Yeah i figured. I saw your osgiliath army, and that sorta made me think about gondor. But, there isnt any site that sells the vets online, so converting it is. I wouldn't pay 5$ a model, for something you need 32+ of.
Right now, me and my friend need to figure out whether or not we want another 40k army, or to start wotr. I'm the most indecisive person ever when it comes to wotr. I've made a list or three for every army except rohan, mordor and angmar.
Dwarves are inexpensive, but i don't really like the models. I like the models of elves, but those are expensive. I like the models of easterlings, but they get expensive with kataphrakts. I like the Isengard models, but they can get expensive, and look... sorta difficult to paint. Simple, but difficult. Misty mountains looks pretty darn expensive. And then there's gondor. Relativley inexpensive, looks easy to paint, and the models are pretty cool. The only problem is all the really cool stuff is metal.
Back to gondor. When is it appropriate to take Trebuchets? They look cool, but theyre 100 pts a pop, and idk if they're worth it.
If i were to buy 4 companies of any 1 metal model, what should it be? Clansmen, Axemen, At armsmen? Citadel and fountain gaurds are cool, but i dont think their stats warrant the financial commitment.