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 Post subject: New player needs help
PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:53 pm 

Joined: Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:41 pm
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HELP! lol , i have no idea what to do , ive ordered the mines of moria box set and i want to play SBG but with all the books and cancelled books , i just don't know what to do next?
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 Post subject: Re: New player needs help
PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:01 pm 

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I would suggest you go online and order a copy of the One Rulebook. After the mines of moria box it is probably the next thing you need to get you going in the hobby and game. Since Games Workshop has been canceling all their LoTR books it has been hard to find but there is almost always at least 1 copy of the One Rulebook up for sale on Ebay. You might not be able to find a new copy of the book but it is still probably the best thing you could buy next to get started.

After you have the one rulebook you probably should look through it and figure out what army you want to collect and start getting the source books and miniatures for that army.

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 Post subject: Re: New player needs help
PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:34 pm 
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Play through mines of moria a few times, decide on your favorite model then build an army based on that model. Once you've got a few new models swap them out for certain members of the fellowship so you can keep playing familiar scenarios but also get experience with new models. Drogan is right, the one rulebook is a really good choice. The GW website has a few articles including new profiles which may interest you.
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 Post subject: Re: New player needs help
PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:58 pm 
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Yep, pick an army you like and we'll help you build it and find the resources. A lot of stuff is online, there is a handy army builder spreadsheet around that contains point costs, and the three journey books are still being sold. So all is not lost :)
If you're the only one of your friends who wants to build armies you might have to build both good and evil armies. My friends like the game, but their own collecting is around historical stuff like napoleonics, so I have to provide all for LotR games.
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 Post subject: Re: New player needs help
PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:50 am 

Joined: Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:41 pm
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So is it even worth starting ? if it's on its way out , if war of the rings is all i can do , ill just go back to WH
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 Post subject: Re: New player needs help
PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:08 am 
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aesthopian wrote:
So is it even worth starting ? if it's on its way out , if war of the rings is all i can do , ill just go back to WH

Most of us are pretty sure the Hobbit movies will breath new life into the game, and some who are apparently "in the know" have hinted that this year we will see something big. Also, I can't imagine GW continuing to sell the models without eventually having some way of getting all the required profiles and information. And there are quite a few FineCost models in the LotR range, I don't imagine they would have bothered with the expense of converting them if they were going to kill the game.

I expect we'll see either a fat new tome with all the profiles, or some kind of web-subscription to get them sometime before the Hobbit movies are released.
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 Post subject: Re: New player needs help
PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:18 am 

Joined: Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:41 pm
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Yeah but then again , all books bar the 3 movie journeybooks are discontinued , and none of the finecast that are out are scenario based
i cant get attack at weathertop anymore in box , nor the amon hen ambush nor orthanc , it seems like they HAVNT bothered with the expense of converting them
because they havnt converted ANY of the scenario box's..just WOTR stuff
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 Post subject: Re: New player needs help
PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:56 am 
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Might be just me, but future support for this game doesn't bother me too much. Easy for me to say, as I have all the existing books, but they are all still available if you look around. That's not to say I don't want more support, more scenarios, etc :) But I consider the rules as stable and timeless as chess. Sure we might quibble over the power of cavalry or certain profiles, but the mechanics are about as solid and enjoyable as any game of this sort could be. It's not like a video game where two years from now you'll need version 2.0 and new hardware to run it. So if the game intrigues you at all I wouldn't hesitate.
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 Post subject: Re: New player needs help
PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:56 am 
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aesthopian wrote:
Yeah but then again , all books bar the 3 movie journeybooks are discontinued , and none of the finecast that are out are scenario based
i cant get attack at weathertop anymore in box , nor the amon hen ambush nor orthanc , it seems like they HAVNT bothered with the expense of converting them
because they havnt converted ANY of the scenario box's..just WOTR stuff

Okay, all of the books that were discontinued are the SBG equivalent of codex's so if you wanna do is play through the scenarios from the film, you don't even want those books. And don't worry, the scenario based stuff is the easiest to come across, go on ebay, you could get all the wraiths needed for attack on weathertop for like £10, probably less. The war of the ring stuff is the rarest stuff available, and there are plenty of scenarios you can play with the "wotr" sets, a box of minas tirith warriors, faramir and some orcs is all you need to play through sam and frodo escaping osgiliath.

You've got to remember that the way most people play SBG is creating skirmish forces to do battle against other armies, but it that doesn't make it a WOTR game, its still SBG. So all the boxes you describe as WOTR are fully useable with the SBG system. For example, lets say you hate using merry, pippin and sam in your scenarios, so you go out and buy a box of elf warriors to replace them, you use 5 of the elfs to replace merry, pippin and sam (those three cost about 50 points combined, you can fit about 5 elf warriors into 50 points) Now you like those elves so much you decide to make your entire force out of them, so you take legolas and remove the rest of the fellowship . This army of elves and legolas can be used either to play the mines of moria scenarios as you did with the fellowship, or you could play it against other armies in pitched battle, the same goes for the fellowship.

What i just explained was the "points match" system that the game uses, it basically means that you can play any scenario with the recommended participants, or just use a force which equals the same amount of points. I hope this made sense/helped.
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 Post subject: Re: New player needs help
PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:11 pm 

Joined: Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:41 pm
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Oh yeah i see what you are saying , so where do i get all the scenarios then if not the books?

also what i like about the scenario box sets is the poses you get are relevant to the scenario and also the tidbits of scenery you get with them (little bits of ruins and the campfire in the weathertop box) i have seen a few on ebay , but obviously i cant just buy everything i want now , i wanna work my way through the scenarios but by that time everything will have probably dried up :(
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 Post subject: Re: New player needs help
PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:19 pm 
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aesthopian wrote:
Oh yeah i see what you are saying , so where do i get all the scenarios then if not the books?

IMHO the best scenarios are in the journey books, and GW is still selling these. The most useful one (again IMHO) is the Two Towers. Check it out and you'll see it's all SBG, but some of the battles are quite large (60+ figures on each side). I believe they are also selling Legions of Middle Earth, which has 12 excellent generic scenarios. The main reason to get any of the other sourcebooks is to get the profiles for the army you want to build, but depending on which army (eg: Galadhrim) you may not need any of them.

also what i like about the scenario box sets is the poses you get are relevant to the scenario and also the tidbits of scenery you get with them (little bits of ruins and the campfire in the weathertop box) i have seen a few on ebay , but obviously i cant just buy everything i want now ,

I wouldn't buy into these scenario boxes. The terrain bits are REALLY easy to make. If you get into this game and start building armies you'll probably find you won't even use most of the models in the scenario boxes. Aragorn, for example, has a very expensive profile that makes him almost useless except in very large armies, or very special scenarios from the journeybooks. The box sets do look nice, but if you're on a budget you'll probably wish at some point you had spent that money on, say, a box of rangers instead.

i wanna work my way through the scenarios but by that time everything will have probably dried up :(

Not likely, as we've said, the Hobbit movies are coming, and unless they do something really dumb like create a whole new set of rules, this game will have plenty of life for a while.
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 Post subject: Re: New player needs help
PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:56 pm 
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To be honest, once you've played through MoM (mines of moria) you'll know whether or not you will want to buy more scenario books or if you would rather build an army and play force on force. Either way you will need to buy the one ring rulebook (ORB). After that you can start with whatever journeybook you want and collect enough models to play whatever scenario's you want. If you want to play through every single scenario of every book then by the time you've done that, the hobbit will probably be out and thus there will be more material.

Anyway, i believe there are three scenarios in the mines of moria book, and the box set comes with everything you need to play them. Anyway, i think i should point out that there are a large number of profiles available on the gw site here:

The articles you will want to look at are called: "The black riders of mordor" "In saurons sinister service" "reinforcements" "the council of elrond" and "the galadhrim host" The other articles are also usfeul but don't contain any exclusive profiles. There is also another article for new rohan and isengard profiles:

I hope this helped :)
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 Post subject: Re: New player needs help
PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 4:18 pm 
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aesthopian wrote:
Yeah but then again , all books bar the 3 movie journeybooks are discontinued , and none of the finecast that are out are scenario based
i cant get attack at weathertop anymore in box , nor the amon hen ambush nor orthanc , it seems like they HAVNT bothered with the expense of converting them
because they havnt converted ANY of the scenario box's..just WOTR stuff

Keep in mind that all those boxed sets you mentioned started production 10 years ago. In the meantime there have been many new versions of all the models contained within, so those sets were deemed "redundant" and discontinued.

Just because the sourcebooks have been discontinued doesn't mean they're not still valid. Any profile within any of them is still legal. Just scour ebay or a similar site and you'll find some, probably cheaper than the original retail price.

Gondor: 2339pts
Rohan: 1318pts
Dwarves: 2482pts
Elves: 1091pts
Mordor: 2305pts
Isengard: 1762pts
Moria: 1463pts
Evil Men: 381pts
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