hi elf
basicly every 16 hours you can take a turn, now in this turn you have to hurt one hero and heal a different hero. also in the one on TLA you can eat heroes
heres the rules
This is a Hurt/Heal game with a couple of twists.
Each hero starts with a predetermined value. Usually, the starting value is 100, but I'm varying it just to shake things up. That's the first twist. Exciting, eh?
You can play once every 16 hours and must hurt one hero and heal another each time you play. Hurting a hero does 10 points damage. Healing a hero restores 5 points health. You can not hurt and heal the same hero in a single turn.
Eating a hero is different. Once per game, you can choose to forego hurting and healing heroes to eat a hero for either 10, 15, or 20 points of damage. You could use it today, but you'd never get to use it again. It's a One use only item.
To eat a hero unit, roll a D6. On a roll of 1-2, you eat the unit for 10 points of damage. A roll of 3-4 eats 15 points of damage. Rolling a 5 or 6 eats 20 points of damage. Be honest.
Also you must accept a penalty, skipping an extra day before you hurt and heal again.
That's the second twist. Exciting, no?
Standard Rules:
1. Post new totals for all units, recalculating the totals for the units you hurt and heal. The easiest way is to simply quote the post above yours and remove the quote tags. Or use the good old cut and paste method.
2. You must be creative with your entries!
The list will follow in the next post. I'm going to play, and I'll start off to show ya how it's all done!
Remember to check in daily and hurt and heal your heroes to victory (or death!).
heres an example of what you could do in your turn:
legolas steps on a porcupine (thats the 'hurt hero' bit)
Aragorn learns to fly (thats the 'heal hero' bit)
aragorn +5
legolas -10its very fun and funny to join in with sometimes