Alright we played today and he updated his list:
Gandalf the White
Galadhrim Bows x10
Dwarf Warriors, Khazad Guard, & Vault Wardens (12 models)
King of the Dead (@Galanur Doesn't matter if he has F4, when enemy spams Immobilize)
Radagast the Brown
In 20 turns Sauron was the only one left with 1 wound & 2 might out of 14 models versus 30 with only 10 kills. That was close, phew.
Short Summary:
- My army ran away for 3 turns to bunker up in a fortress that my opponent placed.

-His Legolas can't shoot worth a damn the entire game.
-Turn 5 he was able to charge, Blinding Light protected his troops from magic (?)
-Elrond's Nature's Wrath finally fell through and the enemy walked in on a whim with 3/4 of my force on the ground.
-In 6 turns my Wraiths and Castellans eliminated 9 dwarfs. On turn 7 my force was broken. Elven shots killed 2 and heroes were decimating me.
-By turn 10 my last two warriors deserted and Sauron was all alone. By turn 12 Sauron was down to his last wound thanks to being trapped and being immobilized. My opponent didn't properly make use of the King of the Dead.
- Sauron only killed one dwarf! The rest of the time he spent being immobilized or losing fights and rolling bad.
-In the end the One Ring and a point of Might saved him, much to my opponent's chagrin and outrage.

-$10 saved, though he won.
Okay there were plenty of questionable things in this game:
-We treated Magical Powers as shooting in the Blinding Light rules at the beginning of the game. Bad idea because I couldn't cast a single spell without rolling a 6.
-We spent 10 minutes arguing while I was choking on a watermelon about the amount of strikes allocated to a grounded (trapped) fighter and his mate who was standing. My argument was you get strike bonuses only towards the trapped fighter. He argued he gets to allocate all extra attacks anywhere he wants. Going to official rules questions for this one.
-He didn't agree with Might being used on Ring rolls, as Ring rolls shouldn't be considered as Fate. And the whole multiple wounds from multiple warriors. Can't say I blame him. But we did play 1 Ring roll save per phase.
The game was kind of fun but also frustrating for both of us. I had a 450 points model that was basically a sitting duck and he couldn't kill it.
My Lotr backlog: 305/952
32% completed
Painting Lineup: Mumakil x2, Rohan Heroes x8, Haradrim, SKoDA