I've been reflecting a bit on what makes a good game of WOTR, recently. I decided that there might be other ways than houserules (see here:http://roughwotr.blogspot.com/2010/12/houserules-after-extensive-feedback.html), so have drafted up a set of guidelines that I might use, were I to run an event. Reasoned feedback is welcome.
WOTR 1000 pt draft competition rules. Rules: 'Will of iron' works on a 3+ Lists: There is a list of all the Epic heroes in the game, below. Your army may only contain one hero from that list. Though you may take as many other heroes or legendary formations as points permit. You may not take an allied Epic Hero, though Good lists may use Epic Heroes from the Forgotten Kingdoms list ('The Shadow of the Nazgul' fulfils the same role for Evil). If you take an Epic Hero from the list, you may not also take a monster with the 'extremely hard to kill' rule. Further, you may only ever take one monster with that rule. The sole exception to this is the Misty Mountains list, which may take a Stone Giant with Durbuurz. Battlehosts may be fielded but the restrictions on Epic Heros remains. The sole exception to this are Battlehosts which require more than one Epic Hero from the restricted list, in that case they may take the minimum necessary. Since the restrictions on Epic heroes remain in place, you may not take one restricted hero in the battlehost and another for the rest of the army.
Gondor: Restricted: Aragorn, Boromir, Faramir, Imrahil, Isildur Not Restricted: Peregrin, Elendil
Rohan Restricted: Eomer, Eorl Not Restricted: Deorwine, Eowyn, Erkenbrand, Theoden, Theodred
Elven Kingdoms Restricted: Galadriel (Lady of Lothlorien), Thranduil, Haldir Not restricted: Celeborn, Galadriel (Potectress of Lothlorien), Elrond, Legolas, Cirdan, Gil-Galad, Arwen, Elladan, Elrohir The Dwarf Holds Restricted: Balin, Dain, Gimli Not Restricted: Floi
Forgotten Kingdoms(may be allies for any Good list) Restricted: Saruman the White, Gandalf the Grey, Radagast the Brown Not Restricted: Gandalf the White
Mordor Restricted: Ringwraith, Mouth of Sauron, Gothmog, Kardush Not Restricted: Gollum
The Fortress of Isengard Restricted: Thrydan, Saruman Not restricted: Grima Wormtongue, Lurtz
Misty Mountains Restricted: Stone Giant (though may be taken with Durburz), Dragon, Balrog, Durburz (though may be taken with Stone Giant), Druzhag. Not restricted: The combination of Durburz and Stone Giant. Note a Moria army may treat EITHER the Dragon OR the Balrog as a Legendary formation for the purposes of army construction. Other restriction remain in effect - these are still monsters with the 'extremely hard to kill' table, and this means they may not be taken with other restricted heroes.
Fallen Realms Restricted: Ringwraiths (Shadow of the Nazgul), War Mumak, Suladan, Queen Beruthiel Not Restricted: Dalamyr, Amdur
Angmar Restricted: Ringwraiths (Shadow of the Nazgul)
I would be interested in any feedback on which hero goes where. I think I've been fair, and all Epics should be on one or the other list, so let me know if I've missed any! Cheers
Last edited by Xelee on Wed May 25, 2011 8:19 am, edited 3 times in total.