Guys, I managed to add the missing models to the game module. I mainly added the missing models and corrected some existing models' images.
Now you can play Corsairs, Far Harad, field Mounted Grima, Mounted Hama, Prowlers, Dragon, All named Nazguls foot, steed mounted and on FB, or indicate will points to Barrow-Wights.
And yes John, the Black Numenoreans are ready for you now as promised!
All you need to do is to download the new version from the link below and import it to the software exactly like you did with the previous one. you can still add extentions as usual. Let me know if yu have any trouble downloading it as it's my first time sharing files on mediafire site.
Please let me know if you see any flaws or if you think anything else should be included and I'll try to do it as soon as time allows.
More over, I even added the new infantry tray for testing. It'll be great if anyone trys the tray too for a quick WOTR game to see if it could be workable. If so, I'll add the Cavalry tray and may be the newly rleased models too in the next version, so let me know. The tray works exactly as the Mumak does, you can mount pieces on it and also use "ctrl+a" to turn it around. I have couple of ideas to improve using them and make it easier, but I think I'll wait for your feed-back first.
Here is the link to download the module's new version. ... b9a8902bda
I wish I could test it with you but I'm still experiencing net problems so hope to join you the soonest.
(in case you were wondering, the oher file is a classic cartoon for my arabic

Hope you enjoy it and I'd appreciate your feed-back, so keep it coming mateys.