Wow! Sorry for the MASSSIVE lack of updates guys!
To answer some questions:
@werner: Boromir's cloak was done with a basecoat of Scab Red (lots of layers), followed up with Red Gore highlights, washed with Devlan Mud, and then given another highlight with red gore. Final highlights were made by adding a touch of bleached bone to the red gore highlight.
@Raukov: Bases were basecoated with scorched brown, given a drybrushed highlight of snakebite leather, then given a drybrushed highlight of snakebite leather and fortress grey (about 40:60), then add a little bleached bone to the previous mix for a final highlight.
Anyways, here's some current progress - just a little practice on faces, using a new method which integrates ogryn flesh into the current mix. I think it's turned out really well, but obviously a lot more work to go on the rest of the mini ><
Let me know what you think