Hey friends!
I've got a 600 point tournament coming up soon, and am struggling to work out an effective list for. After many changes so far, I'm at this point:
Warband 1:
- The Undying
- 5 Black Numenoreans
- 5 Morannon orcs w/ shield + spear
- 1 Morannon orc w/shield + banner
Warband 2:
- Shagrat, Captain of Cirith Ungol
- 5 Black Numenoreans
- 5 Morannon orcs w/ spear + shield
- 1 orc w/ shield
- 1 spectre
Warband 3:
- Grishnakh w/ shield
- 2 Black Numernoreans
- 5 Morannon orcs w/ shield
- 3 Morannon orcs w/spear + shield
- 1 spectre
Warband 4:
- 1 Castellan of Dol Guldur w/ Morgul blade
I've done heaps of tweaking back and forth with this list, I really wanted to run at least one troll, but in 600 points, I just can't warrant it.
I'm not 100% sure about the banner, considering I can fill up my warbands with more bodies instead.
I like the idea of the Castellan with morgul blade to take down enemy trolls and other various monsters, however again, these points could be used to bulk up warbands or take Gorbag for another 3 points of might.
Any thoughts and feedback would be awesome