BlackMist in the other thread wrote:
However, I wouldn't field MK's over Morannons in a competitive Mordor list - the Morannons are just much better in saving Nazgul inside and can take much more beating.
But there is an exception and it's the Knights of Morgul Battlehost:
1 Dark Marshal
1 Mouth of Sauron (for Battlehost purposes)
1 Betrayer
1 Knight of Umbar
1 Gothmog
1 Morgul Champion (Thrydan Wolfsbane Profile)
1 Orcs
4 Morgul Knights
4 Morgul Knights
4 Morgul Knights
4 Morgul Knights
4 Morgul Knights
Fate: Palantir on Gothmog or "Death, Death, Death"
Total 1500, 5 formations, 6 Heroes, Magic level 11
An alternative version has 4 formations of 4 companies, but each has a banner to make use of Gothmog's Army Banner rule (although given that the first has Palantir and usually all you need is 1 Heroic Charge, Overlord should be sufficient and an extra formation might be more useful).
Key thing about this army is to win outright in turn 1 and if that's not the case, cause enough damage for enemy to have a hard time recovering from the initial charge.
The Battlehost gives us the free heroic combats on 5+ (earthshaking charge upgrade) and most imortantly Onset of Dismay on 1-2 instead of just 1. On turn 1, except for the obvious multiple Pall of Nights and/or Strength from Corruption, each Nazgul, Thrydan and Gothmog turn on Epic Strike to give themselves around 6 attacks extra. With free at the double the army can position itself perfectly if it moves 2nd in turn 1 and then again in subsequent turns (hence why we want to have Palantir - it gives us effectively 65% of choosing who goes first).
1x Orcs are there for the 1 company non-battlehost minimum requirement.
Mathematically speaking: If 3 companies get into combat with Minas Tirith Warriors (or any D6 or 7 models), we get 3x9+1+7=35 attacks [it's actually 3x8+6 if the formation is F4, so 30] (I would also think about Strength from corruption which can kill off one of your companies and take away 1 attack but add +2 or 4 strength which helps a lot in combat). That would mean around 10-12 dead on average (with Betrayer in the formation that's 20 dead) and 17 or so attacks back kill 2 of ours. (If we cast SfC, we are S5, so frontal charge will kill an average of 17 or 25 with Betrayer - that's usually half of the formation if it's 3-4 companies strong so Onset of Dismay bonus already comes into play). Hopefully we can get 5+ for earthshaking (having 5 formations in combat 1 or 2 of these should work) and get another round of attacks making a total of 25+ casualties, this time with no casualties on our side. 2nd time Onset of Dismay bonus might work. If we're worried about not getting Earthshaking charge when we need it, we can use Overlord to call 3 Heroics (or make Nazgul duel enemy Heroes).
Weakness: Pikes. But I haven't seen any armies that would use more than 1-2 small 2 company formations with them plus there are ways around it with magic. The army is a bit more risky than Morannon Orcs based multi-wraith Mordor, but it is a viable list (mirror match would be interesting, although probably the Morannons would win it).
I think it's not bad and most of all would look awesome on the table
Having now finished my Moria list I'm considering this as my next WotR army (after finishing some other things for SBG GT in february). Total of 35 Morgul Knights required (Epics cover the other slots) = 7 boxes = a few drinks less every time I go to a pub and in a few months it's done
What do you think?