JamesR wrote:
SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
Still bad, in my opinion tournaments should ALWAYS do their ranking by tournament points where you get X amount of points for winning, Y amount of points for drawing, and Z amount of points for losing.
Right on Suicidal Mars Bar, this game really did scew the reults at the doubles tournament one year.
think some of you are forgetting the changes GW made with their latest FAQ's. For the game to end one army has to be reduced to 25% of their starting number, and models who leave the table do NOT count as casualties, so you cannot simply walk your army off the board, there has to be a considerable battle, followed by you running as many men off the board as possible without surrendering the battle in the middle.
However the above is true, and that the troops had to me moved off the opposite table edge. The majority of people had low or even no scores (Dawrves and Hobbits particularly.) I took a Rohan force and only mananged to get four members of the Royal Family off with heroic fights. The heroic march and the monsterous power attach barge will have a significant impact on this scenarios. It is still a fun scenario, one side always seems to completely whip the other.
I have lost this scenario before even though I out fought and slaughtered much of the enemy, getting bogged down and and running out of time is the killer here. Breaking through with a fleet footed force whilst sacrificing the majority of your army tying down the enemy.