I finished Terry Goodkind's awesome "Wizard's First Rule" series a while ago and started some other mea,while...
At the moment I'm reading 3 series of books actually...
(couldn't read on with the first since the books weren't in the library...)
I read the first two of Game Of Thrones (George RR Martin)...
First one was nice, second one started to bother me a bit... I'm not really a fan of much politics, although it could be worse. I like his (uncensored) writing-style though.
So since book 3A of Game of Thrones wasn't in the library before my holidays started, I went for 2 other series to take with me on my vacation... (in case one of them wouldn't interest me...)
First one I started was Wit'ch Fire (the banned and the banished series) of James Clemens.
I gotta say it caught me well and I'm looking forward to pick up the rest of this serie of books (5 in total). The writing-style isn't too hard at all. The story feels a bit like Lord Of The Rings, of rather The Hobbit.
The story involves many different races such as magicians, men, giants, trolls, kobolds, elves, nimphs, shape-shifters, ... etc. Really my kind of thing

It's like many fantasy series a good vs. evil story and has several nice and original pure-sang fantasy and fairytale features!
Another 6-books-series I started is written by the Dutch author W. J. Maryson (Wim Stolk) and is called "Master Magician" of which I'm reading the first book "Sperling".
I'm not sure though if these series have been translated to English partly or completely...
The author also had a music-band "Maryson" with which he released two albums inspired by the first two books.
Sadly enough he passed away earlier this year, while he planned to write music for all 6 of the books.
I've only just read 1/4th of the book so far but it keeps me interested a lot aswell

It's about a boy who starts to turn out to be a main-figure of a long forespelled prophecy and together with some friends he starts his quest to save his people.
On their way through the beautifully described landscapes they come across ghosts, an elve and probably much more soon...
So far it's another nice-to-read story imo