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 Post subject: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:07 pm 
Elven Elder
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So as the title says this thread is dedicated to the best moments from our SBG experiences. From the most ridiculous to the most epic!

For myself the moment that always sticks out in my mind came about 6-7 years back. I was playing a 3-way battle, my Easterlings (with a small contingent of Harad support) against Isengard against Mordor. The battlefield had a large river in the center with only 2 crossing points. A bridge and a log.

At the bridge (which was in the center of the battle-field) it was a full scale traffic-jam with my Easterling Phalanx clashing with a Uruk one clashing with some Orc rabble. Needles to say (and yet I will anyway) at 1200 points per side, progress was slow.

So in an attempt to gain an advantage the Mordor player ran a group of orcs to the log to cross. He ended up rolling terribly and lost a very large amount of orcs to simply falling off the log and drowning. (Those that survived met the hardened steel of a squad of Easterlings).

After the battle we did the math and the terrible dice rolls required to have so many orcs drown was a little worse than 1:10, 000.

Anyways that's my favorite LOTR moment. I'm eager to hear others

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 Post subject: Re: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:24 pm 
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I once played a Mordor vs Last Alliance game where the middle of the board was a chasm and there was only one bridge to cross.

As I was Mordor, I sent a warband of orcs to cross the bridge to fight the Warriors of Numenor on the other side.

As I crossed the bridge the crafty Numenorians flipped it and my entire warband perished in the fall.

It didn't end up making a difference as Numenor was washed away by the sea :-)

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 Post subject: Re: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:24 pm 
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My regular opponents used to fear the wrath of Beregond. I remember in one of his first outings I was playing against an Isengard force led by Saruman, who was the obvious target given his lower defence than anyone else in the front line (quite what he was doing there we'll never know). I got off some very lucky shooting with my rangers and took two wounds and all of his fate off him in one turn, but was a bit disappointed not to kill him. Then I saw Beregond in amongst my rank and file Warriors of Minas Tirith, and the rest is history.

Pales in comparison to the time that he led a handful of WOMT and Gandalf the White against Sauron (who failed his first ring roll). Never underestimate Beregond!
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 Post subject: Re: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:42 pm 
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Onetime a group of my easterlings tried to leap over a ravine. Sounds simple right? Well apparently they'd been on the Rhunish Vodka and four of them got stuck down there. Everytime they tried to get back up they fell back down. Three of them proceeded to beat themselves to death with their own armour after so many falls. Don't drink and fight kids!

Another time I played a seize the Prize variant where you had to get it off your opponent's table edge. My kataphakt got it, ran away from the dwarves, got it to the very edge of the table...

And failed a courage test.

The easterlings got exterminated but luckily all the dwarves including Gimli failed their courage tests as well and the battle was a draw.

I've had some funny stuff happen but those are the most memorable moments.

"Release the Kragle!"
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 Post subject: Re: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:50 pm 
Elven Elder
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at ToS last year, I had one morannon orc w/ axe & shield go on a rampage through dwarven lines. Killed 3 khazads, couple of dwarf warriors and then finished off gimli. All in one game. Actually won me an award for most infamous unit. Probably my favourite moment ever.

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 Post subject: Re: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:27 pm 
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Once my brother and I played a 500 pt game between Elves and Mordor. In the final rounds my brother had a Mordor Troll Chieftan (complete with 3 wound but 0 might) vs 5 Haldir's Elves. He easily killed two before failing his broken test and running away, resulting in me winning (gotta love elves courage). Also there was a time where my Glorfindel killed his Troll Chieftan (3 wounds and all m/w/f) in one attack phase. Same with Boromir CotWT.
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 Post subject: Re: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:33 pm 
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I know I've shared about Dwight the Balrog before, but it bears repeating.

My friend got himself a Balrog, painted him up and couldn't wait to get him on the tabletop. He talked a lot of smack and challenged me to a game. So I went over to his house with some Dwarves in tow, and we prepared to battle over Moria once again.

First, the Balrog caught a Ballista shot in the chest. Boom. Then, one of my archers drew a bead and shot him in the eye. So, by the time the Balrog made it to my battle line, I had already put a good sized dent into him. When he got into charge range, I surrounded him with Gimli and a cadre of Khazad Guard, who in one round of combat hacked both of his feet off at the ankles. Dead Balrog. He performed so terribly, we named him Dwight after the guy on the US version of the Office, who is always acting like of tough guy, but rarely performs up to what he claims.

It was tooooo funny.


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 Post subject: Re: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:38 pm 
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Oh I remember it like it was yesterday, oh.. but it was.

Well, I shot Azog, 0 fate points remaining, with 5 Mirkwood. 4 arrows hit, 3 of them hit azog and 2 hit the White Warg (which survived). 2 arrows did the job: Azog the Defiler was dead(ed)!

Always remember, never forget.

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 Post subject: Re: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:04 pm 
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There have been many but the first one to come to mind was the last big 2v2 battle my mates and I had about a year ago. I think it was around 700 points. They (the evil side) had gothmog on a warg and a ring wraith on fell beast. We had boromir and legolas. There were obviously more in each army but these are the important ones to the story!

Anyway during round 2, legolas had very little to shoot at and I spent a few minutes convincing my mate to have a pot at the ring wraith with his one automatic hit. He eventually agreed, neither of us realising that our opponent hadn't bought any fate points for his nazgul!! So to even my delight, the wraith disappeared in, yes, the second shoot phase.

Not only that but in the subsequent fight phase, after our other opponent left gothmog to the rear of his lines but foolishly left me enough room to get boromir and two womt in on him. Needless to say, after possibly my best multiple dice roll and gothmogs fate completely abandoning him, we had killed their two major heroes within 2 turns!!

It took a bit of convincing to get the two of them to continue after that!! Although they did have a troll who we found incredibly difficult to get rid of!! Still, I guess that's the reason they haven't been back since!! Pity because I want to experience more moments like that!!

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 Post subject: Re: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 8:46 pm 
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Drunken Glorfindel: tried to jump a fence on his horse, rolled a 1. Got a 1 on his Expert Rider reroll, so away goes Asfaloth, sick of his drunken singing. Glorfindel lands in the mud, rolls for the fallen rider, gets a 6, hurts his back. Tries to call on the Valar for help, rolls a 1 for his Fate roll. "You drink too much," says Elbereth, "no help for you."

The Spider Queen sees a chance and charges while he's lying in the mud. He screams like a little elven girl. She's dancing over his body, stabbing with her fangs, and gets a 6 in the Duel. Best Glorfindel can do is a 3...but he has all his Might and suddenly remembers who he is, stands up and beats her back, wobbling around on unsteady legs.

It was all fun and games before, but the adrenaline rush clears his head. She sees an opening and charges, but he rolls a 1, a 2,...a 6! Sword held high, he cleaves her foul head from her body with two 5s and a 4.
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 Post subject: Re: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 9:09 pm 
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In one game one of my little goblin town goblins killed 3 or 4 (?) Grimhammers all by himself.
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 Post subject: Re: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:37 pm 
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That epic moment when Gil-Galad fights Elladan and kills him, then heroic combats and kills Elrohir, and in the next turn, he kills Aragorn! :-)
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 Post subject: Re: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 11:25 pm 
Elven Warrior
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In my first tournament (400pts) I took Fellowship Aragorn & Boromir and Faramir all mounted. Going up against Tauriel, Bard, Rumil, Legolas and a lone wood elf, it was going to be tough as my opponent had set up in or close to the woods.

After losing Aragorn's horse on turn one, he and Boromir got stuck into combat on turn two, taking a wound off Tauriel and Bard. Legolas managed to get a wound on every turn bar 1 using his auto hit rule. The next turn Faramir arrived, Boromir fought Rumil and rolled a 6, re-rolling to a 5 before using might to win the combat. Rumil was slain in one turn - one down, 4 to go. From there my heroes (now all unhorsed) took out Tauriel, then bard and had used up all their might to do so.

With Legolas being on the other side of the board, the best option was to chase down the lone wood elf who ran through the trees to get away. Using aragorns free might point each turn to heroic march I managed to mostly corner the elf after 2 turns. Priority roll.. and I lost.. luckily I had a free point of might to call a heroic move and got the elf before he could run away. With Faramir and Aragorn in combat (Boromir had already fallen to the arrows) vs the lone elf. Unfortunately for me legolas managed another wound on Faramir using his instant hit and killed him. Aragorn won the combat against the elf - S4 vs D4 just needing a 4...rolled a 1.. 3...3.. NOOOO with no more might the elf survived and the game ended changing a would be tie into a loss. If only I had won priority...

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 Post subject: Re: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:01 am 
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My friend and I were having a game of "To the Death"
It was all going pretty well until his wood elf tied up my Uruk Captain who proceeded to win the fight and roll 2 ones to wound.
This kept on going for around 3 turns after witch my force was broken and my Uruk Captain promptly fled...

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 Post subject: Re: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:42 am 
Elven Warrior
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playing a 4000 pts a side battle red on red, 2 mordor trolls charge my bat swarm hoping to kill it and move on, nistead the troll roll basically every score you can imagine except a 6, my bat swarm on the other hand rolls a double 6 to win(one of the troll only had one wound left at this point too)
Then out of nowhere I roll to wound one A on each, bam I kill one troll and wound the other, that's right another double 6 oh yeah.

Another time I was playing a siege got a spider up the battlements cast enrage beast on it only for it to get charged by Drar and a couple of dwarves, they won the combat and the spider fell of the battlements....splat
Same battle, 2 spider queens make it to the top of the towers engaging the remaining bolt thrower crew and captains, call heroic combats killing everyone before crawling down and nearly killing Dain too.

Yet another siege where my Wk on FB went toe to toe with Boromir cowt, getting slaughtered by the son of gondor, only to have Lurtz shoot it him from bellow avoiding all the crenelations and therefore pulling a repeat of breaking of the fellowship.

More recently ( last year) I played my dwarves vs CaptainOfTheWhiteTower's isengard Uruk-hai, first turn I shoot lurtz dead nearly killed ugluk same turn too (dwarven archers)only for gimli to finish him of with a throwing axe next turn, basically by turn 6 he had lost all his heroes already.

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 Post subject: Re: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 7:30 am 

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Sebastian killed Witch King on Fell Beast. 'Nuff said.
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 Post subject: Re: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:27 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Eomer, who had been transfixed and ordered to dismount, was charged by the Dark Marshall and 3 other Morgul Knights. Eomer's Duel roll was a 6, Dark Marshall rolled a 1 and a 2, highest roll of the other Morgul Knights was 5. The 1 was rerolled, but resulted in a 3. That's how you keep Eomer alive :P

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 Post subject: Re: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 5:07 pm 
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A single orc tracker shooting through 4 lines of Warriors of Minas Tirith to kill Elessar's Horse, intentionally.

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 Post subject: Re: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:21 am 
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In hindsight I'm not sure if this was legal, but Gimli, Aragorn and Elladan were fighting some Uruk-hai on an objective that needed to be cleared. So stupidly all three of them called a heroic combat (at the start of the combat phase they were in separate combats).Doing Elly first after successfully killing his enemy (with a might point) he charged into Aragorn's combat where the two easily killed their opponent. After doing so they both (with their respective supports) charged into Gimli's and the three proceeded to all get into another combat. In total from those 4 combats we killed something like 5 Uruks for the cost of about 4 might points. It wasn't really worth it tactically but it was really funny.

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 Post subject: Re: Best in-game moment!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 4:54 pm 
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I heard recently of an idiot who travelled a considerable distance to play a game in one paradigm only to find he had lifted the wrong case, so he turned up to play Warhammer but with a bag full of Bolt Action....
So if you have more than one army, either label the cases clearly OR get cases of different colours or types.
Not quite as bad as the soccer supporters who travelled from Derry to Cork for a match that was in Galway....

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