ElfGeneral wrote:
Gothmog nearly all of the Fates and Fortunes are helpful just most of them cost to much (Evil actually have it best here at 15 25-50 point fates compared to 9 for good) for example Hero of the Hour (+1F and +1C for a non Epic hero or a Hero leading a legendary formation) which means it is basically and upgrade for a captain to make him that little bit better in Duels and the formations courage tests but it costs 75 POINTS that is more than the captain in the first place at 125 you could get Thranduil who has a higher fight than any captain (and most other epics), courage 6 a slew of Epic Actions,Terror and Mastery 2 Wilderness there is no reason to get a captain.
Another example is Dark Shrine (-1F to any good formation within 3'') which cost 100 points and is going to do very little against the 4 companies of WOMT the good side can get for the same price
And because of this most Fortunes and Fates are pretty useless (there are, of course, exceptions)
"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
-On Andùril, The Lord of the Rings