JamesR wrote:
Go with army 3, but drop the BW for a shade and mount the WK and Dwim on FB's. You'll have to drop a troll to mount them, but it's worth it for sure
Im always doen with mounting the Witch King on fell beast, but theres no way Im going to put the Dwimmerlaik with no might in a combat situation. I understand how powerful fell beasts are but he should not be in combat.
Shade....yeah....I was thinking about that...Seems like a very good prospect.
Ill maybe re do some numbers and write an army or two with him.
Ill let you know.
Thanks for the advice.
Galanur wrote:
you want a fun at 750?
2 eagles
Radagast on eagle
2 eagles
5 woses
5 monsters, 1 monster cav, 5 woses and alfrid.
If anything like wormtongue show up... pick a random model with your eagles are fighting and throw the model at wormtongue, they say you can´t directly harm him, doesn´t mean you cant say oops... my bad, wrong place at wrong time

No I dont want a fun one lol. And thats really, really far off from my lists. And personally I hate eagles. Sorry man haha
ja33 wrote:
Dude - Go with Elves !
Gil-Galad mounted w/shield
Twins mounted w/Elven cloaks, bows and heavy armour
Arwen mounted w/Elven cloak
Glorfindel w/amour of Gondolin
Erestor w/Elven cloak
High Elf Captain w/bow & shield
7 models, 16 might, 750 points on the dot, I believe. Lots of Elven cloaks to protect you from arrows and a few bows on your side to shoot back, good mobility with 4 mounted heroes, and lots of very 'tough to kill' models.
Arwen is way too fragile in this tournament. She will get ripped to pieces.
I already tried a similar list like I mentioned....it struggled to damage the enemy. Also, I doubt there will be much bowfire. A lot of Thorins company , Fellowship, monsters, and wraiths I assume.
Glory4gondor wrote:
Seriously though. What about this Warband 1 10/12
The Knight of Umbar with Fell Beast;
10 Half Troll of Far Harad
Warband 1 0/12
The Dwimmerlaik with Fell Beast;
Warband 2 0/12
Khamûl the Easterling with Fell Beast;
for 740 low might is an issue.
I do like this list a lot.....the only issue is two things. I dont like Khamul. Id rather have the Witch King and like 2 less half trolls to up the Kings m/w/f/
The other thing....with paint and my trip, and other purchases I want to make, I dont think I really wanna own 3 fell beasts. I understand how good they can be, and we've all seen the channel where they can, no pun intended, beast.....but I dont wanna spend the money. If I get lucky on ebay I might get two at like 50 a piece but with the new releases(of which Ive purchased nothing) Im already going to be spending probably $250 soon. I also want other models in the near future.
Tough thing, but thats part of the decision making as well.
Badner wrote:
I voted for list 1, because I think that Beorn is perfect at such tournaments, he is a perfect hero killer.
I think you will have to play against a lot of Ringwraiths, so the new Galadriel should be very handy.
Yeah....he is...hes going to be hard to kill and will murder a lot......Ive used him before in points matches a few times and he always helps a lot.
As for Galadriel, I agree, she may become very vital.....but the thing is that spell is where she stops being useful. Her foritfy spirit is nice, but demands to much immobility in such small armies.
And her stat line is good but I dont want her in combat anyway....
Either way everyone thanks for the ideas.....Im still considering them, even if I dont sound too keen on some of them.
Any thoughts help.