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 Post subject: Game Of Thrones (Last Update 24th May extra stuff&last post)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:50 am 
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Hi guys, a friend and I have set out to create rules (and potentially models) for the notable people and their families found within Game of Thrones. I'll update the posts with the models in a groups depending on their family/region. Any c&c would be appreciated. Here's House Stark:

House Stark

Winter is coming

Eddard Stark, Catelyn Stark, Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Rickon Stark, Jory Cassel and Ser Rodrick Cassel may all be included in the House Stark Warband.

Heroes of House Stark

Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North- 145 points

Eddard Stark may lead Warbands selected from the House Stark army.

F 6/3+
S 4
D 6
A 3
W 3
C 6
W/W/F 3/3/3

Wargear: Heavy Armour and Ice (Ice is a two handed great sword forged from Valyrian steel, the largest of its kind; only a man such as Ned has the strength and ability to wield such a blade. Ice is a two handed sword that does not suffer the -1 modifier to hit in close combat. In addition to this, any natural roll of a 6 to wound will immediately cause an addition wound. Due to the magics used in the process of forging this blade Ice cannot be destroyed or broken by any special rules or magical powers of any kind.

Special Rules:
• Fearless
• Winter is coming: The men of the north are constantly aware of the coming of the long winter and thus are always prepared, none more so than Ned. To represent this the controlling player may reroll a single priority role once per game.

• Horse-10 points

Catelyn Stark, Lady Stoneheart, Lady of Winterfell-45 points

Catelyn may lead Warbands selected from the House Stark army and House Tully Army.

F 3/4+
S 3
D 4
A 1
W 2
C 5
M/W/F 1/3/2

Wargear: Dagger and Armour

Special Rules:
• Family, Duty, Honor: Catelyn is a fiercely protective woman and more often than not follows her heart rather than her head, especially when it comes to her family, whom she loves deeply. Any member of Catelyn Stark’s close family bar Jon Snow may use her will and fate if they are within 3” of here as if it were their own.

• Horse-10 points

Robb Stark, Heir to Winterfell-85 points

Robb Stark may lead Warbands selected from the House Stark army.

F 5/3+
S 4
D 6
A 2
W 3
C 6
M/W/F 2/2/1

Wargear: Long Sword and Heavy Armour

Special Rules:
• The King in the North!: After his lord Father’s death, Robb becomes lord of Winterfell and his bannermen are no less eager to follow him as they once did his father. If Eddard Stark is not included in your force then Robb counts as a 12” banner to all friendly models.

• Horse-10 points

• Grey wind-55 points
M 8
F 4/0+
S 5
D 4
A 2
W 2
C 4

Wargear: Teeth and Claws (never counts as being unarmed)

Special Rules:
• Monstrous Calvary
• Body Guard (Robb Stark only)
• He’s killed too many men to fear them now: Due to Grey Wind’s ferocity in combat fighting alongside Robb he has gained the respect and fear of both friend and foe alike. Grey Wind is Fearless and also causes terror as long as he is no more than 12” away from Robb.

Jon Snow, Lord Snow-65 points

Jon Snow may not lead any Warbands.

F 5/3+
S 4
D 5
A 3
W 2
C 5
M/W/F 2/1/1

Wargear: Armour, Sword and Elven Bow

Special Rules:
• Shunned: He may not make use of stand fasts or heroic actions called by Catelyn.
• Blood of my Father: Due to Jon’s close relationship with Arya Stark he has the bodyguard special rule (Arya Stark only)

• Horse-10 points
• Longclaw:-25-Originally a Valyrian steel sword owned by the Mormont family, Commander Mormont decided to hand down this to Jon after Jorah Mormont, his son, was disgraced and fled Lord Stark's justice. This hand-and-a-half sword has been in Jon’s possession ever since he saved the lord commander from a reanimated body. Longclaw allows Jon to reroll a single to hit, or to wound in combat and cannot be destroyed or broken by any special rules or magical powers of any kind.
• Ghost-30

M 7
F 4/0+
S 4
D 5
A 2
W 2
C 4

Wargear: Teeth and Claws

Special rules:
• Bodyguard (Jon Snow Only)
• Stealth Hunter- Ghost initially is the smallest of the litter and is the he is the only one who makes no noise. As such Ghost is a woodland creature and counts as having an elven cloak.
• Loner- Ghost may deploy up to 12” away from Jon.
• Monstrous Calvary

Arya Stark, third child of Eddard and Catelyn Stark-50 points

Arya Stark may lead Warbands selected from the House Stark army.

F 4/3+
S 3
D 4
A 2
W 2
C 5
M/W/F 1/2/1

Wargear: Armour, Needle (sword) and bow
Special Rules:
• What do we say to the god of death?: Arya may ignore any wound on the roll of a 5 +
• Stick em’ with the pointy end: On a roll of a 6 to wound in close combat, Arya will automatically cause a wound regardless of whether she would have needed a higher result.

• Bow-2 points
• Horse-10 points

• Nymeria-25 points

M 7”
F 4/0+
S 4
D 4
A 2
W 2
C 4

Wargear: Teeth and Claws

Special Rules:
• Bodyguard (Arya Stark only)
• Monstrous Calvary

Sansa Stark, eldest daughter of Eddard and Catelyn Stark-35

Sansa Stark may lead Warbands selected from the House Stark army.

F 2/4+
S 3
D 3
W 2
A 1
C 4
M/W/F 0/1/1

Wargear: unarmoured

Special Rules:
• The Stories of old: As long as friendly knight or lord is alive Sansa may expend a single point of either a might/will/fate for free each per turn.
• Horse-10 points

• Lady-20 points

M 7”
F 4/0+
S 3
D 4
A 2
W 2
C 3

Wargear: Teeth and Claws

Special Rules:
• Calvary
• Bodyguard (Sansa Stark only) conversely Sansa also remains fearless if Lady is alive on the table.

Brandon Stark, the Cripple, Little Lord-65 points

Brandon Stark may lead Warbands selected from the House Stark army.
F 3/4+
S 3
D 5
A 1
W 4
C 4
M/W/F 2/1/1

Wargear: Dagger, Armour

Special Rules:
• Warg: Bran unknowingly has the rare gift of being able to control animals. However he has not fully mastered the art of doing so, so being able to enter this state is both difficult and uncertain. At the start of the movement phase roll a d6. On the roll of a 6 Bran has successfully entered this ‘warg’ state of mind and may move on enemy, animal as defined by, horse, warg, spider, bat swarm, fell beast, 3”. This beast may not move subsequently in the rest of the movement phase but may shoot, or cast magical powers if it can do so.
• Greensight: Touched by the Old Gods themselves. Bran has the Greensight where his dreams are often prophetic. Bran allows your side to reroll one single die per game.
• Hodor-free. Hodor and Bran are counted as a single model, so if Hodor is knocked down Bran is not thrown. He shares the wounds, defense, courage and movement with Bran.
F 4
S 5
D /
W /
A 2
C /
M/W/F 1/1/1

Wargear: Fists (Hodor is a passive and kind man; however he is never counted as being unarmed).

Special Rules:
• Hodor. Hodor (and thus Bran) have the resistant to magic special rule.

• Summer-35
M 7”
F 5/0+
S 4
D 4
A 2
W 2
C 5

Wargear: Teeth and Claws

Special Rules
• Monstrous Calvary
• Bodyguard (Bran stark only)
• Howler: All the Starks bar Catelyn treat summer as a 6” horn blower.

Rickon Stark, youngest of Eddard and Catelyn Stark- 20

Rickon Stark may not lead any Warbands.

F 1/5+
S 2
D 2
A 1
W 2
C 3
M/W/F 1/0/1

Wargear: Unarmoured

Special Rules:
• Unruly: Rickon has the Fury 6+ special rule. In addition to this he must remain within 6” of either Eddard, Catelyn or Robb Stark at all times (This rule only applies if Rickon is included in the same force as Ned, Cat or Rob Stark). If for some reason he comes out of that distance he must immediately move the amount to satisfy the rule.
• Throw Stones.
• Pony- 8 points.

• Shaggydog-45
M 7”
F 5/0+
S 5
D 4
A 2
W 2
C 4

Wargear: Teeth and Claws

Special Rules:
• Monstrous Mount
• Bodyguard (Rickon Stark only)
• Gone wild!: Should Rickon take a wound Shaggydog will become enraged. His Strength and Attacks will become 6 and 3 respectively for the rest of the game. However, he will only charge an enemy that has charged Rickon or which Rickon has charged himself.

Jory Cassel, captain of Eddard’s personal guard-60 points

Jory Cassel may lead Warbands selected from the House Stark army and House hold guard from the Kings Landing army.

F 5/4+
S 4
D 5
A 2
W 2
C 4
M/W/F 3/1/1

Wargear: Armour and sword

Special Rules:
• Bodyguard (Eddard Stark only)

• Horse- 10 points
• Shield- 5 points

Ser Rodrik Cassel, Master at arms of Winterfell-60 points

Ser Rodrik Cassel may lead Warbands selected from the House Stark army.

F 5/4+
S 4
D 6
A 2
W 2
C 5
M/W/F 2/1/1

Wargear: Spear, Sword and Heavy armour

Special Rules:
• Master of Arms: Ser Rodrik has held the position of master of arms of Winterfell for many years and countless warriors such as Robb, Jon and Theon, have learnt how to fight under his guidance. For 2 points per model, any warrior selected from the House Stark army may gain +1 fight value to their profile.

• Horse-10 points

Jon Umber, Lord of House Umber, the Greatjon, banner of the North -65 points

Jon Umber may lead Warbands selected from the House Stark army.

F 5/4+
S 5
D 6
A 2
W 2
C 6
M/W/F 3/1/1

Wargear: Heavy Armour and Two-handed Sword

Special Rules:
• Headstrong: Then Greatjon is known throughout the North as a man who fights with vigour and ferocity, often dismissing the tactical option in order to get in the thick of it. Once per game Jon may call a heroic combat or heroic fight for free. However this will not affect named heroes as they see the folly in joining a combat which may not be advantageous.

• Your meat, is bloody tough: The Greatjon, a man thick with muscle and nearly 7 feet tall is able to shrug of the worst of pain as if it were a scratch. Jon may reroll his fate save if it is not successful.

• Horse-10 points

Theon Greyjoy, ward of Eddard Stark and Heir to the Iron Islands- 70

F 5/3+
S 4
D 5
A 2
W 2
C 4
M/W/F 2/2/1

Wargear: Armour, Sword and Elven Bow

Special Rules:
• Hunter: During his time in Winterfell Theon has spent many hours in the Wolfswood honing his skill as a hunter; practicing on various game. Theon has the woodland creature special rule and may reroll failed in the way rolls.

• The iron price: The iron price is a key feature of the ethos of all Iron Islanders. The iron price refers to the stealing of items from a defeated foe rather than paying for it. If Theon kills a model in combat, any might spent in doing so will be returned to him.

• Horse-10 points
• Shield-2 points

Roose Bolton, head of House Bolton and lord of the Dreadfort-65

Roose Bolton may lead Warbands selected from the House Stark army.

F 5/4+
S 4
D 6
A 2
W 2
C 5
M/W/F 2/3/2

Wargear: Heavy Armour and Sword

Special Rules:
• Cold cunning: Roose Bolton has a skill for strategy and a sharp mind to match. Cold and calculating, Roose is often relied upon to command sections of the battle field where other men may falter under the pressure. Although Roose is softly spoken his words demand the attention of his followers and comrades. Roose has 12” “Stand Fast”.

• Lord of the Dreadfort: The Dreadfort is ill-omened, for it is said that the Boltons keep torture chambers and a special room where they hang the flayed skins of their enemies, some even believing that they still have the skin of several Stark kings. The mere presence of Roose Bolton can cause doubt in the enemies as they know if they don’t win, they will suffer a fate worse than death. Roose causes terror. In addition to this any terror test made when charging Roose is always made at -1.

Captain of the North-50 points

F 4/4+
S 4
D 5
A 2
W 2
C 5
M/W/F 2/1/1

Wargear: Armour and Hand Weapon

Warriors of House Stark

Men at arms-7 points

F 3/4+
S 3
D 4
A 1
W 1
C 4

Wargear: Armour and Hand Weapon

• Shield-1 point
• Spear-1 point
• Bow-1 points
• Horse- 6 points
• Banner-25 points

Warriors of House Umber-10 points

F 3/4+
S 4
D 4
A 1
W 1
C 5

Wargear: Armour and Hand Weapon

• Shield-1 point
• Spear-1 point
• Bow-1 points
• Horse- 6 points
• Banner-25 points

Warriors of House Bolton-10 points

F 3/4+
S 3
D 4
A 1
W 1
C 4

Wargear: Armour and Hand Weapon

• Shield-1 point
• Spear-1 point
• Bow-1 points
• Horse- 6 points
• Banner-25 points

Special Rules:
• Terror

Knight of the Realm-11 points

F 4/4+
S 4
D 5
A 1
W 1
C 4

Wargear: Heavy Armour and Sword
• Horse- 6 points
• Armoured Horse- 9 points
• Lance-4 points
• Shield-2 points
• Banner-25 points

May only choose one of the following
• Hedge Knight- 3 points (gives the Knight woodland creature)
• Sworn Sword- 2 points (gives the Knight bodyguard)
• Landed Knight- 10 points ( gives the Knight 1 might point)

*let me know if it is easier for you if I just leave the document, post the rules directly here or both. Thanks!

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I understand that if any more words come pouring out your mouth, I'm going to have to eat every chicken in this room.

Last edited by Havanna on Wed May 28, 2014 9:51 am, edited 47 times in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:53 am 

Joined: Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:42 am
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This is soo awesome!! Although I don't like the idea of Westeros and middle earth mixing should be seperate.

Check out my WIP> viewtopic.php?f=50&t=26737
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 3:31 am 
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Joined: Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:13 pm
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A lot of thought has been put into this. Great work, those special rules are also very well though out. Recently there was a post with a kickstarter for Game of Thrones miniatures I suggest you check them out.
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:27 am 
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Imladris96 wrote:
A lot of thought has been put into this. Great work, those special rules are also very well though out. Recently there was a post with a kickstarter for Game of Thrones miniatures I suggest you check them out.

Where is this? I'm definately interested as Game of Thrones is one of the most enjoyable books I have found since the Lord of the Rings.

Also a quick question, I noticed that all of the direwolves have different profiles, while I understand the female direwolves were more laid back and not so war hungry as Summer, shaggy dog, Ghost and Grey Wind was. I'm not sure why you made those three male direwolves different? Why I say this is because from what I remember they were all three extremely vicious and each were fairly large to be about equal in strength? I was just wondering on your thoughts on this as I would have probably made them all the same profile and point value, except maybe Ghost as from what I got from my reading Ghost was in my opinion, very intelligent and I want to say cunning for the direwolves.

Just wondering, good thoughts though from what I could tell!

Who ever said swimming was easier then running never swam a 400 I.M.
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:33 am 
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Pretty Damn Good!! However i think the shields as they are in lotr should be 1 point and not 2, and some units seem OP and some under powered. I personally think Jon's profile should be upped but that may be because his my favourite character haha.

Go The Glorf!

My W.I.P - viewtopic.php?f=50&t=28062
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:08 am 
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Thanks for the responses.

Where is this? I'm definately interested as Game of Thrones is one of the most enjoyable books I have found since the Lord of the Rings. ... =qAQGd4UCQ

I was just wondering on your thoughts on this as I would have probably made them all the same profile and point value, except maybe Ghost

I thought about making them the same, but I thought the uniqueness of each wolf would be nice and fun to play on the table. All the direwolves were strong and potentially all equally dangerous, however the wolves all began to develop traits that made them unique. For example Ghost was initially the smallest of the wolves, never spoke and often went hunting (Knights Watch version) so to represent this I gave him the cloak and woodland creature. Shaggydog, later in the book becomes aggressive which is representative of Rickon's emotional state (he bites Luwin and the blacksmith (the dog, not the boy) ), so thus the gone wild! special rule seemed fitting. Lady could be considered the mildest of the 6 wolves so I made her slightly weaker in combat.

If you do have any specifics which you think should be changed please let me know =). More will be coming soon with Kings Landing next.

I understand that if any more words come pouring out your mouth, I'm going to have to eat every chicken in this room.
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:07 am 
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Joined: Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:13 am
Posts: 316
This is the best! I'm reading Blood and Gold right now and I think your profiles really match with the characters. I can't wait for more.

Don't click on this link!!!! Giddings
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:09 am 
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I reckon for House Stark add in Theon, Maester Luwin, and some of Ned's/Rob's Bannermen.

Don't click on this link!!!! Giddings
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:48 am 

Joined: Sat Jan 05, 2013 8:45 pm
Posts: 120
Like it,
but some things are really overpowered,
I can take for example a sansa stark and a knight with shield and bodyguard for 50 points in total and you can call each turn a heroic move for free, and if sansa gets wounded you have free fate.
while catelyn is really overpriced for 55 points
and rob stark is overpowerd because 12" banner......

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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:48 am 
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I like these very much. You've clearly thought them through, and match the characters well.

I think with Jon's sword Longclaw, you should add in double wounds against spirits and undead. As his blade is Valyrian Steel (Dragonsteel) and undead being vulnerable to this.

I think next you should do Theon, the Greatjon and Luwin. Or perhaps another noble family.


Link for the topic on the Kickstarter. It's a Song of Ice and Fire, based on the books and not the series though :-D

I started to walk around without shoes...

It sort of then became a Hobbit
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:43 am 
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I agree with you on these points.

can take for example a sansa stark and a knight with shield and bodyguard for 50 points in total and you can call each turn a heroic move for free, and if sansa gets wounded you have free fate.

Changed it to only 1 point of either m/w/f.

Catelyn is really overpriced

A drop of 5 points may help to alleviate this.

rob stark is overpowerd

Im okay with him being a 12" banner. We already have that with Imrahil though that is only for two units. But I bumped him up 5.

I understand that if any more words come pouring out your mouth, I'm going to have to eat every chicken in this room.
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:56 am 
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This is great and really well thought out! Just wondering whether your going to change the stats for the men at arms and knights depending on their household e.g lannisters have heavy armour due to their families wealth.
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 11:02 am 
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Joined: Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:43 pm
Posts: 41
This is simply amazing. Truly, the GoT setting fits the LotR SBG rules perfectly. The new rules are also very nicely thought through. Definitely one I'll keep an eye on! :D

'If more of us valued food, cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.'

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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 11:25 am 
Elven Elder
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Hi, your not alone in thinking of this however,

Firstly, Robb is not called Robbert, Robb is the full word.

Secondly, shields on warriors should be 1pt as 2pts is too high since 50% of the time +1 Defence makes no difference

Thirdly, Warm clothing is not armour, Rickon should be defence 2, much like a Hobbit.

Fourthly, if a Knight becomes a Hero, his points must become a multiple of 5.

Fifthly, why the Sansa bashing? Jon and Sansa get along fine so he should benefit from her heroic actions and stand-fasts.

Sixthly, Jon is not called John, Jon is as long as the word gets.

Seventhly, Hodor should just be "Resistant to Magic"

Eighthly, this thread is in the wrong place, it should be in House Rules.

And that, I think, concludes my response, if I think on anything else, I'll come back here.

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:51 pm 
Elven Warrior
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• Howler: All the Starks bar Catelyn treat Ghost as a 6” horn blower

this is in the Summer profile. is this suppoed to mean Ghost or Summer? i assume Summer as Ghost was silent.

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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 3:45 pm 
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This is great but i think the Ned profile is a bit off, a few pointers:

Give him 3 fate, i disagree with GW profiles that give dead characters 1 fate but at least in Middle Earth people tend to die in combat - giving some excuse to Boromir/Azog having no fate. Ned on the other hand is a legendary war veteran who deserves all 3 points of fate.

Introvert: Ned's reluctance to participate in childlike tournaments has created much speculation as to his true skill in combat. As such most men are reluctant to take any risks against him - models in combat with Ned can never have their fight value raised above their printed value.

Northern Honour: Ned has a reputation for being brave, noble, trustworthy, and just. Good men respect him and cowards tremble at his mention. Ned causes terror, has resistance to magic, and any model wanting to charge Ned who has a courage of 5 or more suffers a -2 penalty to their courage test (this represents the decent people not wanting to lock blades with good ol Ned)
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 3:56 pm 
Elven Elder
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Oh and one more thing, if you make Ned Stark such a good fighter,even though he supposed to be an average swordsman (according to GRRM), are people like Jaime Lannister and Loras Tyrell going to be Fight 8-9, with Gregor and Sandor Fight 10?

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:18 pm 
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An 'average swordsman' doesn't survive two wars on the frontline and a duel with Arthur Dayne. Keep in mind he would have been trained by the same chaps who taught Robert how to fight - and Robert is like Dwalin on crack.
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:35 pm 
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SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
An 'average swordsman' doesn't survive two wars on the frontline and a duel with Arthur Dayne. Keep in mind he would have been trained by the same chaps who taught Robert how to fight - and Robert is like Dwalin on crack.

This is a good point. Ned was a good fighter but not war hungry like Robert, Although his true combat ability was never really brought out in the books, since he never had the true opportunity to fight, and all the times it was referenced to his past in those wars were from his point of view and you could easily see that he was being humble saying better men died then him. Or he could really mean that and they could have been better then him and a certain amount of luck was involved.

GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Oh and one more thing, if you make Ned Stark such a good fighter,even though he supposed to be an average swordsman (according to GRRM), are people like Jaime Lannister and Loras Tyrell going to be Fight 8-9, with Gregor and Sandor Fight 10?

This is also a good point, as Jaime up until the loss of his hand was the most skilled swordsmen in Westros, I think he should have a higher fight then either Gregor or Sandor. Gregor and Sandor were more brutally strong then skilled, after all your not called a mountain for nothing. I would give those two higher strength then Jamie, Not higher fight although they were still good fighters in the sense and don't deserve to have next to no fight value, just Jamie should be higher. Loras is kinda a weird character, I would probably put him with a fight value smaller then Jamie and either equal or maybe one above Gregor or Sandor.

Although these are both very good points gentlemen this is just my thoughts.

Who ever said swimming was easier then running never swam a 400 I.M.
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 Post subject: Re: Game Of Thrones
PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:42 pm 
Elven Elder
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SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
An 'average swordsman' doesn't survive two wars on the frontline and a duel with Arthur Dayne. Keep in mind he would have been trained by the same chaps who taught Robert how to fight - and Robert is like Dwalin on crack.

No, he mostly lead from the rear he wasn't a Robert, and he didn't fight Dayne single-handedly, he needed the help of Howland Reed to beat him. In the books, Ned is a competent fighter nothing more, GRRM has said so too when asked, officially. The training alone did not make Robert that way, it was genetics too. I blame the show a lot for making Ned more badass, he certainly was not in the books and anyone who says otherwise is mistaken.

Here are what GRRM has to say on the subject:

Martin's stipulation that Jaime Lannister is one of the greatest swordsmen in the history of the Seven Kingdoms and his indicating yet again that the Ned Stark of the novels isn't really a great warrior, that his talents lie elsewhere

And this is admin on

While he is certainly a skilled commander in the series, his skill as a swordsman are much more modest than they appear to be presented as in the show. His negative view of tourneys in the novels had more to do with not turning war into a game, as opposed to reports of the pilot presenting it as his preferring to keep possible opponents unaware of the full extent of his abilities.

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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