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 Post subject: Isengard 850 pts competitive list
PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 11:26 pm 

Joined: Fri May 02, 2014 7:28 pm
Posts: 45
Location: Poland
Hi guys, I'm going to once again try to get some opinions on an Isengard list for a tournament, this time 850. I know for sure that I'm going to be playing only against good armies, so that influenced my choice of units.

Saruman (horse) Leader
6 Berserkers
1 Uruk-Hai (pike)
1 Warg Rider (shield)

UH Shaman (armour)
6 Berserkers
1 UH (pike)
1 Warg Rider (shield)

Lurtz /// UH Captain (heavy armour, shield)
5 Berserkers
3 UH (pikes)
1 Warg Rider (shield)

9 UH (crossbows, pikes)
3 UH (crossbows)


41 models. That's my list, and I have some dilemmas...
1. Lurtz or a Captain? Generally I think captain is just a better model, but here I don't know... D5 is awful against good armies, but I also don't have many might points in this army. Given that Shaman will want to channel Fury, I have just 6 might on Saruman and Vrasku, and I don't know if 2 might on the Captain will be enough.

2. Or should I take both? I can remove 2 berserkers, 2 pikes and a crossbow and take both heroes. That would hurt my numbers, but maybe it's worth it?

3. Another option is to go more all-in on berserkers, adding 2 more of them instead of 3 pikemen.

4. Also, this is a tournament list built to win, I don't really like to field filth, but what are your ideas about what would suit this army best?

Thanks for any responses, I hope I'll get some ideas, beacause I really struggle with making this army!
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 Post subject: Re: Isengard 850 pts competitive list
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 4:59 am 
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:28 am
Posts: 1389
Well 1st off, filth can be dangerous on the right hands.
But for that you would need some mordor shamans though....

If you dont have limitations on models to take:

Saruman on horse
6 Feral uruk hai
2 uruks with pike
1 uruk with crossbow and pike

Thrydan on horse
3 Berserkers
3 Feral uruk hai

Wb 3
8 uruk crossbows with pikes
3 uruk crossbows and pikes

Uruk Shaman with armour
8 Feral uruk hai
2 uruk crossbows with pike


Total: 849pts

Thats prob the list I would take.

- awesome spellcaster mounted
- 2 awesome big stand fast
- 1 nasty character killer and hes fast
- 1 shaman
- 1 nasty shooting character
- alot more 2A S4 models than your list
- still have some berserkers
- a portion more crossbows, to the limit edge of 1/3

prob not as mobile with the wargs, but then its a bit nastier melee.
If you want remove the last warband 2 crossbows and that crossbow from wb1 and get 2/3 warg riders with 1 item option.

Why this list got same models as yours? well the extra point diferent its basically that I payed for thrydan :P
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 Post subject: Re: Isengard 850 pts competitive list
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 10:59 am 

Joined: Fri May 02, 2014 7:28 pm
Posts: 45
Location: Poland
Thank you for your feedback! I think your list is pretty solid
all around: my problem is that I know I will be playing 5 games against good armies,and some of your choices don't seem great against good. Ferals, even though they're great, have just defence 5, which is a huge letdown against s3 good units. Also, Thrydan is an excellent hero killer with help from Saruman,but fight 4 means he has problems with ordinary units... regular elves beat him in combat.
Thanks anyway,but I really feel that berserkers are the right choice.
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 Post subject: Re: Isengard 850 pts competitive list
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 1:14 pm 
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:28 am
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Well uruk captains will only achieve ties against elves, they will fair no better, and with a bit better chances with 2 handed.

You can go orcs way however, fill the cap with rank upon rank of orc.

Get saruman and grima, fill as many orcs you can, add sharku, get some mounted shamans, kardush and a ringwraith. You´re not proficient to beat up elves i na fair fight, but you got numbers, attricion wins most of the times...
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 Post subject: Re: Isengard 850 pts competitive list
PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:04 am 
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:28 am
Posts: 1389
If I was to send a good army vs that I prob would had tried for fun.

Wb 1
Thranduil, King of the Woodland realm on horse
10 mirkwood elves with glaive and shield

Legolas with armour and cloak
10 mirkwood elves with elven bow
2 mirkwood rangers

Palace guard Captain with shield
10 mirkwood elves with glaives and shield

Gandalf the Grey on horse

Total: 848pts

Models: 36

Bit less models than you do, But alot more major characters that could spoil plans of your list or any evil list I think.
I beleive models like Gandalf are important for this list for their value of anti magic, he can come handy specially supporting Thranduil.

Why glaive and shield? Well point by point Im making this elves price cost of high elf with shield and spear. They do have defence 5 rather than 6, but every single one count as elven blade or spear support. I preferred the D5 cause it makes hugely relevant vs majority of the S4 wielders even characters. And also look way more movie themed as I can use Galadhrim spears to make these looking like the movie.

SO in all a solid force I think with even a very good amount of shooting only needed a banner but would be over the 30pts left I had so I placed 2 mirkwood rangerss for 2 more shoots and they dont count for bow limite.

Legolas you know the drill

Palace guard captain I think its the 2nd best option to named characters as hes tough for an elf and gain bonuss nearby thranduil as well as immunity to courage checks while protecting an heroe. SO I think hes a bit cheaper in point cost for what he does in comparison to other elven heroes of the same stat line/rank.
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 Post subject: Re: Isengard 850 pts competitive list
PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:37 pm 

Joined: Fri May 02, 2014 7:28 pm
Posts: 45
Location: Poland
Actually I have played against a list quite similar to yours (Galadriel instead of Gandalf, old Thranduil and some more troops) and berserkers totally smashed elves in combat. :) But I like this list nonetheless. I think Palace Guard Captain is fairly strong, but I still consider Tauriel a better choice - maybe less survivable, but she kills troops like crazy.
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