5
M/W/F 1/5/2

Wargear: Dagger and Elven Cloak
Special Rules:
• Chaos is a ladder- Baelish's presence is anathema to the honorable, and his coercing nature strokes the fire of rebellion in his so called “allies”. As a result, no heroes stand fast can be used within 6” of Bealish, bar his own.

• Master of Coin- Baelish replicates money in the blink of an eye, his presence a necessity for the realms economy. Due to his near infinite revenue, Baelish has access to the following abilities at the cost will points; however, these abilities have no effect on the following characters: Tyrion Lannister, Cersei Lannister and Varys.

• Players and Pieces:

1. Players: Baelish may expend any amount of will points at the start of the game, before deployment to mark a designated enemy hero/heroes. Baelish may then allow a friendly hero within 6” of Baelish and in base combat with a marked enemy to re roll any dice equal to the amount of marks spent on the enemy hero in the combat.

2. Pieces: Baelish can use will point to influence any fight roll by 1 per will used within 6” of him.
• Horse-10pts
• Throwing Weapons-5pts

Ser Barristan Selmy, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard-185 points

F 7/4+
S 4
D 6
A 3
W 3
C 7
M/W/F 3/2/3

Wargear: Heavy Armour and Sword

Special Rules:
• Lord Commander of White Cloaks: As the most respected and able Lord Commander in recent years, Barristan has served under 3 kings, protecting them to the best of his ability until relived of his duty by the King Joffery. Barristan’s exceptional leadership of the kingsguard allows any Kingsguard, including Loras Tyrell, Jaime lannsiter and or Sandor Clegane access to the Fearless rule for no additional cost.

• Venerable: With his twilight years far behind him, Barristan is a relic of Targaryen rule, and the notion of treachery in the Red Keep doesn’t sit well with him. However, as befits a man of his experience and skill, Barristan is venerated and exalted amongst the populace of kings landing. All warriors and heroes chosen from the Kings Landing army count as being in range of a banner if they are within 3” of Ser Barristan. However, any hero taken from the Small Council Warband cannot benefit from Barristan’s banner. Also, given his age, Barristan must re roll all successful climb tests.

• A fighter beyond compare- Ser Barristans swordsman ship is the stuff of legends, held in reverence by the Seven Kingdoms greatest. Ser Barristan may allow the person he is body guarding to use his own store of might, will and fate if they are within 6”.Also, when fighting against an enemy hero, if Ser Barristan has won and slain the enemy he regains any might points spent in that combat.

• Bodyguard

Grand Maester Pycelle- 80 points

F 2/5+
S 3
D 3
A 1
W 2
C 4
M/W/F 1/5/1

Wargear: Unarmoured

Special Rules:
• Scholar: all Maesters are trained in the arts of warcraft, ravenry, stonework, healing, medicine and even few in the higher mysteries which dabble with witchcraft or magic. Each field of study that they have mastered is represented by the metals they were in a chain around their neck, and there are none who have more than Grand Maester Pycelle. Pycelle may expend any amount of will to attempt to perform any one of the following (treated as spells):

1. Discipline of healing: A single friendly model within 6” regains 1 wound. 4+ to cast.

2. Art of War: A single friendly model within 12” counts as being in range of a banner for the rest of the turn. 3+ to cast.

3. Ravenry: The Maester and a single friendly model within 12” will automatically pass any courage tests they are made to take for the rest of the turn. 4+ to cast.

4. Knights of the mind: A single friendly model within 12" regains a point of might or will. 5+ to cast.

• Puppet of the Lannsiters: Maesters are bound by their vows to serve whoever holds the castle in which they reside, regardless of whom has control of it. However through the promise of power and coin, Pycelle has been corrupted and bent to the will of the Lannisters. When attempting one of these spells, if it is cast on a member of house lannsiter, the result may be rerolled.

• Wisdom beyond par: Through old age and experience, Maesters have gained wisdom on the aspects of life in all its forms. The controlling player may reroll a single priority roll once per game.

Heroes of Kings Landing

Jaime Lannister of the Kingsguard- 185 points

F 6/4+
S 4
D 6
A 3
W 3
C 6
M/W/F 3/2/2

Wargear: Heavy Armour and sword

Special Rules:
• Bodyguard

• Master of the Blade: Jaime is considered by many to be one of the greatest blades men in all Westeros, All men from peasants to kings know his name. His reputation is well earned; he has bested many men in combat. Jaime may elect to do one of the following: feint, piecing strike, shield, or use his weapon two-handed. Declare which he is using at the start of the combat phase. Jaime gets a +2 to wound when using his sword two handed as opposed to the usual +1. Jaime may shield but still strike with a single die. If Jaime feints, he gets to re-roll 1's and 2's to wound.
In addition to this, whenever Jaime calls a heroic strike, if the roll is a 5 or 6 the action is free.

• Kingslayer: The death of the Mad King, Aerys II hangs over Jaime where ever he walks, often whispers of “Kingslayer” and “oath-breaker” spill from the shadows. The murder of his sworn king has done little to affect the mind of Jaime, but people around him all too remember. No one aside from members of the Kingsguard and House Lannister may make use of his ‘Stand Fast’ and heroic actions.

Ser Ilyn Payne, the Royal Executioner-50 points

F 4
S 4
D 5
A 2
W 2
C 5

M/W/F 1/1/1

Wargear: Armour and Two-handed sword

Special Rules:
• The King’s justice: Ser Ilyn is the Royal Executioner and the King’s justice to Robert Baratheon and his successor Joffrey Baratheon. Ser Ilyn may attempt to bring the King’s justice to an enemy in base combat. Before that combat is takes place Ilyn may elect to execute the enemy. Ilyn is reduced to one attack for that combat. If Ilyn wins the combat and successfully wounds, that enemy model is removed from play. A single fate save can be used to negate the wound, and thus the execution.

• Mute: For 20 years Ser Ilyn has been a mute ever since the Mad King removed his tongue with hot pincers. No one may make use of Ser Ilyns heroic actions or Stand Fast".

Janos Slynt, Commander of the City Watch of King's Landing-55 points

F 5
S 4
D 6
A 2
W 2
C 4
M/W/F 2/1/1

Wargear: Heavy Armour and sword.

Special Rules:
• Lord Commander: Gold Cloaks fight harder in the presence of Janos Slynt, not for honour or glory but so they may one day receive a hansom sum of gold. Gold Cloaks treat Janos as a 3” banner.

• The highest bidder: Janos Slynt is known for taking bribes and selling positions and promotions. Once your force is broken, if Janos fails his break test he is not removed from play but will automatically come under the control of the enemy. (If the enemy force is also broken Janos automatically counts as passing his courage test once he has turned to the other side for that turn only).

• Shield-5 points

Warriors of Kings Landing

Kingsguard-50 points
F 5/3+
S 4
D 6
A 2
W 2
C 5
M/W/F 1/1/1

Wargear: Heavy Armour and Sword

Special Rules:
• Seven Swords must protect the king: One army may only have up to 7 Kingsguard members including names characters. They have the bodyguard special rule. In addition to this the Person they are body guarding may also re-roll failed fate saves.
• Mace-1 point
• Flail-1 point
• Lance-5 points
• Shield-5 points
• Horse-10 points
• Armoured Horse-15 points
• Banner-20 points

Gold Cloaks-6 points
F 3/4+
S 3
D 5
A 1
W 1
C 2

Wargear: Heavy Armour and Hand Weapon

• Shield-1 point
• Spear-1 point
• Bow-1 point

Household Guards-8 points

F 4/4+
S 3
D 4
A 1
W 1
C 3

Wargear: Armour and Hand Weapon

• Heavy Armour-1 points
• Shield-1 point
• Spear- 1 point
• Bow-1 point

Special Rules:
• For the Family: Household guard gain the bodyguard rule if any character is present in their army from the Houses: Stark, Lannister, Greyjoy, Tyrell, Arryn, Tully, Martell, Baratheon or Targaryen.

Knight of the Realm-11 points
F 4/4+
S 4
T 5
A 1
W 1
C 4

Wargear: Heavy Armour and Sword
• Horse- 6 points
• Armoured Horse- 9 points
• Lance-5 points
• Shield-2 points
• Banner-25 points

May only choose one of the following
• Hedge Knight- 3 points (gives the Knight woodland creature)
• Sworn Sword- 2 points (gives the Knight bodyguard)
• Landed Knight- 10 points (gives the Knight 1 might point)

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I understand that if any more words come pouring out your mouth, I'm going to have to eat every chicken in this room.

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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 7:51 am 
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SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
@ Bofur: I gave Stannis the 'red god believer' rule so he gets a banner re-roll from lightbringer ;) Makes him more combat competent but less killy. Also with 3 wounds and 4 fate I can't in all conciousness make him a combat orientated hero - otherwise he would be too good. It also represents the fact he is the best of both Robert the warrior and Renly the politician.

Ah, I see now. I misread the special rule :roll:

Also, once both Clegane's were a part of the Small Council, though they rarely attended. I don't think once in the series though they went, although before they did go. You could consider adding them in.

Pretty cool all of this anyway, I'm enjoying it.

I started to walk around without shoes...

It sort of then became a Hobbit
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones (last update 24th Feb)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:07 am 
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Thanks for the responses guys!

Just wondering whether your going to change the stats for the men at arms and knights depending on their household

I chose the name men at arms as there were many different houses fighting for the north and I needed a general unifying name. Different houses will have warriors with different stats, so for say lannister they will probably be better armored.

are people like Jaime Lannister and Loras Tyrell going to be Fight 8-9, with Gregor and Sandor Fight 10?

This is a very good question :) . looking at lotr, most top tier heros are capped at fight 6, where you need to be extremely good to rise above that. The issue that I have is whether I should break this (GBHL made a video I think about this). Lets compare the likes of Barristan to Jamie who is being compared to Eddard. Lets assume Barristan is a better fighter than Jamie (which is arguable), does this mean Barristan is now fight 7 and Jamie 6?. However when we compare Jamie to Ned, Jamie is the superior fighter, does that make Ned fight 5? If I had my way I would make Barristan fight 8, Jamie fight 7 and Ned fight 6. The crux of this issue comes down to whether we are comparing GOT characters to LOTR characters or just comparing got to got. I think ignoring lotr characters is probably the best way to go as it allows me to make better distinctions between characters.
Please let me know what you guys think on the matter and I'll adjust accordingly.

I understand that if any more words come pouring out your mouth, I'm going to have to eat every chicken in this room.
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones (last update 24th Feb, more North KingsL
PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:53 pm 
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As there many legendary warriors in Westeros, I would find it sense to not have the characters stats too solidly based around LoTR. So as in your example above, I would say Ser Barristan is better than Jaime, and so should have one point higher stat in fight value above him. However, as some may disagree with me that he should have a point higher on his Fight Value, perhaps give him more might.

Ned is definitely a great fighter, but is not as good as Jaime. However, If you're going to basing these characters off the LoTR characters, I think they should both have F6. Ser Barristan should have F7 in my opinion. As well as other legendary warriors, an example being Ser Arthur Dayne.

But comparing GoT to GoT characters, and if you choose to have your own set of rules, I'd believe Barristan should be at 7, Jaime at 6 and Ned at 5 as you said.

Blabbed on a bit, but hope this has helped :-)

I started to walk around without shoes...

It sort of then became a Hobbit
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones (last update 24th Feb, more North KingsL
PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:08 pm 
Elven Warrior
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First, his name is NOT Jamie :no:
In the Lannister men-at-arms you've given them armour, with the option of h-armour. But the h-armour is two points extra rather than one. In lotr it would only be +1 point. Is this intentional?
Jaime is the best swordsman in the seven kingdoms at the time, far better than Selmy. Plus Selmy is past his prime, shall we say. I would say, with his training, the old man :lol: would be f6, whereas Jaime would be f7, possibly 8.
I don't like the Spider having woodland creature. What evidence is there he is any sort of woodsman?
Finally, other Heros, lords and Knights do not benefit from davos's Stand Fast or Heroic Actions.

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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones (last update 24th Feb, more North KingsL
PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:38 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Isilduhrr - While Jamie(or however you spell it) is a excellent swordsman, maybe even his generations Mandalore, the kings guard of Aries's day were likely better. If you see his possible free heroic strike's as the rule's way of giving him his due, rather than his set fight. Then you can leave another tier of fight value for the above mentioned kings guard, other older heroes and dragons.

Also it's just a basic set of stats, so Jamie at the start of the series. Conceivably a number could be done to show his progression much like Gandalf and Aragorn. Since we have not reached the end of the series its unclear if he has reached his peek skill why give him a more than resalable value to start and see how it goes?

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones (last update 24th Feb, more North KingsL
PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:09 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Wan Shi Tong, no disrespect, but its clear that Jaime in the beginnih of the saga is Jaime at his peak. Have you not reached that part yet? ;)

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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones (last update 24th Feb, more North KingsL
PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:16 pm 
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Perhaps state that Jaime's sword counts as an elf blade (for tie-breakers) and add this clause to Jaime's rule:

Jaime gets a +2 to wound when using his sword two handed as opposed to the usual +1
Jaime may shield but still strike with a single dice
If Jaime feints, he gets to re-roll 1's and 2's to wound.

That way, he is still superior to most models in combat, but without taking the dull route of giving him F7.
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones (last update 24th Feb, more North KingsL
PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:20 pm 
Elven Warrior
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However, I do like the "Trained by the sword of the morning" as it does in a way reflect the not-quite-honest, underhanded and maybe treacherous way of deulling.
Im laughing at how many of these profiles dislike and dont trust each other, it really captures the treacherpus aspect of the story.
Sorry for double-posting.

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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones (last update 24th Feb, more North KingsL
PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:26 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Yeah, I know how it went all to well. Perhaps it was his peak, but who can say for certain how things will turn out?

Marsbar - plus two are you crazy killing dragons and everything else under the sun on a 4. There's powerful and then there's pitting a burglar against a space-marine.

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones (last update 24th Feb, more North KingsL
PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:36 pm 
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@WST: Look at it this way though, Jaime still gets the -1 modifier when rolling to duel, meaning he is almost forced to use his might to win fights, meaning less heroic strikes. Similarly if he feints he is losing fight value - which he needs to fight said dragons. You don't want to give him the +1 to wound because that sorta thing is for the muscle men like Dwalin/Robert - so making him get +2 to wound when he goes two handed means there is a reason to go two handed.

It makes him a high risk, high reward model that can be easily defeated by a 'worse' 3 attack model such as Ned - if someone gets cocky with the special rules and declares:
"I am going to heroic strike, feint, and go two handed." - there is a 66% they spend a might point on the heroic strike, which then gets reduced because of the feint, and then they need to use might to win the fight because of the -1 modifier. Even if they win Ned has good defence, and fate to back him up - and Jaime is down in might.
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones (last update 24th Feb, more North KingsL
PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 11:44 pm 
Elven Warrior
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While I did not mean for that to be taken with total seriousness I still see your point. I would still be more agreeable to something like a nazgul dagger, were he can make a special strike instead of wounding normally he could make one strike that would
insta-kill his target. Rather than 3 with plus 2. Maybe call it cheap trick or unsporting, to show how he does not mince words when he means to kill someone.

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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