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 Post subject: Working on First Moria List 500 points.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 9:12 pm 

Joined: Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:27 am
Posts: 158
So this is what I was thinking as of current, for a somewhat competitve moria build, I would appreciate any and comments and critiques.

- 5 black shields
- 5 goblin spear
- Batswarm
- 1 prowler two hander

- 5 blackshields
- 5 Goblin spear
- 1 prowler two handed
- Batswarms

- Dweller
- 2 x Marauder
- 1 x goblin

One of my personal thoughts is to get 10 points to give all the blackshields spears, and give the moria goblins shields, increase the survivability of the blackshields, but the moria goblins will fold alot quicker to str 3.
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 Post subject: Re: Working on First Moria List 500 points.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 11:08 pm 

Joined: Fri May 02, 2014 7:28 pm
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I'd get rid of 1 bat swarm and add in 3 blackshields, 2 spearmen and give a spear for that lonely goblin. Will help your numbers, which aren't great as it is. Other than that, it's a very solid list.
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 Post subject: Re: Working on First Moria List 500 points.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:14 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 23, 2015 8:34 am
Posts: 8
I would drop the black shields entirely and just go with goblins and goblin captains. Prowlers are amazing at charging with their throwing weapons.

Ensure you max your bow limit with moria too, it is very scary with the numbers you can achieve even if they are orc bows. Use them to eliminate cavalry, pepper monsters or control flanks and force the opponent to use shooting phases to return fire on your cheap bows rather than your more expensive units.

Dwellers are a great model, consider using them in pairs. Barging models into combats with other monsters is some of the most fun this game provides. Just keep them clear of bows.

To my mind there is no need to give prowlers 2h weapons, especially at this points level. The -1 to duel is crippling considering they are some of your highest fight models. The only solid use they have with 2h is in conjunction with a captain heroic combatting on a trapped model. They do work nicely with the bats though. Consider a shield instead, as they make good frontline chargers. Heroic move (when you lose priority) and charge the line with a bunch of prowlers, wait for a countercharge and then use a bat or marauder to trap the model a prowler is on and watch them drop like flies.

TL;DR Regular goblins/captains, prowlers, bows and dwellers in pairs
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 Post subject: Re: Working on First Moria List 500 points.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 8:35 pm 

Joined: Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:27 am
Posts: 158
Revamped some items since last, It's 418 so far

Groblog 55
- 4 x Goblin 
- 4 x Goblin Spearmen
- 1 x Batswarm
- 3 x prowler (two hand)

- 5 x Goblin 
- 5 x goblin Spearmen
- 2 x prowler (two hand)

Moria capt
- Dweller
- 4 x Goblin
- 4 x Goblin Spearmen
- 2 x Prowler (two hand)

I kinda want to add in a Wight from angmar, and maybe shift the warbands some to use up the rest of the points, add shields to the regular goblin linemen, maybe add a 4th warband with Bowmen
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 Post subject: Re: Working on First Moria List 500 points.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 10:09 pm 
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:28 am
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Its tricky to dwell an army like that....
If I was part of a Moria army, the easy way would be this.

Warband 1
4 Gundabad blackshields
5 Moria Goblin warriors with shield

Warband 2
Moria Goblin Shaman
5 Moria Goblin Prowlers with shield
5 Gundabad blackshields with spear

Warband 3
Goblin King
12 Goblin Town Goblins

Warband 4
Grinnah the goblin
12 Goblin Town Goblins

It got numbers, quite some might points punch: 10

And oddly as it sounds, the Goblin King its the best monster you could ever afford on a goblin army, might not be tough as a cave troll or wound recovery as the dweller, but hes very very nasty on its own and a superb bubble "fury" save.
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 Post subject: Re: Working on First Moria List 500 points.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 10:24 pm 
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Another funny.

Warband 1
Druzhag the beastcaller
3 warg Marauders
5 wild Wargs
1 goblin prowler

Warband 2
Wild Warg Chieftain
12 Wild wargs

Warband 3
12 Goblin Town Goblins
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 Post subject: Re: Working on First Moria List 500 points.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 11:50 pm 

Joined: Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:27 am
Posts: 158
Hmm I have tried to avoid adding goblin town, for sake of mixing sbg and hobbit range, is he really that good?
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 Post subject: Re: Working on First Moria List 500 points.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 11:58 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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If you shoot for the goblin king you might as well go mostly goblin town and ally in a shaman from moria.

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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 Post subject: Re: Working on First Moria List 500 points.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:40 am 
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Goblin King its awesome, its like Burdhur from Angmar with:

-1 D
-1 S
- can´t throw stones and got worst shooting value, but can throw goblins

- two handed pick (combined with burly) = +1 to wound + the pick effect(if you want)
- +1 Will
- resistant to magic
- cave dweller
- and the specially 3+ ignore wounds taken unless from magic or named blades.
- can pass through goblins on charge.

he can still go goblin king and a portion of goblin town, like the list from up there got 24 goblins still, the remain army its more elite kind, so you got enoguh cannon fodder, but not 2 much and a portion of your force its hard to crack with higher defence...

And above all you avoid an often thing to happen, when you run full goblin town games get easy with overwhelming numbers, but game gets monotonous at some point, adding the blackshields and prowlers from above, helps alot.

Also keep in mind both leader from moria are extremely helpfull, 1 allow you to get fury, other allow you to pass fury saves with greater sucess without needing to call channelled spell, in which also let you use that point of might if you´re so extremely unlucky and roll to cast fury with low rolls.

If you expand Moria army further for lets say 750.. spend the last 150pts hording more maybe another shaman and more goblins and another monster like a dweller. Although the goblin king from moria with 12" range standfast can be extremely usefull. If you want to be a bit more exotic, add a few warg marauders, like 2 or 3 with some wild warg bodyguard and push on it with speed.
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 Post subject: Re: Working on First Moria List 500 points.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 2:00 am 
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Thiss is a list I normally fancy alot, not very good at great numbers nor alot monsters, but all together very nasty noneless and alot D6 in it.

Warband 1
4 Gundabad blackshields
5 Moria Goblin warriors with shield

Warband 2
Moria Goblin Shaman
5 Moria Goblin Prowlers with shield
5 Gundabad blackshields with spear

Warband 3
Goblin King
12 Goblin Town Goblins

Warband 4
Grinnah the goblin
12 Goblin Town Goblins

Warband 5
6 Gundabad Blackshields
5 Gundabad Blackshields with spear
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 Post subject: Re: Working on First Moria List 500 points.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:36 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

Joined: Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:19 am
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jadin72 wrote:
Ensure you max your bow limit with moria too, it is very scary with the numbers you can achieve even if they are orc bows. Use them to eliminate cavalry, pepper monsters or control flanks and force the opponent to use shooting phases to return fire on your cheap bows rather than your more expensive units.

I would actually be very happy if I find that my opponent has maxed his bow troops with his moria horde army. Goblin archers are hardly a threat for heavy armored units (needing 5 to hit and 6 to wound on optimal conditions, dropping to 6/6 when moving. Against a Def 7 unit they only have a 1/36 chance to score a wound).
Every Goblin busy with shooting is not hording on my troops, giving me highter chances to win the fight.
at 500 pts with 4 full warband you can field 17 archers. By math, that means one wound every 2 turns on D5 and D6 models. Plus, with the new deployment rules and the orc short bow, they will only have a couple turns of clean shots before the fights.
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 Post subject: Re: Working on First Moria List 500 points.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:38 pm 
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:28 am
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Yes Dikey is correct, despite how fun can be shooting black arrows the bad accuracy + ther weak bow shoots will prove hardly a threat, unless you´re extremely lucky...

Still if you want shooting for fun, get warg marauders, those can shoot 2x per model and even in combat, which can prove effective even in combat...
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 Post subject: Re: Working on First Moria List 500 points.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 4:56 am 

Joined: Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:27 am
Posts: 158
Yea I agree on the shooting, why I haven't really bothered, I've seen people comment about controlling movement and cav, but camy really see there being any sort of real shootout between goblin shooters and almost any good shooting contigent, probably better off to put those points towards more combat boots, or if really worried about shooting, a Shadowlord.
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 Post subject: Re: Working on First Moria List 500 points.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 6:31 pm 

Joined: Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:27 am
Posts: 158
After taking in ideas I liked and tinkering a little I think I'll give this a go for 500

- 5 x Blackshield
- 5 x goblin Spearmen

Goblin King
- 12 x goblin

- 5 x goblin shield
- 5 x goblin Spearmen

- 4 x Prowler ( shield)
- 5 x goblin Spearmen
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