The Key decisive battle of 1941, the German invasion of Britain!

Overview of the board.

Both fighters speed on head to head. The German fighter manages to damage the Allied plane, who then quickly u turns and takes out the German wing, causing it to crash.

British PIAT teams work together to take down the advancing German armour.

A German Stug forces the British assault teams to retreat behind cover.

German infantry storm the beaches filled with barbed wire and mines and take heavy casualties.

The half track has been broken down due to British PIAT teams and the bailed out team are now sitting ducks.

The British heavy anti-tank gun works hard to try hit the tanks but due to poor deployment, miss most shots.

The British assault team forces the German fallschirmjager out of the objective.

Officers and radios safely guarded in the bunker direct the British army against the German onslaught.

View from the bunker window

The German armor succesfully penetrate the first line trenches and are facing against stubborn British machineguns while the German infantry massacre their opposing riflemen.

View of the German advancement from the bunker.

A German fallschirmjager squad lands behind enemy lines and destroys the heavy mortars before they even get a chance to fire.
British victory! Extremely close game, both armies suffered huge casualties with both the German First and British first army no longer being effective offensive forces. The Germans were able to take most the country side with their paratroopers. The American plane (i don't have a British one yet) managed to both destroy the German plane and stopped the paratroopers from ambushing the British troops in the middle and saved the British centre defenses. The British rifles suffered an absolute massacre. About 90% of them were killed due to powers of the German armour (and the german crashing plane happened to hit them right in the trenches) Although the Germans managed to penetrate the centre trenches, they could not take the bunker at all and the British machine gunners miraculously survived and had enough men to hold the right trench. But the most important of all was the British assault troops and PIAT teams. They delayed the German armour (if they had another turn the armour would have enough power to take down the bunker) and assault troops provided as numbers to hold the centre objectives.

-Contrary to 1940 (all axis victories) 1941 represented all allied victories, a major morale boost.
-The French took Spain with minimal casualties.
-The Soviets finally after their 4th attempt took the Balkans with acceptable casualties.
-The German first army failed to take Britain with both the Germans and British first armies taking major casualties.
The Beginning of 1942 (third turn)

Army movements, this is the last turn that the axis will be able to go first.

The German Third Army has attacked the Soviet Union where the Soviet army is not stationed. The odds are facing the Germans.

The Italians are making a cross Mediterranean landing to take the Balkans away from the Soviets, this shall be the Soviet Army's first big encounter.

The German Second army is determined to drive the French off mainland Europe.
I forgot to take a picture of this, but the incredibly depleted German First Army is taking a suicide mission to Britain again, (who now has 2 armies stationed there, the second British army has now arrived from their defeat in Egypt in 1940) This was purely done to prevent an allied landing in France and to buy time for the Germans to quickly get rid of the French to avoid a surrounding.