Hello Forum,
Now that we've nailed down the format and ironed out the problems. I'm proud to announce the release of the Green Dragon May 2013 Newsletter. Just briefly i'll bullet point the articles to look out for;
- Arkenstone reviews The Rivendell Knights & The Three Trolls (very good read, I recommend it)
- A look back at our first year in business, how did we cope with such a rocky and unstable industry?
- Thermo does part 2 of his article Hobby: An Unexpected Journey (just waiting for that one so watch this thread and i'll update everyone - well worth a read)
- Article, "Why do we love wargaming?" from last year
- Project Log: Hobbit Escape Goblin Town
- News on Warhammer High Elves
- For the keen eyed readers there are FOUR special offers in there to celebrate our first year.
http://us5.campaign-archive2.com/?u=3281daa938006054da5c4097a&id=3732111100&e=I'd like to take this opportunity to
thank the one-ring community. You guys have been very kind and supportive and yes, I am a hobbyist and a retailer and it can be a difficult balance to achieve. I mentioned the forum in the newsletter and I fully support it as much as I can. You guys have restored my faith in the hobby when times were bad and your painting challenge and all-round helpfulness has helped spur me on and focus on the task at hand. I only hope that I can continue to support you back by producing good reads like this newsletter and by doing what I can to help with sourcing those products.
Thank you one-ring and enjoy the newsletter! I'm very sure that
Arkenstone and Thermo would be incredibly greatful for feedback comments on this thread and I thank them for taking the time to write the pieces that they do for us. Very handy.
EDIT: Not sure which forum this belongs in, please feel free to move it if its a problem. Thank you