Hi One Ring users, this is my first time on this site after being looking as a guest for a while.
I made a 750 pt army list for a tournament next month and only need to buy 3 models from this list to make it complete.
Thorin Oakenshield with The Oakenshield (105 pts)
10 Grimhammers (131 pts)
Captain of Erebor with shield (65 pts)
12 Warriors of Erebor with 6 spear, 6 shield (108 pts)
Beregond (25 pts)
2 Avenger Bolt Throwers with swift reload and extra crew member (236 pts)
Galadriel (130 pts)
TOTAL: 750 pts
Do you guys think this is competitive across most of the 6 games scenarios, I was worried about reconnoitre but thought of setting up defensivly with the bolt throwers and dwarfs ranks to guard my board edge and then leg it to other end when they are close to breaking and have'nt got many models across (hopefully)
Anyway, I need to get Thorin and two bolt throwers for this army, and my main tactic will be inviting pressure by forming tight ranks to protect bolt throwers. The bolt throwers with swift reload fire 4D6 shots between them each turn, and im not that worried about scatter chart of 2-5 as with S7 I'm gonna be more focused on infantry than specific hero killing, try lower numbers for my dwarfs to have a bigger advantage.
Galadriel is there to stay in the middle of the whole army in a unit formation, or with one half of army and cast blinding light to make bolt thrower crew more defended as well as possibly immobilise oncoming enemy heroes to slow advances and buy bolt thrower more shooting turns.
Sorry about this huge post, if you made it to the end

, what do you think of this armies competitiveness?