If you are playing for fun and aren't overly competitive, just go with with you like, I guarantee a good time :
Ha, I have to hold my hands up, I am quite competative! But as you say, will start off with the minitures I like and what I like from the Middle-Earth setting and build from there.
SBG really does lend itself to moments of individual heroism. Erkenbrand is a great model and profile who can hold his own quite well, and brings a lot to the board with his special rules (horn of extra courage, and upgrading RoR).
I agree, it's a great model and I'm happy that it's a good profile for my army-to-be too

There is a mounted model and a foot model... based on all mentioned re: cavalry, is it better to have him on foot leading say RRG on foot?
Also, what of Halbarad? Again, I like his miniture and his place in Middle-Earth, but how does he fair profile wise?
Normally you'd do the work and post it for a critique, but ...

(I appreciate it! No rule books/source books or anything yet so a little blind at the moment! Just going off a few forums here and available minitures!

Your Arnor army comes in at 248 points, assuming all your RoA have spears. If not, reduce accordingly.
Erkenbrand + 6 upgraded RoR (2 with throwing spears) comes in at 163.
Total so far = 411. From here there are a few ways to go:
1) Add another Arnor hero, such as Arathorn, and he can add one more RoA
2) Add 3 more RotN, but you'll have some points left over (which you could use to give all your RoR throwing spears).
3) Add more Rohan. The problem with RoR is they all have bows, but there's a 33% limit, so as the army is currently configured they can't all shoot. The custom, for clarity, is only models posed as shooting can shoot. However, fleshing out the Rohan war band means more of your RoR can shoot.
Personally I like #3. You have 89 points, so you could add 5 mounted Royal Guard, 4 with throwing spears; or 4 RRG on foot (with throwing spears) and 2 mounted RRG (with throwing spears); or 5 RRG on foot (with throwing spears) and 1 Son of Eorl.
I kind of like the last option, just because the RRG could be nice shields for your rangers, and more than 6 mounted models is a bit much for one hero to keep mobile, whereas a Son of Eorl can kind of take care of himself. Anyway, if you flesh out the Rohan warband, then up to 4 RoR can shoot. Added to your RoA shooting that could be pretty effective.
All good stuff! Again, based on all advised, I agree spears would be the way to go with the Rangers.
Thank you for all the suggestions. Out of the three options you give, I agree that 3 looks the best from what you have given, if deciding to expand the Rohan warband which would free up the RoR bows. Especially the further option of 5 RRG on foot as an infantry option, as you say, to give the rangers some protection.
In total this force would be 29 models...
I won't pretend this is the most competitive army as you'll likely be terribly outnumbered, but it gets you started and you'll probably have a lot of fun with it. If you get some solid shooting turns and can back up the RRG with spear-wielding Rangers, you be able to pull some rabbits out of hats...
Thank you for the honesty and assistance!
Cavalry is widely regarded as difficult to use or perhaps fragile. I however love cavalry in all its forms and while its been a while since I've played with an all cav force I think I can still safely say that if you get the hang of them you can really lay the hurt on the enemy. Honestly the best way to learn is to get cracking, play a few games and learn from your mistakes.
It's a shame they seem quite underpowered. Any top tips re: cavalry usage as well as common mistakes to avoid?
In regard to your force you can easily ally a few factions in 500pts, how effective those alliances are can very but I fully support whafrogs statement in that you should go with the theme you like. (have to say the Ranger/rohan perhaps gondor alliance is sounding quite cool to me)
Haha, well, the Tharbad connection might let me get away with it. But in all honesty, if there were more options on the table, I would probably like a 500pt Northern army, then after building that, build other armies that interest me. But not a lot on offer unless I've missed something?
I'd say that your currently looking at an infantry block of rangers, two ranks, second with spears (though bear in mind you could try skirmishing in smaller groups I will say that doing this effectively is even more difficult than using cavalry) backed up by however many riders you want to include. As I said before Erkenbrand is pt for pt the best Rohan hero in my opinion, his three might points, horn and ability to upgrade riders makes him a perfect candidate for leading cavalry. I would not include more than ten riders without a second mounted hero, even if its just a mounted ranger of the north (no models for these so you'd need to convert one).
All sound advice. More thumbs up for spears and for Erkenbrand. What's this about Mounted Ranger of the North? So there are more profiles available than the model range because if so, I'm happy to play about and convert. What else would a Grey Company themed army have available?