What I think will be released during the next 2 movies (hopefully)
Sorry if I have repeated too much

The February releases, I'm sure everyone knows what they are by now.
Radagast with Rabbit Sled
The Necromancer (I would prefer GW one if it's going to look like slenderman)
Bats (like the ones that chase Radagast from Dol Guldor)
Giant Spiders
Shades (like the one who attacked Radagast)
Mirkwood Elves (armoured and possibly unarmoured)
Mirkwood Command
Dwarven Boar Riders (as hinted by Billy Connely, actor of Dain)
Ironhill Dwarves
Men of Dale
Master of Laketown
Men of Laketown
Bard the Bowman
Gundabad Orcs (to represent the other orc and goblin holds as mentioned in the book)
New battle ready poses for the White Council (possibly to follow Gandalf and the white council driving the necromancer out of Dol Guldor)
A vingette with the Dwarves in Barrels (like the riddles in the dark set
Extras that are unlikely (to me) :
The Rivendell Guards (seen when Lindir greets Gandalf)
Beornings (In the book it said men who lived with Beorn could transform into bears)
Elk Cavalry for Mirkwood ( I would prefer Horses)
Maybe a new Witch King resurrected by the Necromancer.
Mirkwood Terrain (those colourful trees)
Dol Guldor Terrain (like the osgiliath ones)
Erebor Terrain (pillars or something)
The Arkenstone (odd, yes but it will probably be included with Thror)
The new Aragorn looking character for Rohan
Stone Giants (scale would make it impossible really)
Also did anyone notice in the Rulebook Bolg (the real movies picture, not the mini) was standing in front of what looked like Dol Guldor in the background, comparing to what the place looked like when Radagast was running away from it.