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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 8:07 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:02 am
Posts: 127
You could have them interfering with the forces Gandalf was trying to gather, maybe fight an ent.

You could have them help Sarumon capture the shire?

I wouldnt have them fight Gimli because Gimli survived the battle of Helms Deep, maybe instead have them be responsible for the death of Hama?
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 11:12 am 

Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:46 pm
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Location: Nottingham , Retford
I decided to go with Gimli in the end, if he falls then it doesn't neccesarily mean he's been killed, simply temporarily incapacitated. Indeed if the Uruks do triumph then it will allow plenty of what if scenarios. I decided on 12 men of Rohan, 4 with shield, 4 with bow and 4 with throwing spears and shield( I thought a hero at each ladder would prove too difficult) The Uruks deploy 6 inches from the wall with the ladders already setup. Burz, Ghash and Lunrat are near one ladder facing Gimli and two warriors, while the others warriors cluster near the other ladder, the 4 bowmen occupying the battlement. The wall provides a 5+ in the way against shooting and a 4+ in the way against combat, The uruks must have more men on the wall after 15 turns to achieve victory. Report will be up later :)
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:01 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:46 pm
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Location: Nottingham , Retford
Turn 1 ( I played with ladders being 8 inches high by the way)
The Uruks charge towards the ladders, the crossbowmen launching a volley against the battlements but it proves ineffective. The Men of Rohan push both ladders down and unleash a volley of projectiles. A throwing spear pinning Mauduf to the floor though other fire proves useless.
Turn 2
The men of Rohan stand their ground, as the Uruks raise the ladders and begin to clamber up them. Another volley of throwing spears sees Uglur tumbling from the ladders.
Turn 3
Shagrur spurs his men on, reaching the battlements before the men can react, though Gimli fails to push down the other ladder with the heavily clad Uruk-Hai now on it. The archers turn their attention to the crossbowmen, though their arrows prove ineffective against the heavy armour, Radbag’s deadly eye enables a mighty shot to send a soldier of Rohan tumbling backwards. Gimli comfortably best’s Burz, only luck saves a mighty blow from decapitating the orc, Gimli’s axe ringing from the battlements instead. The men of Rohan try to shove Shagrur from the battlements using their shields, alas Shagrur is too strong for them to move, and unleashing a mighty blow cuts one down and takes his place on the walkway.
Turn 4
The Uruks try to force themselves onto the ladders, Gorluk bests the foe he is fighting but cannot get his huge sword through the battlements, Shagrur is mobbed by the men of Rohan as they seek to stop him establishing a foothold but he beats them back. Burz’s corpse his sent tumbling to the ground by Gimli, Lunrat and Ghash clinging onto the ladder desperately. Once more the arrows prove innefective, neither side managing to harm the other.
Turn 5
The men of Rohan send the Ladder tumbling to the ground, Gorluks body crushed beneath it, and mob Shagrur. Though Gimli does not fare so well, alas the Uruks are too afraid to charge him, and simply cling onto the ladder terrified. Once more arrows patter harmlessly from the Uruks heavy armour, though Radbag and his companion draw their swords and charge forward, Shagrur begins to dominate the walkway, cutting his foe down.
Turn 6
Gimli abandons his post to cut down the impudent orc on the battlements. Whilst Shagrur continues to assail the defenders Radbag and Yagor begin climbing their ladder. Lunrat too, with the dwarf gone clambers up to the battlements. A throwing weapon thuds next to Radbags head, leaving the ladder shivering but the lucky orc alive. The Uruk-Hai are once more beaten back by the men of Rohan, though Lunrat survives the fall, Ghash barely avoids being killed by Lunrats flailing sword, both thudding into the ground with a roar. Shagrur continues his killing spree, cutting down another man as they desperately try to kill him.
Turn 7
Shagrur ties up the defenders and Radbag is left to climb the battlements unopposed, though to his horror an angry looking dwarf is only a few strides away. Lunrat and Ghash begin the long climb back up the ladder as Yagor grimaces at the arrows flying all around him. Shagrur skilfully parries a blow, and forces his enemies back, allowing room for Yagor to gain the battlements as well.
Turn 8
The Uruks throw everything they have into taking the wall, Yagor gaining the wall and cutting down a warrior of Rohan in one fluent movement, Radbag doesn’t fare so well only managing to force his foe back. Lunrat manages to hold his ground on the ladders though the spears of Rohan stop him from gaining passage onto the walkway. Gimli trips on an Uruk corpse but Shagrur is unable to capitalize, his sword no match for the sturdy Dwarven armour.
Turn 8
The men of Rohan hem the Uruks in, Lunrat however triumphs against his foes, cutting one down and taking his place. Yagor and Radbag once more beat back their foes but are unable to slay them, as the archers come down from their battlement to mob the Uruks. Gimli triumphs over Shagrur, landing a deep cut on the Uruk’s uninjured leg.
Turn 9
Ghash and lunrat mob the soldier of Rohan, as the encircled Uruks on the right flank desperately stand their ground. They force him back but are unable to kill him. Shagrur parries the axe of Gimli and thrusts at his neck, alas his blade becomes tangled in the dwarf’s mighty beard and he fails to harm him. Behind Shagrur both Radbag and Yagor cede ground to their foes.
Turn 10
The Uruks continue to fight for their lives, Radabg cuts down his foe but Lunrat and Yagor barely avoid harm. Once more Gimli stumbles on an Uruk corpse and once more Shagrur fails to pierce the thick dwarven armour. Ghash Finally fells the soldier opposing their advance as Radbag too cuts down another foe though Yagor is forced to retreat once more. Shagrur manages to parry Gimli’s axe but his superior fighting skill see’s Gimli emerge victorious though another mighty blow from Gimli sees shagrur struggling to stand.
Turn 11
Lunrat desperately sprints to save his leader but cannot quite reach him, though to his surprise he manages to force the dwarf back despite his injuries. Yagor finds himself unable to best his foe and once more retreats, though Radbag continues his brutal killing spree, cutting down another Bowman.
Turn 12
Gimli finds himself surrounded and battling 3 uruks as the men of Rohan try to come to his aid, Yagor finally beats back his foe but fails to capitalise, Radbag shows no mercy to the final archer and cuts him down. Gimli is unable to overcome 3 Uruks even with all his might, and so trusts to his sturdy armor, alas hemmed in on all sides the uruk’s find the weak points in his defences and only luck keeps him alive.
Turn 13-15
Yagor continues his personal duel with the man of Rohan, eventually felling the brave soldier, using all his might Gimli overcomes his numerous foes and cuts Shagrur down, alas with his strength spent he eventually succumbs to fatigue and is sent plummeting to the ground below by Radbag.

Uglur, is lost somewhere on the battle field and with neither the men nor time to fight for his recovery, Shagrur leaves him for dead, even for an Uruk as mighty as Shagrur, a blow from Gimli can be crippling and so he misses the next game. Impressed by the Bravery of Burz, a mere sergeant, to have the bravery to face Gimli alone, Saruman rewards him with 6 gold. Gorluk makes a full recovery though Mauduf misses the next game.

Yagor takes the place of Uglur and becomes a hero, buying himself a pike, Ghash is treated to a new crossbow. Burz gains a point of fight, Radbag a defence, whilst burz gains a defence and a special rule. Another 5 sees him gain heroic presence! Rife with Gold after the rewards of Saruman and their previous two victories, the company gain an Uruk-Hai with crossbow and an Uruk scout with sword by the names of Nagug and Luzhorn respectively.

So after the battle I can safely say that Radbag’s parry rule was absolutely brutal!! He couldn't best Gimli by himself but Gimli needed to roll two 5's or 6's to be liekly to win combat, allowing SHagrur to hold him up till help arrived, even then Gimli prevailed, and was only when he fluffed his dice against the final few Uruks he fell. The narrow walkways made it easy for people to get trapped if they had foes either side, which was Gimli’s only downfall, although it also meant that Radbag and Yagor could cut down the troops one at a time when they established a foothold.
Now a question for the next match, at full strength the company abides by the mow limit with 4/10 models having a bow, however in the next battle they are missing two men meaning 4/8 men have crossbows, what do I do in that situation? :oops: I think next scenario the Uruks can take on Haldir and some elves, Haldir and a captain should be able to match Burz fine, especially with Shagrur missing the next battle.
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 4:36 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

Joined: Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:02 pm
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These Uruk Hai are almost literally golden. What about a fight for the recovery of Ugur's body at the foot of the Deeping Wall, where Haldir and his elves come rushing out of the breach?

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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:35 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:02 am
Posts: 127
Or since Gimli was unable to help fight in the caves the Urak-Hai have broken through and might make it to the women and children, can Eowyn save them?
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 10:25 am 

Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:46 pm
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Location: Nottingham , Retford
Sorry for the long break guys, anyway a report for you :)

Burz cursed, Shagrur was still laying limply on the floor alongside Mauluf while Uglur had been sent tumbling into the breach, the very same breach that was packed by elves and fellow Uruks. Snarling in frustration Burz decided to do what he did best, bellowing a war cry he drew his sword and charged into the breach.

Opponent: Haldir, Elf captain with armour, bow, elven blade, 10 elves with armour, elven blades and bow.
Turn 1
Both sides pause to unleash a volley of arrows at their adversaries. A mighty shot from the elf captain saw Gorluk being felled, an arrow in his gut. The rest of the elven archery proved strangely ineffective. The Uruks bolts proved even less efficient, most going wide or thudding into finely crafted armor, though by luck alone did the captain manage to catch Nazgug’s bolt on his bow.
Turn 2
Throwing aside their bows, the forces charged into battle. The breach leaving them nearly evenly matched for numbers. Radbag was forced back by the superior skill of the two elves he was facing, though manages to avoid harm. Lunrat falls beneath the blade of an elf and Burz barely avoids harm, unable to match Haldir’s superior skill, a timely stumble sending a lethal downwards cut arcing over his shoulder instead. The other battles prove largely ineffective as warriors batter each other’s armour.
Turn 3
Combat continues, Radbag expertly cutting down his foe, beside him Yagor survives by the skin of his teeth, fortunate to survive against two elves. Ghash is felled by an elves blade while a mighty blow by Haldir leaves Burz gasping with a deep cut in his side. In a shock move Luzhorn defeats the captain after having survived against him last round, though he falls just short of delivering a telling blow. In an act of incredible skill, Nazgug fends of 3 elves and even manages to fell one of them.
Turn 4
The elves press their advantage, though using all his might Radbag is able to overcome two elves and fell one of them. Yagor does not fare so well, succumbing to the two elves he faced. Burz again fails to overcome his adversary, though his huge shield prevents any further harm. By some miracle Luzhorn surives yet another round with the elven captain and Nazgug fends of three elves once more!
Turn 5
The elves offer the Uruks no reprieve, mobbing the few still alive. Yet they are not yet beaten, Radbag forces the 3 elves facing his back with a huge swing of his sword one of them proving too slow and tumbling to the ground lifeless. The rest of the company does not fare so well, expending the rest of his might, Haldir cuts down the brutish Burz, his captain too remembers how to fight and finally fells Luzhorn, Nazgug also falls prey to the myriad of elven blades assailing him.

With his company slaughtered, Radbag decided discretion is the better part of valour and withdraws from the field behind the oncoming Uruk reinforcements. Shagrur and his company begin the retreat to Isengard, fortunately avoiding the slaughter at helms deep.
After the battle they discover that Lunrat is indeed dead his head nearly severed by the elven blade. Luzhorn too remained lifeless, unable to recover Uglur in the turmoil of battle he was presumed dead. Nazgug and Gorluk both survived, but would need time to recover from their wounds. Yagor suffered a deep scratch that would also need time to recover. Ghash had earned the respect of saruman by surviving the blow that he suffered, and was rewarded with 6 Gold!! Burz had his shield arm crippled, though wether it was from Haldir or from the beating Shagrur gave him for leading his company into disaster none could say.
Aa the force returned to Isengard the now severely diminished company recruited another berserker and two Uruks with shield that went by the names of Uglag, Gorbag and Mard, these Uruks would be sorely needed as there was rumor of another battle company in the area as well as approaching ents. Meanwhile Radbag became a cunning shot.

So the Uruks finally suffered a defeat, and a rather comprehensive one at that, Haldir rolled incredibly well, not failing to win one combat despite only two attack, the elves also seem to roll incredibly well to wound, often bagging the kill despite needing 6’s, although they fluffed as many dice when rolling to win, especially the captain! However I’m beginning to lose interest in Isengard, though I may return to them as there are still plenty of scenarios left for the, I wish to start another company, I have yet to decide on one and am interested to hear which company you guys would like to see. At the moment I’m leading towards a High elf company, or perhaps a custom bandit company, where the force recruits from different forces of men and perhaps the occasional dwarf or other race being thrown in for plenty of variation, though I’m open to ideas so any suggestions would be appreciated :-D
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:42 am 

Joined: Wed May 21, 2014 1:55 am
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Location: Seattle,Washington USA
I like the idea of a mixed forces of men idea - got a nice d&d feel to it.

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