I kinda get what youre saying Galanur, but you can easily make a Rohan Wood Elf force with Legolas, Haldir, etc.
And if you read he said competitive not fluffy.
I get what youre saying though......
Reyzhen wrote:
LordoftheBrownRing wrote:
Here's what I would do:
Warband 1-
8 wood elves with spear
4 with bow and spear
Warband 2-
Legolas, Armor and Elven Cloak(leader)
8 wood elves with spear
4 with bow
Warband 3-
Erkenbrand with horse
9 Westfold Redshields 2 with throwing spears
If you want to do something more your style explain exactly what you want....because I sat here trying to think....but theres problems...you seem to want elves, but higher defense, and also more units....this at 600 is improbable.
I can suggest to you an all wood elf force, with one warband of men, or a force with minis tirith and elves, but no Rohan....which do you prefer.
With what you want, at 600, its not coming out well in terms of numbers.
Yeah my question at start was about the first 3 choices, which one people prefer. Than you said that no one of them was good and so I was curious about why, only that

No no no man....its not that theyre not good...they can just be better....Here's what Id do if I were you. Theres these choices. Take wood elves with only Rohan, Gondor, or Arnor individually.
For example.......
Wood Elves, and lots of Rohan on foot spammed.....but you get low defense.
Wood Elves, and Gondor(take Ithilien Guard, and Itilien Rangers because then your whole army is woodland creature! Id suggest this force the most)
Wood Elves, the Twins, and Arnor.
One of those three. Which sounds best to you?
out of your first list though, number 3....