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 Post subject: Erebor +Tower of Ecthelion (1500pts SBG)
PostPosted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 4:00 pm 

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Alright, my first posting on this site....anyway I was thinking of an army of 1000-ish points of Erebor and 500-ish points with Tower of Ecthelion. This army would be playing mainly against Mordor and Harad. I'm kind of unsure of my hero choice and there seems to be too many. But here it is, suggestions?


King Dain-125p

9 Khazad Guard-99p
6 Iron Guard-90p
1 Dwarf w/ banner-38p

16 Dwarf Warriors w/ shield-144p
16 Dwarf Warriors w/ 2-handed axe-128p
16 Dwarf Warriors w/ Bow-144p

Wanderers of the Wild:

Murin and Drar-150p


Radagast the Brown-150p

Now this is where I am unsure of which direction to go. I could go all cavalry or not. Here is the cavalry list:

Tower of Ecthelion:

Boromir, Captain of the White Tower w/ Banner of Minas Tirith + horse-235p

15 Knights of Minas Tirith-195p


Boromir, Captain of the White Tower w/ Banner of Minas Tirith-225p

8 Warriors of Minas Tirith w/ shield-64p
8 Warriors of Minas Tirith w/ bow-64p
8 Warriors of Minas Tirith w/ shield + spear-72p

The list with the cavalry: 1498points, 84 models, 18 shots, 17 bows, 18 might
The list without cavalry: 1493points, 93 models, 25 bows, 27 shots, 18 might
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:28 am 

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welcome to this site.

I can't tell you much about dwarves, and i don't know what you have, but this is my advice anyway.

For your cavalry contingent (if you are taking), I would suggest taking faramir w/ HA+Lance instead, and ally in maybe Boromir of Gondor. They add up to about the same, but you get an extra hero to call heroic moves for your cavalry (since 15 is quite a lot).
If you are taking the infantry contingent, I would advise getting GotFC and CG instead of WOMT. The extra fight value will definitely be useful, and the GotFC defense will help against things like morannon orcs.
Anyway, you are spending quite a lot on heroes, maybe you might want to consider taking out radagast for more models.

Anyone from One Ring in Singapore?
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:38 am 
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I actually really like the list with cavalry. I think that it is a good balance of models. Your dwarfs to form a shield wall and cavalry to have a devastating charge. The hammer and anvil tactic will work really well for that force with the amount of cavalry you have.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 2:14 pm 

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For your cavalry contingent (if you are taking), I would suggest taking faramir w/ HA+Lance instead, and ally in maybe Boromir of Gondor. They add up to about the same, but you get an extra hero to call heroic moves for your cavalry (since 15 is quite a lot).
If you are taking the infantry contingent, I would advise getting GotFC and CG instead of WOMT. The extra fight value will definitely be useful, and the GotFC defense will help against things like morannon orcs.
Anyway, you are spending quite a lot on heroes, maybe you might want to consider taking out radagast for more models.

The reason I have Boromir, Captain of the White Tower is so I can give him the Banner of MT to increase his fight value to that equal of a troll's. I figured that if it is a 1500pt game against Mordor I may be seeing several trolls coming at me. I also had Radagast in there so he may sit in the back of my shield wall and 'panic steed' and 'immobilize' the heck out of their charging lines. He can also 'renew' so that would be very helpful. I was thinking that Radagast would immobilize the larger aspects of their army (such as trolls) then Boromir and Dain clobber them. But I think I may go with the cavalry contingent for the lack of dwarfish cavalry. I do like the idea of Faramir though. And I guess if I would keep Radagast in there with Boromir of Gondor, Radagast could keep Boromir alive with his people think I should keep Radagast in there?
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 6:05 am 
Elven Warrior
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I think yo should keep Radagast panic steed is an unique tool :)
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 10:13 am 
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ok i love the list w/ cavalry as dwarves are really slow and the cavalry make up for it....

getting Boromir of the wt for anti troll is a good idea... although getting him for trolls is the only reason for getting him over faramir and fellowship bormir...

the big hole in your plan is how to stop nazgul from transfixing ppl like boromir.... you might need to get someone like gandalf on horse (if he goes w/ the cavalry he will stop your horses from becoming pin cushions...) then he can transfix trolls to be kill by faramir and fellowship boromir

so from what i see you need to get faramir and Borormir over Boromir of the WT and trade out radagast so your cavalry will make it to the enemy and so faramire and boromir can kill trolls....
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 6:29 pm 
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Shadowswarm wrote:
ok i love the list w/ cavalry as dwarves are really slow and the cavalry make up for it....

getting Boromir of the wt for anti troll is a good idea... although getting him for trolls is the only reason for getting him over faramir and fellowship bormir...

the big hole in your plan is how to stop nazgul from transfixing ppl like boromir.... you might need to get someone like gandalf on horse (if he goes w/ the cavalry he will stop your horses from becoming pin cushions...) then he can transfix trolls to be kill by faramir and fellowship boromir

so from what i see you need to get faramir and Borormir over Boromir of the WT and trade out radagast so your cavalry will make it to the enemy and so faramire and boromir can kill trolls....

Yes, agreed. Just getting Boromir as an anti troll unit is unnescarry as you already have Radagast who can immobilise them.

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:07 pm 
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ok i love the list w/ cavalry as dwarves are really slow and the cavalry make up for it....

getting Boromir of the wt for anti troll is a good idea... although getting him for trolls is the only reason for getting him over faramir and fellowship bormir...

the big hole in your plan is how to stop nazgul from transfixing ppl like boromir.... you might need to get someone like gandalf on horse (if he goes w/ the cavalry he will stop your horses from becoming pin cushions...) then he can transfix trolls to be kill by faramir and fellowship boromir

so from what i see you need to get faramir and Borormir over Boromir of the WT and trade out radagast so your cavalry will make it to the enemy and so faramire and boromir can kill trolls....

wait what?? he already has some one who can stop ringwraiths from transfixing boromir and dain. cant he just use radagast i mean radagast can just immobilize the nazgul or if there on a fell beast(which they most likley are at this points cost) just use panic steed on it then K.O fell beast and ringwraith are basically dead. plus radagast doesnt even need to have line of sight to the person hes casting at he could just hide behinde a house or something and start immobilizing.
i would keep radagast to stop the trolls.

but yeah apart from that i agree with you :)
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:58 am 

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Thank you all for the help!
Ok, so it sounds like Radagast should stay in the list (for dealing with nazgul), but Boromir should go, and I should replace him with Farimir to lead the cavalry?
Maybe with the extra points I could put some Citadel Guard with longbows for some extra archery range?
(I'll try to come up with a new list soon)
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:03 am 
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B wrote:
Thank you all for the help!
Ok, so it sounds like Radagast should stay in the list (for dealing with nazgul), but Boromir should go, and I should replace him with Farimir to lead the cavalry?
Maybe with the extra points I could put some Citadel Guard with longbows for some extra archery range?
(I'll try to come up with a new list soon)

Radagast is definetely a good choice and, yes, I would probably swap out BCotWT for either normal Boromir on horse or Faramir on horse and then with the spare points get some elites like Knights of Dol Amoroth.

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
- Bertrand Russel
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:23 am 
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if you rely on radagast to transfix nazgul and if you want to stop your cavalry from becoming pin cushions..... the cavalry will need to hide behind your main battleline
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:32 pm 
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cant he just the scenery to his advantage or something.. e.g: hiding behind it moving forward hiding behind it moving forward ect.

but if theres no scenery yeah then i think i have to agree with you.. so B if theres scenery take radagast if theres no scenery take gandalf the grey?
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:13 pm 
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ya, your cavalry need a wizard that can keep up with them (radagast would not be able to help...(unless he can get a horse)) and your cavalry really need that blinding light, cause the cavalry cant hide forever, and the enemy can always have archers at different angles.... so terrain wont do a whole lot for the cavalry... as soon as they show there face everything will be shoting at them (and all that cavalry is expensive) (as its no use shooting the dwarves...).... so cause you need the blinding light, and the horse for the wizard, gandalf is a must (the horse also allows him to line up sorceress blast ) :twisted:
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:24 pm 
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before you finalize your list you need to think about what kind of opponents you might face. and if you can counter most of the common evil deadly stuff (like nazgul (multiple nazgul supporting multiple trolls?), huge numbers ect.... )

gandalf is good here as well as a troll that is on its face and behind his battleline is pretty usless...
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