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 Post subject: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 9:23 am 

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Hello everyone I am new to this forum and the game and I am seeking advice on how to run my army.

I am using the galadhrim hosts rules from the white dwarf and the two towers rule book.

I currently own 12 galadhrim Warriors with 4 bows 4 spears and 4 swords(as they are currently unbuilt I don't know who to give sheilds) I also own 12 wood elf warriors 4 with bow 4 with spear and 4 with sword. My friend is also lending me legolas :legolas: until I purchase a hero. On a side note I have 9 warriors of rohan and a captain of rohan.

I was wondering what you guys think I should buy next and how to run my force.
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 Post subject: Re: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 4:49 pm 
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Well in order to run Galadhrim you might need some key heroes in your force.

Some of em are cheap, others not so much.

For your major backup I would recommend Haldir and Rúmil, they are decent, cheap(in elven standarts) and offers quite some punch, one in form of shooting, and another for melee.

You could then get Galadhrim captains, the only heroe on the entire force who can take armoured horses and be buffed up to a very standart nasty melee dealer and still remaining to be a good shooter.

If you extend to far greater army size for bigger games, Galadriel its a welcome sight for her magic and the ability for you to counter spell casters or Celeborn being a very decent fighter with some magic paralize tricks :)

THen after all that you can ally Galadhrim with the random forces through middle earth on the good side. Although if you take these, make sure your choices reflect something usefull that lacks on the galadhrim side(although those are few).

Let´s make a basic review of this force and Let´s see what you can do with this.

Let´s Goal for 750 points? (I canno give the values of the models cause it´s against forum rules, you will have to check that on your own).

Lothlorien 750pts

Warband 1
Rúmil with elven cloak
4 Galadhrim warriors with shield
4 Galadhrim warriors with spear and elven bow
1 Galadhrim with shield and banner

Warband 2
Legolas with armour and cloak
4 Galadhrim warriors with shield
5 Galadhrim warriors with shield and spear

Warband 3
Haldir with armour, elven bow and elven cloak
4 Galadhrim warriors with elven blade
5 Galadhrim warriors with elven bow

Warband 4
Grimbold of Grimslade
11 Helmingas with shield (10x with throwing spears)
1 Rohan warrior with banner

This is a total of 750pts

I didn´t took any major heroe cause I wanted to bet on numbers so for now the medium lvl heroes like Rumil, legolas and Haldir would do.
Although the elves have high fight value and courage, they lack on punching and this case I opted for Grimbold and helmingas, a nice solid S4 block that punch through things easier than Galadhrim, although not as skilled.
But then you got 2 banners on this army, which can afford to counter the lack of any bad rolls you might have during the game.
You could opt to replace Grimbold and helmingas for something far more seen around your buddies, Erkendbrand and red shields.

You would have like

Erkenbrand and 8 redshields, they dont have as a base high punch and you wont "horde" them, but they are cav and erkendbrand give +2 courage to your entire army in which overall while hes alive, all your elven heroes dont need to make any sort of courage test cause the´re at courage 8 and the basic infantry at 7 while the red shields will be at 5. (only harbinger of evil will hinder -1 courage, but then not so bad...)
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 Post subject: Re: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 5:24 pm 

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Hi Treewatcher2508 - I agree with @Galanur about getting both Haldir and Rumil, and I'd also suggest armoured Celeborn. All 3 models are available from GW and all are very reasonably priced at just $12 each (US).

You could also grab 3 Wood Elf Sentinels for just $15 (US). They are very nice models, and they fit in nicely in a themed wood elf force.

Another idea would be to keep an eye on eBay for cheap lots of plastic Galadhrim or Wood Elves that come up every now and then for decent prices.

Good luck and enjoy !

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 Post subject: Re: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 5:56 am 
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I'd grab a set of the Galadhrim court guards too, they're really solid models to have 1-3 of in a list, I think. Other then then I'd suggest a Galadriel too, hero wise. Both her old profile and the new vanquishers of Dol guldor are quite good at what they do.

But also another box of Galadhrim as you'll want to max out on warriors, you could certainly fill in your next warbands with Rohan too though, thats nice and Themey even!


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 Post subject: Re: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:14 am 

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What about the galadhrim knights. Are they worth it and how would I tun them. But other then that I should buy more galadhrim Warriors and rumil or haldir also which haldir. Haldir with bow or Haldir defender of helms deep?
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 Post subject: Re: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:18 pm 
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Galadhrim knights are a good addition to the force, they are resilient equipped with shield, just like riders of rohan.
Only diference is that costing more they got:
better fight and courage
their steeds runs faster (as fast as a flyer)
move through woodland terrain without penalty
the´re on armoured horse.

This makes them incredibly flexible, not all moves can afford to move 6" and shoot with bows, or move 12" in a row.
They are, like I mentioned before, pricey and on an expensive point wise cost army, having more knights might comit to the lack of numbers, although its a good addition to explore.
Just make sure you know what role to give em... ohh and btw, they are expert riders. They can come up hady even picking up relics and light objects on scenarios.
If I do take those knights in a force... maybe average 4/5 just to get some flexibility, but not too many to influence your numbers/loss in combat too early as these prized jewels of lorien, like the guards of caras galadhon, tend to be bullet magnet.

Which Haldir to take... here´s a personnal preference (i prefer the helms deep one for costing slightly less and having same wargear to sacrifice the 2 shoots for that dying ability and theoden/aragorn banner stuff.).
BUt If I wanna play safe, just go the regular, rumil fill up the melee gap just fine with even being better armoured.
Haldir wil be your shooting support along with legolas... and hes still quite a capable fighter in melee.

If you do include theoden however, by all means get the helms deep one, if you get the king nearby, allowing haldir to re-roll stuff and autopass courage.... not only get him better within a quite fair distance bonus from theoden, but also gives a better purpose to the king of rohan. (although ultimately, aragorn would be far better, cause hes way better fighter and take on punishment better than theoden).
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 Post subject: Re: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:32 pm 
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If you run a mostly heroe army with Galadhrim, then I would suggest this.

Warband 1
Rúmil with cloak
4 Galadhrim warriors with shield
4 Galadhrim warriors with elven blade
4 Galadhrim warriors with elven bow

Warband 2
Aragorn, Isildur´s Heir with cloak

Warband 3
Legolas with cloak and armour
Gimli with Cloak

Warband 4
Haldir, Defender of Helms deep with cloak
6 Wood elves with spear

total: 750
Its not a big army but the´re some combinations after each, alll heroes except Rúmil benefit from Aragorn in a way or another. :P
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 Post subject: Re: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 10:13 pm 
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I haven't used the knights much but i suspect they're better as a shock troop, maybe 2 behind each of your warbands to sweep in, knock some stuff over and get some wounds in. They're just awfully expensive and with elves being expensive anyways the more elite troops you take the more your numbers shrink.

As for Haldir, I would say take the regular Haldir with bow and armor but buy the Defenders of Helms deep model! Probably one of my all time favorite sculpts! I feel like most people would be ok with that or you can always just tack one on.


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 Post subject: Re: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 11:58 am 
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@Galanur I wouldl ike to ask you for what reason you equipped your heroes with elven cloaks in the first list. Because it is about many more points spent and its reason must be well explained I suppose.

Also, what is your opinion about wood elf sentinels. I don't see the model in the lists, though the eldamar pushing rule seems quite competitive (like swapping a stormcaller with them).

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 Post subject: Re: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 4:49 pm 
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Galanur is just making fluff armies, even tho the Three Hunters didn't even have their cloaks on for Helm's Deep. Something everyone seems to be overlooking is that OP is using the old, old, old rules. You really should check out all the profiles and stuff in the newest edition. Regular Haldir is also much better than HD Haldir, as his HD rules are pretty much useless outisde scenarios. However, you can really use either model if you so choose, just let your opponent know which profile you're using.

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 Post subject: Re: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 6:57 pm 
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Why the cloaks? as long the heroe is partially covered by something (even your own troops) he cannot be seen unless you´re 6" or closer.

This has a great potencial cause he cannot be shoot at, and he cannot be targetted by spells.... only damage effect area ones if they do caught him within range.

This fact alone let your elven heroes to be in range "immune" to nazgul spells,(thats like most heroes weakness, being spell bombarded by nazguls in games) and the only way for a nazgul to cast a spell its within 6" minimum, thats pretty much within your deadly character´s arm reach and no nazgul would want that.

Last edited by Galanur on Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:01 pm 
Elven Elder
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It's also 50 points that could be spent on other things. Besides, I don't think Rumil can even take a Cloak, can he? I don't have my book right now.

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 Post subject: Re: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:04 pm 
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yes he can.... personnal experience tells me if you can get on foot models for melee with elven cloak its almost a most. Their potencial its purely melee... something like a compel can shut you down in a blink of an eye...
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 Post subject: Re: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 8:38 pm 
Elven Elder
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But once lines meet, it's entirely useless. Not saying they don't have their uses, but buying 5 of them, especially on combat heros is, IMO, a bit of a waste

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 Post subject: Re: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 8:46 pm 
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I love Elven Cloaks because if you keep your Hero in the second rank until the lines clash, you are very well protected.


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 Post subject: Re: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 8:56 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Galanur wrote:
alone let your elven heroes to be in range "immune" to nazgul spells,(thats like most heroes weakness, being spell bombarded by nazguls in games) and the only way for a nazgul to cast a spell its within 6" minimum, thats pretty much within your deadly character´s arm reach and no nazgul would want that.

Sacrificing the hero's impact in the front line in the case that you have priority for not been spelled by nazgul is fair, but pretty tricky, I am gonna check it.

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 Post subject: Re: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 8:58 pm 
Elven Elder
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When you have 6" worth of orcs between you and Aragorn, you really don't need to worry about much.

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 Post subject: Re: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 10:32 pm 
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Yes you do, in case mr didn´t noticed, magic dont need in the way rolls, as long you see a portion of the model its auto hit. (look at the black dart, you can have a megaton of orcs in the way, still the dark will hit that aragorn regardless whom is in the way in combat or not).Something you can´t see cause of the cloak its the way to go, also the manual mention you cannot target him in combat if you can´t see him completly as the effect wont disappear like neutralizing magic with combat... (make sure you read the rules of the gear before buying it).

And keep in mind elven cloak affects everything, even terrain pieces, if the viewers can´t see for example a leg, thats a portion, so you can´t target him. :P

So if the nazgul is in the backline and more than 6" away from that heroe and the orcs actualy block line of sight or a portion of it, sorry but you won´t see that model, even in combat, you have to get exactly within 6" to be able to see the entire model.
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 Post subject: Re: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:27 am 
Elven Elder
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You completely misread what I said. I was talking about from the Nazgul's point of view.

:saruman "Leave Sauron to me."
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 Post subject: Re: Galadhrim and wood elf starter army
PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 4:57 pm 
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Well the nazgull will be safe with a ton of orcs in bettewn him and aragorn, but as long aragorn got the cloak he just need to stay 6"+ away so the nazgul can´t see him, as the orcs in front of him will hinder the view (and to be honest) the´re hardly any player who remember their own cannon fodder rank and file orc horde can block line of sight to models shooting behind to elven cloak users...

That aragorn up there also have a bow and dont have any sort of penalty to travel through any terrain, so you won´t come with the orcs? just stay there ill hide behind this rock or going into terrain and shoot you with a 3+ to hit (4+ on the move) with a free might point to get a casual kill here and then...

You need to play well with big heroes and not like throwing into 20 orcs, aragorn might be powerfull, but dice rolls aren´t guaranteed and in game aragorn can die to 2/3 goblins if you roll poorly, so try to go easy on him and take advantage of all his rules to bend into your advantage.

A pretty good game that demonstrate that its what the GBHL did once with the three hunters vs easterlings, the entire easterling force would cream the hunters until they played them properly, the outcome was all out unespected.
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