Another great set of videos! The questions were very entertaining. That was certainly an interesting little tidbit about Gollum.
Go Sebastian Go! It’s heartwarming to imagine Sebastian defeating a goblin but I’m positive that it would be utterly horrifying to witness a hedgehog viciously chew on a character’s face like that.
Awwww hehe
I’m glad the notion of heroic actions was discussed near the end. Gandalf should have definitely used a heroic move to get up that platform earlier on in the game. Poor guy was stuck down there forever
When Gandalf uses Glamdring (which is pretty much all the time) he bumps up his STR to STR5 (should’ve been killing Goblins on 3+). Lastly, you didn't consider the -1 penalty to win the fight when the GK was swinging away with his TH pick (you only applied the bonus of +1 to wound). Just remember to declare your attack: A) Normal B) Two-Handed C) Brutal Power Attacks