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 Post subject: SBG - Chariots
PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:49 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Guys, wondering if you can clarify use of chariots in SBG.

I realize according to shadow in the east supplement, that they are treated like a Monstrous mount, with some exceptions for terrain.

So for individual in chariot, he gets one extra attack dice if he charges anything else on the battlefield. If he wins, opponent counts knocked down and trapped , double dice to kill, dum de dum...

Presumably if it has charged a model, and then is charged by others, it still counts charging against all?

I note also it counts as cavalry if attacked, I am guessing this means, risk of fallen rider test?

I am curious how to resolve chariot versus chariot... I am presuming we would be talking a glancing exchange, much like a medieval joust? I cannot imagine chariots hitting each other head on. I also have a tough time imagining the mechanism for retreating the chariot back 1" if beaten in combat. I realize its just a game mechanism, but it just feels odd. Perhaps move it off to one side or other?

I feel these may require a lot of "gentlemanly" play, to get them to play as one would imagine...

Also if charioteer is thrown as per fallen rider test, is chariot gone? Or Can he climb back on board?

Also, do any of the chariots carry more than one charioteer? Most examples through history typically had a driver and passenger. If this is case with LOTR SBG rules, presumably both would get to attack if chariot in combat, but would they both get the extra dice for chariot charge or just one of them?

I welcome your thoughts and experiences


PS most of this has come up from playing about with the rules for use ancients (eg Ancient Britons vs Romans)

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 2:55 pm 
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Chariots are under-developed IMHO for this game. There are no special treatments for movement, charging and backing away from fights. I imagine if the chariot was "killed" the rider would have to make a fallen rider test, but as a monstrous mount, nothing else will knock it over.

They are a pretty expensive bow platform, but you can move full and shoot, which could be handy. They are best at taking out cavalry, but statistically, with their average fight and 2 dice on the attack, I don't see them causing as much havoc as one would hope.

There are no 2-model chariots, but I did develop some house rule profiles a while back which has one. If you're interested:
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:10 pm 
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Am I just nuts, or do I remember an entry for Elven chariots in the Legions of Middle-earth book?


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:21 pm 
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You aren't least about that :)

Tolkien never mentioned them, so I doubt I'd use them. I'm still awaiting High Elf cavalry, or at least one elite High Elf model that has 2 attacks
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:29 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Erunion wrote:
Am I just nuts, or do I remember an entry for Elven chariots in the Legions of Middle-earth book?

Yes I believe there was an entry for elven chariots, in Legions.

But as someone else has said, they are not mention in Tolkien-canon that I have come across, so I would be disinclined to use them.

Having recently reread the Silmarillion with its great descriptions of the huge mass battles of the First Age, there is mention of elven Infantry and Cavalry, but no chariots...

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