This is SUCH a toughie to vote for. Like many people, Bilbo's entry deserves a special mention, and a special place in our hearts, as his last piece of work.

However, I don't think he'd have wanted the spirit of the competition to be put aside, so I'll stack his up against the rest.
It's so hard to pick one!
Altar, your basing on those Uruks is spot on.
Ardboe, your Morannon Orcs are perfect - I'm going to have to request a paint scheme for when I do mine!
Bilbo really brought those Orcs alive - the basing is great too, and that dead grass is perfect for Mordor forces.
Chris, your trolls look superb and that banner was an inspired choice - great freehand!
Edge, those Uruk-hai, particularly the blood and gore, are very finely detailed, and the scene you've made displays them really well.
Gothmog, I love the Black Numenorean conversion, and the paint scheme fits well. Your highlighting is getting better

John Wayne - that Theoden is amazing - picture perfect. His battalion of Royal Guard look crisp and bright too. A very inspiring warband.
Hurin, I love those orcs too - bit of stiff orcish competition, and I don't think you're helped by the slight blurring, but from what I can see very good painting.
Martinus - good work. Those spiders give me the creeps!
MMS - Something for me personally to aspire to. You favour the subtle earthy pallette like myself, and pull it off with such finesse it's a joy to look at your miniatures. One of the top contenders.
SD - I love the autumnal scheme on Legolas, and your conversions add flavour.
Sid - you're coming on leaps and bounds! That banner is fabulous, I might have to steal the colour scheme

Ooo, look, there's mine. I hate those Ranger models now. Too flat!
Telchar - some inspired basing and conversions.
Tomogui - I wasn't sure about these in the WIP, but boy have they turned out great. Top work
Wah Wing - Red always suited Gondor, and you've pulled it off superbly.
At the end of it all, this one was really hard to pick. My top picks were Ardboe, Edge, John Wayne, MMS and Tomogui. I'm gonna give it to Tomogui though, because those wargs are immensely impressive and have really shattered my expectations.